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The Ultimate Guide to PI Planning

You may be just starting out, or you may have worked with agile methodologies for a while, but we’re sure you can agree that scaling agile in a large organization can be daunting. PI Planning is key to scaling agile, so we’ve developed this guide to help you run successful planning sessions, and build your confidence for your next scaled planning event.

We'll cover:

Let’s start with the basics…

What is PI Planning?

PI Planning stands for Program Increment Planning.

PI Planning sessions are regularly scheduled events where teams within the same Agile Release Train (ART) meet to align and agree on what comes next. Teams will aim to align on goals and priorities, discuss features, plan the roadmap, and identify cross-team dependencies.

The goal is to align the teams to the mission and each other. Here are the essential elements of PI Planning:

  • 2 full day events run every 8-12 weeks (depending on the length of your increments)
  • Product Managers work to prioritize the planned features for the increment beforehand
  • Development teams own user story planning and estimation
  • Engineers and UX teams work to validate the planning

Why do PI Planning?

PI Planning is incredibly beneficial for large-scale agile organizations. PI Planning enables:

  • Communication
  • Visibility
  • Collaboration

To understand the impact, let’s look at an example of a large organization that hasn’t yet implemented PI Planning. This organization has 250 teams and 6,500 team members. These teams rarely speak to each other, outside of dealing with a critical issue that has forced them to collaborate.

Alignment across these teams happens at the leadership team level, and they have multiple levels of managers in between who cascade information down with varying success. There is a constant battle for resources, budget, and opportunities to work on the most exciting projects.

Their projects have a habit of conflicting - one team would release something and then it would break something in another team’s project.

PI Planning is the first time many big companies get their teams together in a room or on the same call to talk to each other. This is a chance to have important conversations about who is working on what.

Why is this important?

  1. When you’re touching a system or a code repository, you need to know how it’s going to impact another team
  2. You might need to do some work to enable another team to work on their feature first (and vice versa)

With proper planning and collaboration, teams can get things done more effectively, release with more predictability, and stay on budget.

All very good reasons to do PI Planning.

What is the goal of PI Planning?

PI Planning is an essential part of the Scaled Agile Framework, a framework that’s designed to bring agile to large companies with multiple teams.

SAFe PI Planning helps teams in the Agile Release Train (ART) synchronize, collaborate, and align on workflows, objectives, releases, and more.

Without PI Planning, teams don’t have structured communication. They may not know what the other teams are working on, which can cause a lot of problems. For example, two teams might be working on different features without realizing there’s a dependency, which could hold up the release or require a significant rework of the code.

The goal of PI Planning is to have all your teams aligned strategically and enable cross-team collaboration to avoid these potential problems.

Now that we’ve covered off the “why”, let’s dig a bit deeper into the “what”. The best way to get a picture of what happens during PI Planning is to take a look at an agenda.

What should be included in the PI Planning agenda?

Here’s a standard PI Planning agenda template:

Day 1 AgendaDay 2 Agenda8:00 - 9:00 | Business Context8:00 - 9:00 | Planning Adjustments9:00 - 10:30 | Product/Solution Vision9:00 - 11:00 | Team Breakouts10:30 - 11:30 | Architecture Vision and Development Practices11:00 - 13:00 | Final Plan Review and Lunch11:30 - 13:00 | Planning Context and Lunch13:00 - 14:00 | ART Risks13:00 - 16:00 | Team Breakouts14:00 - 14:15 | Confidence Vote16:00 - 17:00 | Draft Plan Review14:15 - ??  |Plan Rework?17:00 - 18:00 | Management Review and Problem Solving?? | Planning Retrospective and Moving Forward


This agenda might be perfect for you, or you might make changes based on the needs of your teams.

Distributed teams, very large ARTs, and other factors might require you to be creative with the schedule. Some sessions may need more time, while others can be shortened. If you have teams in multiple time zones, your PI Planning agenda may need to go over 3-4 days. If it’s your first PI Planning event, try the standard agenda, get feedback from your teams, and experiment with different formats next time.

What happens in the first part of the PI Planning meeting?

The first part of the PI Planning meeting is designed to set the context for the planning that happen next.

Day 1 usually kicks off with a presentation from a Senior Executive or Business Owner. The agenda allows an hour to talk about the current state of the business. They highlight specific customer needs, how the current products address these needs, and potential gaps.

After that, the Product Management team will share the current vision for your product or solution. They’ll talk about any changes that have occurred since the last PI Planning session (usually around 3 months prior). They’ll describe what’s coming up, including milestones and the next 10 features that are planned. This session should take around 1.5 hours.

Why is a confidence vote held at the end of PI Planning?

The confidence vote is a seemingly small but very important part of PI Planning towards the end of the event.

It is important the team is confident in committing to the objectives and work that is planned. The Release Train Engineer will ask teams to vote on this.

Everyone participating in planning needs to vote. This could be via a raise of hands (and fingers) or it could be via the tool you’re using. For example, the Team Planning board in Easy Agile Programs allows each team member to enter their confidence vote.

If the average vote across the room is at least three out of five, the plan is a go-ahead. If it’s less it’ll need reworking (until it reaches a high confidence level). If anyone votes just one or two, they’ll have the chance to share their reasoning.

The confidence vote is all about making sure that the attendees are in alignment and that they agree that the plan in its current form is possible within the given timeframe. Speaking of timing, let’s talk about how and where PI Planning actually fits into your company calendar.

When is PI Planning held?

Many companies find that 8-12 weeks (which adds up to 4-6 x 2-week iterations) is the right amount of time for an increment.

Some companies hold quarterly PI Planning, for example:

  • Q1 PI Planning: December
  • Q2 PI Planning: March
  • Q3 PI Planning: June
  • Q4 PI Planning: September

However, the timing and frequency will depend on how long each program increment is scheduled to last and may need to accommodate holidays.

The good thing about PI Planning events is that they happen regularly on a fixed schedule, which means you can plan for them well ahead of time. That means teams and Business Owners have plenty of notice to ensure they can show up for the event.

This means that what happens in preparation for PI Planning can be just as important as the event itself.

What is a pre-PI Planning event and when is it needed?

A pre-planning event - separate to PI Planning - is to make sure that the ART is aligned within the broader Solution Train before they do PI Planning. It’s all about synchronizing with the other ARTs to ensure the solution and organization are heading in the right direction, together.

You’ll need to organize a pre-PI Planning event if you’re operating at the Large Solution, Portfolio, or Full SAFe levels. Essential SAFe is more basic and does not have a Solution Train, so if you’re operating at this level, you won’t need pre-PI Planning so formally.

Here are a few of the roles that should be invited to the pre-planning event:

  • Solution Train Engineer
  • Solution Management
  • Solution Architect/Engineering
  • Solution System Team
  • Release Train Engineers
  • Product Management
  • System Architects/Engineers
  • Customers

They’ll look at the top capabilities from the Solution Backlog, Solution Intent, Vision, and Solution Roadmap. It’s really a lot like PI Planning but at a higher level, across the overall solution and not just the individual ART.

The event starts with each ART summing up their previous program increment and accomplishments to set the context. Next, a senior executive will brief the attendees on the current situation before Solution Management discusses the current solution vision and any changes from what was shared previously. Other things that are often discussed or finalized include:

  • Roadmaps
  • Milestones
  • Solution backlogs
  • Upcoming PI features from the Program Backlog

In the next section, we'll help to define a few key terms that have been touched on.

PI Planning in SAFe

If you’re adopting SAFe for the first time, chances are it will start with PI Planning. That’s because it forms the foundation of the Scaled Agile Framework.

As Scaled Agile says, "if you are not doing it, you are not doing SAFe."


SAFe or the Scaled Agile Framework™ is a series of guidelines and practices designed to help bring agility into larger organizations, across all teams and levels of the business. The framework is geared at improving visibility, alignment, and collaboration and should lead to greater productivity, better results, and faster delivery.

Whether you’re adopting all 5 levels or just essential SAFe, the foundation of your transformation and the driver for everything is the PI Planning ceremony.

Scrum and Kanban are also agile frameworks (that you may be more familiar with), and these have historically been very effective at the individual team level. SAFe helps to scale agility across teams; to have multiple teams come together to work on the same products, objectives, and outcomes. It goes beyond the team level to include every stakeholder, outlining what should happen at each level of the organization to ensure that scaled planning is successful.

The purpose of SAFe is to improve the visibility of work and alignment across teams, which will lead to more predictable business results.

This is increasingly important for organizations as they respond to changing circumstances and customer expectations. The traditional waterfall approaches fall short because they’re slow and inefficient.

Bigger companies (often with thousands of developers) can’t keep up with the innovation of smaller, more nimble startups. Along with bigger teams, larger organizations often have stricter requirements around governance and compliance, making it more complex to launch a new feature and deliver new value to customers.

These companies are looking for new ways to organize people into projects and introduce more effective ways of working that use resources more effectively and provide more predictable delivery. If they don’t, they may not survive.

SAFe is a way for these companies to start moving in a more agile direction.

PI Planning is a vital element of SAFe. It’s a ceremony that brings together representatives from every team to help them work together, decide on top features to work on next, identify dependencies, and make a plan for the next Program Increment. As a result, there’s greater visibility across all the teams, changes are made more frequently, and teams work with each other - not against each other. From there, these massive companies can speed up their processes, work more efficiently, compete with newer and more nimble companies, and stay viable.

SAFe and PI Planning are powerful enablers for organizational agility.

While SAFe is a framework designed for larger organizations, there isn't a reason stopping smaller companies from doing a version of PI Planning, too. All you need is more than one agile team to make it worthwhile.

PI Planning in Scrum

You can also use PI Planning as part of a simple Scrum approach.

Scrum Framework diagram shows when and how scrum teams can implement PI Planning

Scrum Framework diagram shows when and how scrum teams can implement PI Planning


Scrum is an agile framework that helps teams get things done. It’s a way for teams to plan and organize their own work and tackle user stories and tasks in smaller time boxes. This is often referred to as a sprint.

If multiple scrum teams want to work better together (but aren’t necessarily operating within SAFe), they could adopt a version of PI Planning.

For example, these scrum teams could:

  • Meet every 10 weeks and discuss the features they are planning to work on
  • Get product managers to combine backlogs and prioritize together
  • Share resources across the teams, as needed
  • Map dependencies and coordinate joint releases

The good news here is that there’s no “one size fits all” approach to PI Planning, so think about how you could adopt the ideas and principles and make it work for your organization and context.

What is the difference between a PI Roadmap and a Solution Roadmap?

There are different types of roadmaps in SAFe, so it’s important to understand the differences and what each roadmap is meant to do.

PI Roadmap

A PI Roadmap is created before your PI Planning event and also reviewed and updated by Product Management after the event is finished. It will usually cover three Program Increments:

  1. The current increment (work that’s committed)
  2. The next forecasted increment (planned work based on forecasted objectives)
  3. The increment after that (further planned work based on forecasted objectives)

Quarterly PI Planning will outline around 9 months of work. The second and third increments on your PI Roadmap will likely change as priorities shift, but they’re still an important part of the roadmap as they forecast where the product is headed next.

Solution Roadmap

The Solution Roadmap is a longer-term forecasting and planning tool for a specific product or service.

It will usually cover a few years at a time, with more specific details available for year one (like quarterly features and capabilities), and more general information (like objectives) for year two and beyond.

What is a program?

A program is where agile teams are grouped together to form a larger group. This is often referred to as the “team-of-teams” level. In simple terms, a program is a group of agile teams.

When you hear people talking about “team-of-teams” or “scaled agile”, they mean taking agile beyond a single team, and asking more teams to join in.

For example, there might be 4 teams working on a NASA spaceship mission to Mars.

NASA decides they want to see if agile can help these teams do better work. So, to start with, the Oxygen team switches from working with traditional Waterfall project management methods to embracing agile principles.

  1. Launch team
  2. Food team
  3. Oxygen team (Agile)
  4. Landing team

After a few months, NASA decides that the way the oxygen team is working is going well, so the remaining three teams similarly adopt more agile methodologies:

  1. Launch team (Agile)
  2. Food team (Agile)
  3. Oxygen team (Agile)
  4. Landing team (Agile)

Each of these 4 teams are self-organizing, meaning they’re responsible for their own work.

However, now that these teams are all working in the same way, they can be grouped together as a program.

Once you add in the business owners, product management team, systems architect/engineer, and release train engineer, you have all the roles needed to continuously deliver systems or solutions through the Agile Release Train (ART).

What is a program board?

Program Boards are a key output of PI Planning.

Traditionally, they’re a physical board that’s mounted on the wall, with columns drawn up to mark the iterations for the increment, and a row for each team. Teams add sticky notes that describe features they’ll be working on.

  • Feature 1
  • Feature 2
  • Feature 3

Once all the features are added, they work to identify dependencies (features that’ll affect other features) and mark this up by connecting them with red string.

SAFe program boards don’t have to be physical, though. There are a lot of advantages to using a digital program board like Easy Agile Programs, which integrates directly with Jira. We’ll talk more about how you can use Jira for PI Planning towards the end of this guide.

Equip your remote, distributed or co-located teams for success with a digital tool for PI Planning.

Easy Agile Programs

Free Trial

Who is involved in PI Planning?

There are 5 key roles in a PI Planning event:

  1. Release Train Engineers
  2. Product Managers
  3. Product Owners
  4. Scrum Masters
  5. Developers

Here are the responsibilities for each of these roles during PI Planning:

Release Train Engineer

The Release Train Engineer is a servant leader and coach for the ART. Their role focuses mainly on planning and facilitating the PI Planning event. This means they help:

  • Establish and communicate the annual calendars
  • Get everything ready (including pre and post-PI Planning meetings)
  • Manage risks and dependencies
  • Create Program PI Objectives from Team PI Objectives and publish them
  • Track progress towards expected goals
  • Ensure strategy and execution alignment
  • Facilitate System Demos

As the facilitator for the 2-day event, the Release Train Engineer presents the planning process and expected outcomes for the event, plus facilitates the Management Review and Problem Solving session and retrospective.

Product Manager

A Product Manager’s job is to understand the customers’ needs and validate solutions, while understanding and supporting portfolio work.

Before PI Planning happens, Product Managers take part in the pre-PI Planning meeting, where they discuss and define inputs, objectives, and milestones for their next PI Planning events.

In PI Planning, the Product Managers present the Program vision and upcoming milestones. So that they can manage and prioritize the flow of work, they review the Draft plan and describe any changes to the planning and scope based on the Management Review & Problem Solving session. Once the PI Planning event is over, they use the Program Objectives from the Release Train Engineer to update the roadmap.

Following PI Planning, Product Managers play a critical role in communicating findings and creating Solution PI Objectives.

Product Owner

The Product Owners are responsible for maintaining and prioritizing the Team Backlog, as well as Iteration Planning. They have content authority to make decisions at the User Story level during PI Planning Team Breakout sessions.

Product Owners help the Team with defining stories, estimating, and sequencing, as well as drafting the Team’s PI Objectives and participating in the Team Confidence Vote. They’re also responsible for conveying visions and goals from upper management to the team, as well as:

  • Reporting on key performance metrics
  • Evaluating progress, and
  • Communicating the status to stakeholders

Scrum Master

The Scrum Master is a servant leader to the Product Owner and Development team, which means they manage and lead processes while helping the team in practical ways to get things done.

They facilitate preparation for events (including PI Planning) and prepare System Demos. They help the team estimate their capacity for Iterations, finalize Team PI Objectives, and manage the timebox, dependencies, and ambiguities during Team Breakout sessions. The Scrum Master also participates in the Confidence Vote to help the team reach a consensus.


Developers are responsible for researching, designing, implementing, testing, maintaining, and managing software systems.

During PI Planning, they participate in Breakout sessions to create and refine user stories and acceptance criteria (alongside their Product Owner) and adjust the working plan. Developers help to identify risks and dependencies and to support the team in drafting and finalizing Team PI Objectives, before participating in the Team Confidence Vote.

Do you have a key role in PI Planning? See how the right tool can help you manage your release train or program better.

Watch an Easy Agile Programs product demo

How to prepare for PI Planning

If you want to succeed at PI Planning, you need to prepare.

Every PI Planning event relies on good preparation so that your organization and attendees get the most out of the event and achieve your planning objectives.

The first step is to ensure that everyone involved properly understands the planning process. All people participating in PI Planning (along with key stakeholders and Business Owners) must be clear on their role and aligned on strategy.

Any presenters will also need to get content ready for their presentations.

To ensure that the PI Planning event runs smoothly, make sure that the tools you need to facilitate planning are available and working properly. Be sure to test any tech that you are relying on ahead of time (including audio, video, internet connectivity, and access to PI Planning applications), to ensure that your distributed teams can participate in the PI Planning event. Don’t forget to plan for enough food for everyone, too (planning is hungry work).

What happens after PI Planning?

After PI Planning, teams do a planning retrospective to discuss:

  • What went well
  • What went not-so-well
  • What could be better for next time
  • There will also be a discussion of what happens next, which can include things like:
  • Transcribing the objectives, user stories, and program board into your work management tool (like Jira)
  • Agreeing on meeting times and locations for daily stand-ups and iteration planning
  • Making sure that everyone has their belongings and leaves the event rooms clean when they go

The other thing that usually happens after PI Planning events is a post-PI Planning event.

What is a post-PI Planning event?

These are similar to the pre-PI Planning events we looked at earlier. A post-PI Planning event brings together stakeholders from all ARTs within the Solution Train to ensure they’re synchronized and aligned.

Post-PI Planning happens after all the ARTs have completed their PI Planning for the next increment. They present the plans, explain their objectives, and share milestones and expected timelines.

Like PI Planning events, post-PI Planning involves using a planning board, but rather than features, it outlines capabilities, dependencies, and milestones for each iteration and ART. Potential issues and risks are identified, discussed, and either owned, resolved, accepted, or mitigated. And similar to regular PI Planning events, plans go through a confidence vote to ensure they meet the solution’s objectives, and are reworked until the attendees average a vote of 3 or more.

Remote or hybrid PI Planning

PI Planning in person was once standard, but with teams more likely to be distributed, gathering everyone at the office isn't always feasible. This doesn't have to be a barrier.

The most important principle is to ensure that the teams who are doing the work are able to be 'present' in the planning in real-time, if not in person.

This may require some adjustments to the agenda and timing of your planning, but with forethought and support from the right technology, your PI Planning will still be effective.

Tips for remote PI Planning

Remote PI Planning is ideal for organizations with distributed teams or flexible work arrangements. It’s also a lot cheaper and less disruptive than flying folks in to do PI Planning every few months. If you have the right tools and technology, you can run PI Planning and allow everyone to participate, whether they’re in the same room or on the other side of the world.

Here are a few tips for remote PI Planning:

Embrace the cloud

Use online shared planning tools to allow your team to access and interact with information as soon as possible - ideally in real-time. Ensuring that all participants have instant access to the information simplifies the process of identifying dependencies and maintaining a centralized point of reference for your planning. This helps prevent errors that arise from working with different versions and transferring data between sources.

Livestream the event

Live-streaming audio and video from the PI Planning event is a viable alternative to in-person planning. Actively encourage your remote team members to use their cameras and microphones during the event. While it may not fully replicate the experience of having them physically present, it does come remarkably close.

Record the PI Planning event

Ideally, everyone will participate in the PI Planning live. But if your teams are distributed across multiple time zones or some team members are ill, it’s a good idea to record the event. Having a recording to refer back to could also be useful for attendees who want a refresher on anything that has been discussed.

Be ready to adapt

Some teams will change the standard PI Planning agenda to fit multiple time zones, which could mean starting the event earlier or later for some, or even running it across 3 days instead of 2.

Set expectations

A common issue that can arise from having distributed teams tune in remotely is too much noise and interference. Before your first session kicks off, communicate about when it’s acceptable to talk and when teams need to use the mute button. That way, your teams will avoid getting distracted, while still ensuring everyone can participate.

For more tips, check out our blog on how to prepare for distributed PI Planning.

Whether distributed or in person, if your team gets PI Planning right, it makes everything in the upcoming increment so much easier.

📣 Hear how PNI media have embraced virtual PI planning

Common PI Planning mistakes

PI Planning doesn’t always run smoothly, especially the first time. And the framework itself may present a challenge to some organizations. Here are some common mistakes and challenges to keep in mind (and avoid):

Long, boring sessions

Avoid starting your PI Planning event with long sessions filled with dense content. Think of creative ways to make these sessions more engaging, or break them into shorter sessions. Consider different formats that help to involve and engage participants. And be sure to make room for team planning and collaboration.

Tech issues

Any event is vulnerable to technical mishaps, but if you’re streaming audio and video to a distributed team, this can really impact the flow of the event. It’s a good idea to carefully test all the equipment and connections ahead of time to minimize potential problems.

Confidence vote

Some PI Planning participants struggle with the confidence vote concept. People may feel pressure from the room to vote for a plan to go ahead, rather than speaking up about their concerns. Failing to address issues early only increases the risk of something going wrong during the increment.

Time constraints

When you have a large ART of 10 or more teams, there are a lot of draft plans to present and review, so less time is allocated to each team. Chances are that the feedback will be of poorer quality than a smaller ART with 8 teams.

Not committing to the process

PI Planning isn’t perfect and neither is SAFe. However, the process has been proven to work for many organizations, when the organization is committed. Start with the full framework as recommended; you can adapt the framework and your PI Planning event to suit your organization, but be sure to commit to the process that follows. Anything that is half-done will not deliver full results.

Sticking with the same old tools

If something is not working, fix it. For example, too many teams stick with traditional SAFe Program Boards even though they’re not always practical. If the post-it notes keep escaping, the data entered into Jira seems incorrect, or you have a distributed team who want a digital way to be part of your PI Planning event… it’s time to upgrade to a digital program board like Easy Agile Programs.

Using Jira for PI Planning

Jira is the most popular project management tool for agile teams, so chances are you're already using it at the team level.

When you need to scale team agility as part of an ART, it can be difficult to properly visualize the work of multiple teams in Jira. The only way you can do that in the native app is by creating a multi-project board, which is rather clunky.

Traditional PI Planning on a physical board using sticky notes and string may achieve planning objectives for co-located teams, but what happens next? After the session is over, the notes and string need to be recreated in Jira for the whole team so that work can be tracked throughout the increment. This is a cumbersome and time-consuming process that is open to error as sticky notes are transcribed incorrectly, or go missing.

The best way to use Jira for PI Planning is to use an app like Easy Agile Programs to help you run your PI Planning sessions. The integrated features mean you can:

  • Set up a digital Program Board (no more string and sticky notes!)
  • Do cross-team planning
  • Visualize and manage cross-team dependencies, create milestones
  • Identify scheduling conflicts to mitigate risks
  • Get aligned on committed objectives for the Program Increment
  • Visualize an Increment Feature Roadmap
  • Conduct confidence voting
  • Transform Jira from a team-level tool to something that’s useful for the whole ART

Join companies like Bell, Cisco, and Deutsche Bahn who use Jira to do PI Planning with Easy Agile Programs (from the Atlassian Marketplace).

Looking for a PI Planning tool for Jira?

We’ll continue to revisit this guide in the future. If you have any questions about PI Planning or you notice there’s an aspect we haven’t covered yet, send us an email 📫

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  • Workflow

    How SAFe Agile Increases Enterprise Performance

    Many organizations struggle to manage large-scale projects. SAFe can help.

    SAFe gives you the framework and training that you need to make a sustainable change on a large scale. If you want to change on a small team level, department level, or across the enterprise, SAFe shows you how.

    There are many benefits to implementing SAFe. But what exactly is it, and how can you use SAFe to help create a lean enterprise?

    Want to empower your team to implement the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)?

    Try Easy Agile Programs


    SAFe background

    SAFe is the acronym for “Scaled Agile Framework.” As agile focuses on small-scale continuous improvement, SAFe uses its philosophy at an enterprise level.

    SAFe increases business agility, resulting in flexible and responsive teams for large organizations. SAFe uses its own set of values along with Lean-Agile principles.

    This agile framework started when software systems expert Dean Leffingwell became frustrated with traditional work processes in the software industry. He developed the SAFe method to help change work processes that reaped results.

    You can use this framework to instill a Lean-Agile mindset on a large scale. It focuses on constant improvements. As a result, enterprises improve work performance and productivity.

    You can access training through Scaled Agile Inc. to scale work and improve performance in your enterprise.

    Implementing SAFe at the team, program level, or enterprise is completely doable.

    Try Easy Agile Programs for Jira

    SAFe values

    The Scaled Agile Framework uses four core values:

    1. Alignment of business decisions with the business vision, strategy, implementation and goals on a small to large scale.
    2. Built-in quality to produce desirable outcomes that create success.
    3. Transparency: Good decisions can only be made when comprehensive information is available.
    4. Program execution that links back to strategy and vision

    By applying these values, teams and organizations increase engagement by making it clear what they expect of agile team behaviors and actions.

    When everyone works together and understands their responsibilities, the chance of success increases dramatically. SAFe encourages openness and engagement in meeting individual and team responsibilities. So, if an individual or team hits a roadblock, they communicate to find joint solutions to problems.

    At scale, organizations use Lean-Agile methodology to:

    • Drive the on-time delivery of software development products
    • Support quality product deliverables
    • Increase stakeholder engagement and satisfaction
    • Streamline performance based on regular, predictable schedules

    💥 Achieve team alignment at scale: Easy Agile Programs product demo 💥


    What is agile?

    SAFe applies the agile methodology to larger teams. So, let's cover what agile means.

    Agile methodology focuses on flexibility, collaboration, and value delivery. It means constantly adapting, or iterating, a product based on changing user and stakeholder needs. Agile teams rapidly respond to change and quickly adapt, whether they use Scrum or Kanban.

    Every iteration has a set timebox. Team members use these increments to support streamlined workflows. They create, test, and deliver outcomes that work better than traditional work processes.

    What is Lean?

    Lean methodology also plays a role in SAFe.

    The Lean method has its roots in the auto industry. Ford motors, Toyota expanded on Ford's methodology to further minimize waste and deliver value. Now, Lean has a more comprehensive set of principles with practical applications.

    Lean highlights the importance of reviewing value streams to improve efficiency and create more customer value.

    When you use Lean principles, teams create more value, higher performance, and increased productivity. In other words, Lean supports business agility.

    SAFe incorporates this Lean method of work. So, you can also apply SAFe to lean portfolio management (LPM) and many other areas of the organization.

    SAFe Agile principles

    The SAFe Agile framework also focuses on 10 SAFe principles. These principles help link performance, quality, and profits.

    1. “Take an economic view.”
    2. “Apply systems thinking.”
    3. Assume variability; preserve options.” This means no one solution is correct, so teams should keep an open mind when discussing work approaches.
    4. Build rapidly in increments to hasten learning cycles.”
    5. Create milestones on objective analysis of working systems.”
    6. Envision and restrict WIP, limit work batch sizes, and control queue lengths.” Any stoppages and problems lengthen the time to market, increase the use of scarce resources and reduce potential profits. In short, “time is money.”
    7. Apply cadence, synchronize with cross-domain planning.”
    8. Encourage the innate motivation of knowledge within Scrum teams
    9. Spread the decision-making process
    10. Organize goals and work around the value that it creates

    What is SAFe’s big picture?

    If you’re having a tough time trying to visualize SAFe, let’s look at the big picture. Whereas the typical agile team is smale, SAFe offers a way to scale agile methodologies to larger organizations. It focuses on cross-team collaboration and motivates everyone to adopt a Lean mindset.

    This means streamlined work processes and a clearer understanding of which processes create value. It also encourages larger teams to constantly adapt and improve.

    The framework shows how strategic planning can transform into practical work execution. Agile teams use the Agile Release Train (ART) to collaborate at each level of work to make this happen. SAFe also offers training to become a Release Train Engineer to support change.

    At each level, the framework also indicates the SAFe principles that teams must use. By using these principles, they achieve value creation via coordination and a flexible workflow.

    Create and visualise dependences within a single team or between teams

    Focused Team Planning

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    The benefits of implementing SAFe

    Leaders and employees can see the SAFe roadmap and workflow. They can also see the large-scale impact on business agility.

    Some of the benefits of implementing SAFe include:

    • Improving systems thinking across the organization
    • Improving value streams and quality outcomes
    • Increasing productivity
    • Developing team environments through lean thinking
    • Decreasing time-to-market
    • Creating specific methods to achieve goals
    • Generating transparency that clarifies roles, responsibilities, and action
    • Removing silos and aligning smaller teams with the greater whole of the organization
    • Increasing business agility to meet overall organizational goals

    SAFe Agile certification

    You can take advantage of certified SAFe Agile training courses to upskill your agile teams. Scaled Agile Inc. offers various training courses to manage Agile transformation.

    SAFe training courses can help you implement SAFe methodology, lead SAFe teams as a SAFe Scrum Master, and manage Lean portfolios in SAFe.

    SAFe + Jira = Success

    Combine SAFe and Jira, and you have a comprehensive framework for success. After starting with SAFe, enterprises report significant, quantifiable improvements in implementing strategies.

    Check out Easy Agile Programs for Jira. This app helps align teams at scale with its Program Roadmap. Viewing dependencies and other milestones at the ART level. Try it for free.

    Try Easy Agile Programs for Jira

  • Workflow

    How Lean Principles Support Productivity and Performance

    Lean principles focus on delivering greater customer value by using minimal resources. Enterprises use these lean principles to practice continuous improvement based. They base their improvements partly on the practice of zero waste.

    Here, you can improve your knowledge about lean principles to increase productivity. You can also use software tools to support positive change in your work environment.  A lean-agile team is more productive and team members get to share their new knowledge.

    The history of lean principles

    Inspired by Ford’s mass manufacturing system, Eiji Toyoda created the "Toyota Production System.” This served their customers and introduced "Just-in-Time" (JIT) manufacturing.

    JIT means only stocking enough vehicles to streamline rapid production. By only keeping an inventory of required parts on hand, a company saves money and time.

    Starting here, the lean methodology has evolved over time. Now, lean consists of three main concepts of purpose, people, and processes.

    The purpose of lean concepts is to give the customer what they want, reduce waste, and focus on employee morale. It also encourages accountability. Lean promotes ownership of work, problems, and successes.

    Overview of lean principles

    Organizations use lean principles to enhance overall performance. They do this by being careful how they use their scarce resources to meet customer demand.

    The concept and practice of lean principles include:

    1. Elimination of waste
    2. Incorporating quality via end customer value
    3. Generating knowledge among team members
    4. Postponing workflow commitments
    5. Produce rapid delivery
    6. Respecting people
    7. Encouraging holistic process improvements

    Practicing the lean principles

    The lean principles require lean processes and lean tools. Therefore, if you want a lean organization, the leadership must support lean thinking and provide employees (people) with the tools to achieve this aim.

    Here’s how to enact the lean principles:

    Focus on value

    This means producing products that customers want by encouraging them to provide details and feedback about products and services.

    Kaizen is a part of Japanese philosophy that highlights the elimination of waste in a quest to change for the better, thus producing greater customer value.

    Use value stream mapping

    This process involves mapping out all the people and the actions needed to deliver a desirable end product. You get to see which processes work and which do not add value. You also have a better chance of identifying bottlenecks before they become a problem.

    Once you do a bottleneck analysis, you can eliminate obstacles and improve processes. A bottleneck analysis involves getting to the root cause of what is holding up completion of the work and finding better processes to align all work batches that are dependent on each other.

    Develop a logical workflow

    To do this, you’ll focus on implementing the correct steps to create value in a logical sequence.

    You can help streamline workflows by using Scrum sprint principles and break the work into smaller parts. You can also use tools like strategic roadmaps to visualize and improve Scrum or Kanban workflows.

    Develop a pull system

    A pull system ensures that teams know what to do and when, so they use less effort in creating outputs.

    A pull system responds to demand. If there is a demand for a product, you respond by doing whatever is necessary to meet that demand. Knowing there is demand helps reduce non-value processes and optimize resources by using JIT or Kanban.

    Encourage continuous improvement

    You can use the Kaizen approach and other elements of the lean philosophy to enhance continuous improvement by constantly finding ways to do things better.

    One way to do things better is to continue checking your value stream mapping to ensure that everyone stays on board. You must also ensure that all employees participate in lean processes and actively look for ways to improve the supply chain.

    The benefits of implementing lean processes

    Any organization that wants to take the lean principles route can anticipate some excellent benefits.

    Several of these benefits include:

    • Improving team member and team communications
    • Empowering people to make decisions and engage in ongoing positive change
    • Developing integrated cross-functional teams who share knowledge and skills
    • Enhancing end goal delivery to augment end customer value
    • Reducing the overall time to deliver that value to customers

    Besides using Scrum stand-up meetings and software development tools and processes, you can use more lean tools to create a team or organization that embraces lean thinking.

    Lean principles tools

    Organizations can use metrics such as sales data and customer feedback as tools to assess customer demand. But, only after identifying the value can organizations use the lean tool of value stream mapping to further their end goal.

    You can also browse through the information resources at the Lean Enterprise Institute to learn more about lean principles. You can also explore other lean thinking such as Six Sigma, Error Proofing, Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), and other tools to support a lean organization.

    Jira software tools from Easy Agile

    Easy Agile provides organizations and teams with multiple tools to help streamline their workflows. For instance, you can use Jira to help develop logical workflows and get your teams up to speed on lean thinking.

    Tools like Easy Agile Scrum Workflow for Jira are available at no cost to ease this positive change. Another tool that complements value stream mapping is Easy Agile Programs for Jira.

    Adopting lean principles is much easier with the support of Easy Agile resources, so get your lean team going today.

  • Agile Best Practice

    7 Product Management Software Tools to Streamline Development

    You can find dozens of product management tools that fit SaaS goals.

    These tools vary in features, functionality, and pricing. However, one thing is certain: Product management tools are more supportive than ever before.

    Find out what product management can best support your software development.

    What are product management software tools?

    Product management software tools help to guide software development teams through their workflow.

    Product management tools can help team members conduct research, create assessments, do iterations, and plan their product launches. Some tools even support roadmapping product development, so they can support agile teams.

    Development teams can use roadmapping tools to:

    • Streamline product strategy
    • Draw up their product plan
    • Create their product roadmaps
    • Develop user journey maps
    • Manage backlogs
    • Conduct research on customer needs
    • Improve prioritization of product features
    • Determine the length of their Scrum sprints
    • Analyze data for their product research
    • Do process mapping
    • Manage product releases
    • Improve how agile teams collaborate
    • Create new products
    • Deliver better products
    • Message team members

    Using product management tools are ideal when working with remote teams. It is also the solution to increasing collaboration across cross-functional teams.

    Many or most of these product management tools also integrate well with existing software, so it’s no big deal to customize existing systems. You can also customize many of these product management tools to meet your product team’s needs.

    Here are eight of the most recognizable product software tools available to start your new roadmapping journey.

    1. Jira

    Jira is typically seen as the best product management software tool for software development. However, many other industries use Jira for roadmapping and managing their projects. This popularity is due to the fact that Jira offers a free plan, but it goes deeper than that.

    Jira is the ideal software management tool to use in managing Scrum, Kanban, Waterfall, and other agile methodologies. The user interface is intuitive, making it easy and convenient to use whether you’re a product manager for software or other products. Because it is also a convenient tool, you can use it to assign tasks and manage projects and product development.

    Product managers can easily keep track of workflows, agile team responsibilities, and tasks. You get to see where backlogs are building in Scrum or Kanban. You can also manage velocity charts, burndown charts, release burndown and sprint reports with Jira software.

    You can also include software like Slack, GitHub, and others to round off your Jira product management tool.

    Some of the key features you can anticipate in this software include:

    • Visually capturing the product vision to develop better products
    • Collaboration tools to keep teams on board in real-time
    • Gantt charts to view project and product progress
    • A Scrum or Kanban board
    • User-friendly roadmaps
    • Milestone tracking
    • Portfolio management
    • Comprehensive Agle reporting
    • Extensive automation of the product management process
    • The ability to connect codes with issues

    In terms of pricing, small businesses often go for the free plan. Jira’s free plan allows 10 users to access roadmapping and other features simultaneously. The paid plan is about $7 monthly for each user.

    Agile teams using Jira can benefit from Easy Agile Programs for Jira. It helps teams align on their goals, focus on features and epics, and view dependencies. However, all Easy Agile plugins work with Jira. They simplify everything from PI planning to creating personas and roadmaps.

    2. Trello

    Trello uses a card system to manage Kanban and other product development workflows. When the administrator sets up the Trello board, product teams get a visual representation of workflows. They can see user stories, who is responsible for tasks, and an overall view of workflow and product life cycles. All these features and others make for an excellent roadmap tool.

    The disadvantage of this system is that it doesn’t have a calendar. Another drawback is it offers basic folders for task categorization. It will be difficult to use Trello for Scrum, for example, as you have limited access to folders and there are no subfolders. You can however access multiple user stories to streamline workflows for simple projects.

    Despite these drawbacks, Trello does include workflow automation, courtesy of the Butler robot. This little robot feature enables you to set certain rules and calendar triggers so that you can automate repeating assignments. Trello is probably better suited to startups or tracking progress when you have a small salesforce.

    Because the Trello platform is simple (but intuitive), team collaboration is convenient. Communicating via Trello is also user-friendly, helping product teams to immediately see who is doing what and task deadlines.

    While Trello defaults to the Kanban methodology, you can use it for other project types.

    Several features you can look forward to on Trello, include:

    • Prioritization of tasks
    • Tracking deadlines
    • Gantt charts
    • Kanban board
    • Tools for Agile team collaboration
    • Resource and task management
    • Automation of workflows
    • Tracking team member progress
    • Various templates

    Trello has a free plan where product managers can use up to 10 boards for each of their teams. You can also purchase the pain plan on a yearly basis, which costs around $10 per user.

    3. Wrike

    Wrike is as much a tool for streamlining workflows as it is for managing product development. Wrike is flexible, adaptable, and dynamic and is a tool designed for better product decisions.

    You can use it for small product management, single client management, or as an enterprise-wide tool for product management. Wrike is also versatile enough to use in software product development or marketing. This platform also has a special tool for marketing, making it easier to manage salesforce operations.

    Wrike is customizable, so you can include Gantt charts and Kanban boards to improve team member collaboration. Another function of this platform is its Work Intelligence AI tool which product managers can use for automation and predict product risk.

    Wrike works well with Jira, Slack, GitHub, Dropbox, and several other tools. You can also customize other integrations to tailor Wrike for product management teams. If you want to add software which this platform doesn’t support, you can. You simply create the solution you need.

    The most prominent features of Wrike are:

    • The ability to integrate third-party applications
    • Its comprehensive, versatile API
    • Managing multiple template options
    • Permission and access control
    • Importing and exporting data
    • Integration of spreadsheets and tables
    • Convenient task management
    • A user interface for dragging and dropping
    • Categorizing and structuring product tasks
    • Calendar and timeline control
    • Files and documents management
    • Tracking activities and progress
    • Filtering of data
    • Stats and reporting
    • Shared or public workspace

    Wrike offers a free plan for the use of simple features, but you need to pay about $9.80 a month for each user to access more complex functionality.

    4. Productboard

    Productboard is right up there with the likes of Zendesk. It provides one of the best features for gathering user feedback. As every software development team knows, user feedback can make or break product success. With this product, you can categorize customer feedback, turn this into valuable information and prioritize this feedback.

    Productboard lets you track their feedback during the lifecycle of each product via a portal. This portal supports idea exchange and management, which team members use as inputs to increase product value. This software tool is also great for collecting use cases and understanding user behavior to create the right products for customers.

    You can use Slack and email with the Productboard, but if you want additional software integration, you must arrange this yourself. Fortunately, the API in this product is user-friendly to make this happen.

    The main features of Productboard include:

    • Storehouses for product feedback
    • Customer segments that are particularly dynamic
    • The ability to prioritize and categorize customer feedback
    • Transforming feedback into valuable insights
    • A powerful system for value assessment
    • Roadmapping tools that you can customize
    • Prioritization of tasks

    You can get an annual Productboard basic plan at around $20 a month for every user.

    5. ProdPad

    ProdPad takes the user experience into consideration. It has a lean roadmapping function that you can use to highlight goals and objectives. You can experiment with this product software tool to include user feedback in product development. ProdPad is also known as being among the best product management software tools on the market.

    The product roadmap tools are simple to use and include color coding for roadmapping. ProdPad has an easy drag-and-drop feature, privacy settings, and you can use the priority checkpoints as you need.

    Development teams can access an ideas management feature to create priority charts. Here, they can see how backlogs influence impact and effort charts in workflows. You can also simply import data from other sources to boost new product development if necessary.

    One more feature that characterizes ProdPad is the ability of team members to see associations between user ideas and product development. They can also develop customer lists to question further about their product experiences.

    You can collect use cases and understand user behavior better. You can then use all this information as inputs for new product development.

    Features that you can expect from this product management tool are:

    • Idea generation and capture
    • Capture and storage of customer feedback
    • Integration with apps that support customer feedback
    • Integration with other third-party apps
    • Priority charting of ideas
    • Lean product roadmaps
    • Product roadmapping based on objectives
    • Creation of customer portfolios

    You can purchase ProdPad’s Essential Plan at about $149 per month for annual billing. This plan allows you to use three administrators or editors for product planning.

    6. Asana

    Asana is also a useful management platform. You can use it as a solution to roadmap workflows. Asana is popular among small business startups and larger enterprises.

    This management solution is cloud-based. It enables team members to share their workspace and assign and track tasks and work progress. Asana is also an excellent platform for team members to collaborate.

    You don’t get much customer support with Asana. And, although not ideal for complex team management, Asana has many redeeming features, some of which include:

    • Excellent team messaging and collaboration
    • Ideal for outlining detailed goals
    • Efficient for managing multiple tasks and team members
    • A user-friendly dashboard
    • Tracking of milestones
    • Automation
    • Several templates option
    • Project planning functionality
    • Multiple analytics and reporting options
    • Managing resources
    • Tracking of time and expenses

    Asana has a free plan if you can cope with limited features. Paid plans begin at approximately $10.99 per month for each user. The company bills annually.

    7. GLIDR

    There are multiple management solutions for streamlining product workflows. GLIDR offers one more platform from which to achieve product software development goals. You can develop detailed product plans that meet customer expectations. GLIDR highlights the customer experience, so places their feedback at the forefront of the best product deliverables.

    You can manage product research, use cases, and user behavior on this platform. You can then create product specs, link ideas, create viable user stories, prioritize features, and much more.

    GLIDR provides several board view options that help software developers to create themes from ideas. You can also categorize ideas by their status, fill in timelines, or show these ideas on Kanban boards.

    Other helpful functions include the ability to integrate apps such as Intercom and Zendesk with GLIDR. You can also link Jira and Trello with this product management software.

    Product managers and teams can use GLIDR to streamline their workflows, track product progress, create reports and transform roadmaps into the best products possible.

    The primary features of GLIDR include:

    • Product canvasses
    • Public roadmapping
    • Options for research and experimentation
    • Trend scores to rank ideas
    • Prioritization of features
    • Activity feeds
    • Progress tracking and monitoring
    • User-friendly dashboards
    • Reporting that you can export via PDF format

    You can test GLIDR for free for 14 days. Then, the cheapest option is about $8 per person, per month for a team of five people. GLIDR bills annually and has three other plan options that give you access to more features.

    Up your game with Easy Agile

    One way to up your product management software game is to take advantage of Easy Agile resources. You can either use our Jira apps to integrate with existing product management platforms or give your existing system a boost.

    Select from apps for Kanban Workflow for Jira or boost product development performance with User Story Maps for Jira.

    Up your game with Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira to guide your team to product success or use our Programs for Jira for Program Increment Planning.

    Whichever apps you choose (all of them?), you can improve product team management with the best product management software available.

  • Agile Best Practice

    What Is a Scrum Master, and How Do You Become One?

    What is a Scrum Master? The Scrum Master guides the daily Scrum in projects or software development to streamline processes as much as possible. This person applies agile methodologies to guide successful project outcomes.

    If you want to become a Scrum Master, learn what defines this role. Explore its duties and how the servant leadership style supports carrying out the various responsibilities it involves.

    Find out how the Scrum Master's role benefits product or project development. Finally, discover what qualifications you need to become a Scrum Master and what job types you can apply to complete your studies.

    What is a Scrum Master’s role?

    A Scrum Master's role is dynamic. They must be flexible and adapt to various circumstances, because the Scrum Master serves a vital role in managing projects.

    Every product development project needs a different approach. The Scrum Master must adapt their approach to each position and even play the role of an agile coach at times.

    Whatever role the Scrum Master takes on, they play a servant leader role (we’ll review what this is later). So, their responsibilities vary when guiding the team's progress.

    Some ways that the Scrum Master works with team members and product owners include:

    • Sprint planning with team members and product owners to check that everyone understands what needs to be done
    • Solving issues such as work estimation, scope creep and over-committing to work volumes
    • Holding daily standup meetings to discuss product issues, backlogs, and any other team member concerns
    • Acting as a facilitator to limit blockers that hold the team back from completing iterations on time. The Scrum Master also handles any roadblocks by improving workflows
    • Having sprint reviews that ensure team collaboration and helpful feedback
    • Holding retrospectives to see how team members can improve
    • Monitoring the Scrum board to ensure that all cards are current and that Jira and other software works properly
    • Hosting individual meetings to get to know and help team members one-on-one
    • Handling portfolio planning tools such as analyzing burndown charts. They use burndown charts and other tools as inputs into what the team needs to build and the cadence levels for their work.
    • Making sure that the team members use agile guidelines in their projects. These guidelines help team members meet stakeholder needs.

    At the end of the day, the Scrum Master champions the Scrum process for successful project outcomes.

    Servant leadership

    Part of answering the question, “What is a Scrum Master”? involves looking at leadership styles. These styles include bureaucratic, democratic, transactional, and many others. One style that fits well with the role of the Scrum Master is to be a servant leader, an approach that works well with small teams.

    Servant leaders:

    • Support a team spirit
    • Share responsibility
    • Share decision-making
    • Focus on achievements instead of faults

    Servant leaders find solutions which promote workflows and stakeholder satisfaction.

    Scrum Master according to Scrum methodology

    The Scrum Guide, written by Ken Schwaber, provides an excellent outline of the diverse responsibilities of the Scrum Master. Here are some of this person’s roles:

    • Adopting the role of an agile coach to lead organizational transformation using the Scrum methodology
    • Planning Scrum applications to help the organization understand how the new iterative workflow process works and adapt to changes
    • Guiding leaders, managers, and other stakeholders in understanding the benefits and applications of the Scrum product development methodology
    • Helping increase the Scrum team's productivity
    • Collaborating with other organizational Scrum Masters within the organization to help team members adopt agile principles
    • Promoting positive working relationships between team members, product owners, and other stakeholders
    • Guiding sprint planning, daily stand-up meetings, sprint reviews, and product backlog items

    Scrum Master challenges

    While the Scrum Master supports a streamlined workflow, their job is not always as simple as it sounds. Here are some challenges they may encounter:

    1. Change resistance

    Scrum Masters’ concepts may be new to employees, so Scrum Masters can encounter resistance. Either way, the Scrum Master must create solutions to dealing with any resistance to change.

    2. Lack of understanding

    Not everyone will understand or even like agile processes. A good Scrum Master must overcome this and to help teams connect principles with practical implementation to assimilate agile practices.

    3. Gaining leadership support

    Scrum Masters can only do their work effectively if they have the full support of leadership. Scrum processes can be pretty challenging, which initially disrupts old processes, making transformation difficult.

    Managers may be afraid that the Scrum Master will usurp their authority. Departments may not want to adapt their processes, but the Scrum Master must use agile coach techniques to overcome fears and unwillingness to adapt.

    Unless the Scrum Master has the full buy-in of leadership, any change initiative will derail before it even starts.

    How Scrum Master positions can work

    Role rotation. Agile teams rotate the responsibility of this role between members. For example, each team member does admin tasks for each Scrum meeting.

    Part-time role. The Scrum Master takes on additional responsibilities.

    Full-time role. The Scrum Master takes on a dedicated, full-time role. They must have the experience to do this work and skillfully show the team how to apply agile practices.

    Guiding many teams. A Scrum Master guides several development teams. They monitor the work progress for several teams.

    Agile coach. This Scrum Master role involves coaching teams or other Scrum Masters.

    If the Scrum Master role interests you, you should know that Scrum Master jobs are common, partly due to the popularity of the agile method.

    Organizations often look for ways to improve product development. They want Scrum Masters to help guide the process to get products to the market quicker.

    You can look on LinkedIn for positions for good Scrum Masters. Their research shows that these positions are in high demand, so you can improve your skills with Scrum Master certifications. Your prospects are diverse as you can work in manufacturing, health, government, education, and many others.

    Scrum Masters can get a Certified Scrum Master (CSM) qualification. They can also be a Professional Scrum Master.

    How to become a certified Scrum Master offers various resources, including Scrum certifications and training. So, if you want to follow a career in agile methodologies and lead a Scrum team, you can become a CSM or a PSM. You can also opt to train through the Scrum Alliance, which has been operating since 2001.

    Hundreds of thousands of Scrum Masters have attained qualifications through these organizations. Both provide recognizable certifications at various Scrum Master levels, so perhaps it's time to boost your career.

    You can achieve a Professional Scrum Master (PSM) certificate from This is available at three different levels, including:

    • The PSM I certificate. This certificate shows that students understand Scrum and its applications as per the Scrum Guide.
    • The PSM II certificate is proof that you can apply the Scrum principles and practices in a complex real-work situation.
    • PSM III certificate. This certificate shows that students have an in-depth understanding of Scrum Values and can apply Scrum principles and practices in complex environments and situations.

    Anyone who wants to improve their career opportunities can sign up with Scrum Alliance to get their CSM certification. You can become a:

    • Certified ScrumMaster (SCM). This certificate focuses on servant leaders and how to help the Scrum team work together to enact the Scrum framework.
    • Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO). This certificate is for anyone involved in the business aspect of projects. If you want to know more about product development, productivity, and meeting stakeholder needs, this one is ideal.
    • Certified Scrum Developer (CSD). This certificate is good when you want to know how to apply techniques and tools to build great software products. You will learn how to apply iterative Scrum methods in this certification process.
    • The Certified Scrum Professional (CSP) learns how to improve Agile methodology implementation in each project they guide.

    Take your career up a notch.

    Easy Agile provides a range of resources to help Scrum Masters achieve their agile methodology goals. In addition, you can access resources such as our learning hub and webinars to improve your skills.

    Scrum Masters can also explore Easy Agile Programs for Jira to enhance the software development team’s experience. Another excellent resource is Easy Agile Scrum Workflow for Jira.

    Enhance your Scrum Master role with resources that make your work easier by overcoming resistance to new learning curves.

  • Agile Best Practice

    Don’t Make These 5 PI Planning Mistakes

    When it comes to SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework), PI planning is a critical first step in preparing a team. The gathering, often held quarterly, brings together a team, including software developers, team leaders, stakeholders, and everyone in between. Together, they complete essential planning.

    While most PI planning used to occur in one big room, today’s remote and distributed teams have paved the way for online and hybrid PI planning events. It doesn’t matter so much where the session takes place, so long as it continually occurs with advance planning, team buy-in, and event execution.

    We created an ultimate guide to PI Planning, which we continue to update with the latest trends, planning questions, resources, and tools. But in the post, we’ll focus on one specific aspect of PI planning — the mistakes you should avoid. ❌

    The complete PI Planning solution for Jira

    Easy Agile Programs

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    What is PI Planning, and why is it so important?

    PI Planning is Program Increment Planning, which is a recurring session for teams within the same Agile Release Train (ART) to meet, align, and plan what comes next.

    The planning session provides time for teams and stakeholders to align on a shared vision, discuss features, identify cross-team dependencies, and plan the roadmap that will move everything forward. Adopting SAFe begins with PI Planning, and that solid starting point is critical to the success of SAFe.

    PI Planning events form the foundation of how your team works together and how a product/project develops. It’s a real-time event that typically brings a team together under one roof, which is why it’s also called big room planning. However, it doesn’t matter if your team plans together in person or if you use online tools to run remote PI Planning. The important part is making sure teams can plan in real-time and that the PI Planning session results in critical PI objectives that will set the team up for success.

    If your team is successful at the PI Planning process, you will:

    ✅ Build trust, rapport, and collaboration between team members, product managers, different business teams, and stakeholders

    ✅ Align on key business values, objectives, and goals

    ✅ Spot dependencies and other issues before they disrupt workflow

    ✅ Enhance problem solving and decision making

    ✅ Understand what’s expected of each team member going into the next sprint

    ✅ Gain valuable insight from key stakeholders and business owners

    ✅ Ground the team in reality with expectations, timelines, and clear goals

    Easy Agile Programs: Equip your remote, distributed or co-located teams for success with a digital tool for PI Planning.

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    PI Planning mistakes to avoid

    If you can identify the potential pitfalls of PI planning, you have a better chance of avoiding them. Don’t fall prey to these common mistakes:

    1. Skipping or not prioritizing PI Planning

    2. Failing to thoroughly plan in advance

    3. Running long or boring sessions

    4. Allowing remote restraints to stand in your way

    5. Missing out on retrospective insights

    1. Skipping or not prioritizing PI Planning

    Scaled Agile, Inc. says that “PI Planning is essential to SAFe: If you are not doing it, you are not doing SAFe.” This couldn’t be more true!

    PI Planning is an absolutely essential aspect of SAFe, and there’s no scenario in which it should be skipped or undervalued. Failing to effectively run a PI Planning meeting can have dire consequences for product development.

    Work inevitably gets busy, and when product development falls behind or roadblocks come up, something has to give. However, no matter how tempting it may be, never allow your PI Planning to get pushed, delayed, scaled back, or skipped altogether.

    Set your PI Planning date well in advance and stick to that date to ensure everyone can be available and prepared.

    2. Failing to thoroughly plan in advance

    Pre-PI planning is essential to the success of your event. You’ll have limited time as a group, so it’s essential that you use it wisely once the time comes.

    Plan the date well in advance to ensure everyone can attend and access planning materials. Before your upcoming PI, make sure your backlog items are refined and ready so precious time isn’t wasted during the PI event.

    3. Running long or boring sessions

    PI Planning often includes long and heavy sessions, which can kill the vibe and stifle creativity and problem solving. 😴

    Do all that you can to engage the team and keep sessions short. This can help a team participate more, invest in the session, and problem solve more effectively. Look for creative ways of running sessions that engage more than just the energetic few. Carefully consider timelines, and ensure no session runs too long to prevent boredom or wasted time.

    4. Allowing remote restraints to stand in your way

    There may be different challenges with running PI Planning remotely. But with advanced planning and the right tools, you can run a successful planning session no matter where your team is located.

    Don’t neglect your PI Planning because your team is remote or temporarily working remotely. There are plenty of tools that can help remote teams engage online with team breakouts, video conferencing, online sticky notes, and PI Planning plugins.

    Virtual breakout sessions are essential to ensuring the right people can engage at any given time and that no time is wasted. Carefully plan your remote PI Planning to ensure everyone is prepared and knows where and when they need to participate online.

    5. Missing out on retrospective insights

    Not to sound like a broken record, but retrospective 👏🏿 insights 👏🏻 are 👏🏾 important 👏🏽.

    We know there’s only so much time allocated for PI Planning and so much to get done, but you need to make time for a short retrospective. Otherwise, you’ll never truly learn how to improve. A post-PI Planning session will allow your team to discuss the planning event, including what went well, what didn’t go well, and what could be improved for next time.

    Make sure you record retrospective insights and implement important ideas into the next PI planning meeting. After all, it wouldn’t be agile if you didn’t continually try to improve your systems.

    Level up your PI Planning with Easy Agile Programs

    Effective planning begins with using the right tools, which is all the more important as teams do PI Planning remotely or with distributed teams.

    Easy Agile builds products designed to help agile teams plan efficiently and effectively. Easy Agile Programs for Jira is ideal for helping teams effectively manage programs with streamlined visibility. It’s a complete PI Planning solution for all types of Jira users — including distributed, remote, or face-to-face.

    What are the benefits of Easy Agile Programs?

    With Easy Agile Programs, you can:

    • Build a program board in Jira
    • Effectively manage programs with streamlined visibility
    • Understand the health of your program backlog/program increments
    • Make real-time iterations
    • Rework and adapt your PI Planning to the needs of your team.
    • Spot feature level dependencies
    • Deliver alignment at a large scale
    • Create milestones and team swimlanes
    • Align development teams or multiple different teams on goals and timelines

    Try Now

    Learn more about the benefits of Easy Agile Programs and try it free for 30 days. We believe in being transparent about our product vision, which means you can follow our product journey, including new features, what we’re working on, and what we hope to accomplish in the future.

  • Workflow

    Scrum Workflow: Roles, Stages, and Automation Options

    You can stick to manual Scrum workflow, or you can automate with free Jira software. We know which method we prefer.

    Whichever you choose, implementing the Scrum framework creates a streamlined workflow. Each person has a specific role throughout the framework's steps.

    The Scrum workflow provides team members with a simple process to help teams meet stakeholder needs.

    While agile methodology aligns with Scrum, Kanban, and Lean, here, we’ll focus on what a Scrum workflow is and how this methodology can support organizational teamwork.

    What is Scrum?

    Teams use the Scrum framework to guide their workflow. Having a structure to follow means they can easily share, track and improve their deliverables.

    Scrum divides work into smaller work parcels known as sprints, which typically last 2-4 weeks. Once the sprint is over, team members do a sprint retrospective meeting (also known as a sprint review) to chat about what worked well and what can be improved.

    Scrum roles

    Let’s look at the different roles that make up a Scrum team.

    1. Product owner

    The product owner has a core role in the Scrum workflow. They guide agile team discussions about product backlog items and features. In addition, product owners guide quality assurance to make sure deliverables are up to par.

    2. Scrum Master

    The Scrum Master will closely follow the principles in the agile manifesto to support sprint planning. Scrum masters guide development teams through agile methods to add value for stakeholders.

    3. Software development team

    Development teams are skillful and cross-functional. Teams that work in agile software development environments will typically include designers, developers, testers, and others to prevent the need for external assistance.

    With the basics in place, we can take a closer look at the agile workflow stages.

    Components of the Scrum workflow

    The Jira workflow involves an iterative feedback cycle that focuses on creating value throughout the product development process. You can use the basic Scrum workflow steps or customize these.

    The parts of an agile workflow are as follows.

    1. Backlog development

    A product roadmap guides team members in creating user stories and product requirements, which make up the sprint backlog. In the backlog, teams propose a list of features or user stories that the team must deliver. Product owners decide which features will make up the backlog.

    2. Backlog release

    Produce owner and team collaboration now decide which user stories will make it into each backlog release. Each backlog release is the completion of a smaller set of activities which eventually make up a sprint release. After completing this planning and setting timeframes for each action item, team members choose specific features for each sprint.

    3. Sprint work

    In a sprint, team members complete a set of backlog tasks within predetermined timeframes (usually 14-28 days). During this time, the agile team builds the product features from a specific sprint backlog.

    Scrum or sprint meeting

    Teams also hold Scrum or sprint meetings. During sprint meetings, the team sets a sprint goal (usually work on a specific feature). They agree on which product backlog items to complete in order to complete this product iteration. The team will prioritize, plan, and estimate the time needed to complete each task within the sprint.

    Daily stand-ups

    Agile teams use these daily standup meetings to track their agile workflow towards meeting sprint goals. Daily standup meetings are typically held — naturally — standing up, as they should last no more than 15 minutes. Standup meetings help teams discuss solutions to daily work issues.

    4. The burndown chart

    Team members can use Jira software to create their burndown charts. Burndown charts show original time estimates compared to real-time activities, which shows where expectations or team resources need to be adjusted.

    5. Testing

    During testing, the team demonstrates product functionalities for stakeholders. Feedback from product testing guides any needed changes.

    6. Sprint retrospective and follow-up planning

    The final phase of the Jira workflow is to hold a sprint retrospective. Sprint retrospectives are post-mortems on the previous workflow. At this stage, agile teams question what they did well, what didn't go as they hoped, and what changes they should make in the next sprint. Groups hold these sprint retrospectives to concentrate on better value deliverables through continuous improvement.

    Jira software offers a visual display of the team's velocity, task progress, and project status. All these elements link back to the user story, and the group begins a new lifecycle to complete their project.

    Create your Jira Scrum workflow in a few simple steps

    You can either carry on using a manual Scrum process or transition to an automated Jira workflow for Scrum.

    To create an automated, custom workflow, go to the Jira workflow designer. From there, you can manage the workflow scheme for your Jira project. You can also organize backlogs, complex workflows, workflow statuses, or view an issue status using custom fields.

    In your workflow, you can:

    • Use statuses like "In progress" or "Under review."
    • View status items on lines for transitions.
    • See issue resolutions.
    • Check conditions that restrict assignee roles in bumping up issues to the following stage.
    • Use validators to limit who can make transitions.
    • Link further changes with transitions.
    • Use triggers for automating transitions within specific parameters.
    • Set workflow properties for transitions.
    • Establish a link between the simple or complex workflow and issue types using workflow schemes.

    As the agile team goes through the product lifecycle in a series of sprints, they need a tool to guide their journey.

    With the free Easy Agile Scrum Workflow for Jira plugin, you can move Jira issues between the "To do," "In progress," and "Done" sections. You can also use the top right button to drag and drop specific issue types in the "Backlog" and "Selected for development" areas on the board.

    More features from the Jira workflow plugin

    In terms of automation, plenty of tools are available. You can use Easy Agile’s free Jira workflow plugin as valuable support for agile project management. This can help you create complex workflows and save all the details in the Jira cloud, ensuring nothing is ever lost. The free Jira workflow plugin also includes your burndown chart and sprint report.

    Add the Confluence wiki tool to your Jira software for greater team collaboration. Also, use the Team Calendars add-on for better team collaboration.

    Automate your Jira workflow now

    Don’t wait for providence to come knocking on your door. Automate your Scrum workflow today with software that works.

    We design agile apps for Jira with simple, collaborative, and flexible functionality. From team agility with Easy Agile TeamRhythm, to scaled agility with Easy Agile Programs, our apps can help your agile teams work better together, and deliver for your customers.

  • Product

    How Strategy Roadmaps Turn Strategic Visions Into Action

    Most strategies fail because the execution falls short.

    A strategy roadmap helps bridge this gap between vision and actions. It gives you a visual of how to execute a strategy, and it outlines key results in an appropriate time frame. (The product roadmap embodies the same principles but on a smaller scale.)

    Basically, the strategic roadmap can help team leaders plan how to achieve the goals of a strategic vision and share the business vision with stakeholders.

    Here, you’ll learn why you need a roadmap and how to plan one.

    Why do you need a strategic roadmap?

    Business plans are ideas on paper. Strategy roadmaps are practical.

    Agile teams and leaders often outline a strategic plan to achieve a company vision. However, most leaders do not define how to achieve this vision.

    Strategic roadmaps fill the gap between business strategy creation and implementation, so team members know exactly what to do.

    A roadmap gives a visual representation of what tasks need to be carried out. It also clarifies stakeholder roles and responsibilities and helps evaluate whether you have enough resources to achieve your goals. Lastly, it can be used as a communication tool for teams and stakeholders.

    Without roadmapping, organizations can lose sight of the vision, communications become unclear, and teams fall short.

    When you create a strategic roadmap, you are making an in-depth plan for meaningful changes. You also understand why the changes are necessary, what tasks to undertake to realize those changes, and the sequence in which specific actions must occur.

    Create your strategic roadmap in 6 steps

    Once you understand the need for change and the sequence to apply the changes, you can establish a strategic roadmap for any process.

    Remember that while you're roadmapping, you should always link your strategic roadmap objectives with the business vision as you work through these steps.

    1. Understand the change you want to achieve

    Ask yourself what obstacles stand in the way of achieving the vision. Once you outline the challenges you face, you can establish ways to overcome them.

    2. Establish short-term objectives

    Here, you need to develop long-term strategic plans and short-term objectives. Then, you can figure out how to achieve them. Each short-term objective must link to a specific goal from the business vision.

    3. Evaluate your resources

    Here, product managers should address their resources (staff, time, finances, technology, etc.) and whether these are enough to achieve their strategic goals. If not, you’ll either need to adjust the plan or find more resources.

    Keep relevant KPIs in mind when evaluating your resources. For example, if you want to monitor customer acquisition, you may need additional software to measure current and future service levels.

    You can use change indicators to show where your resources are at for each strategic roadmap action.

    Change indicators can include:

    N: No change needed

    L, M, H: A low, medium, or high-level change is necessary

    New: New capabilities are required to bring about change

    Link these indicators with each objective.

    4. Plan how you’ll gain resources

    Now, you need to develop a process to gain any needed resources.

    An example of this: To increase sales, you’ll hire a new salesperson. That means chatting with human resources about searching and assessing candidates.

    5. Develop the initiatives

    You should now question how to group actions. With a software development project, you’ll follow a Scrum workflow process. This means you’ll break features down into smaller action items for easier delivery to meet sprint targets.

    As in step 4, you may identify more initiatives than you can manage. Use prioritization metrics, use a SWOT analysis, or a balanced scorecard to decide which initiatives to tackle first. One way to do this is to number the initiatives by their importance and limit each action's importance. You will probably end up only implementing the top five initiatives, depending on your capabilities.

    6. Create the strategy roadmap

    Gather all the information from these steps, and record them in an official document or presentation.

    When creating the roadmap, consider:

    • Simplifying the road mapping process so all stakeholders can understand
    • Clearly communicating why the change is necessary and how the roadmap helps with the visualization of the impending process
    • Showing what changes should be made and how these will solve the problem
    • Making direct associations between the "why," "what," and "how" so that you can record any needed alterations

    Where can you use a strategic roadmap?

    There are many possible uses for a strategy roadmap. Here are several examples to consider:

    1. Getting buy-in from investors

    A startup can use a strategy roadmap to give potential investors everything they need to know about the company’s goals.

    A startup roadmap is an excellent complement to a business plan. Both formats demonstrate in-depth thinking about existing capabilities and how you can move from a current to a future state. Prioritization of capabilities also demonstrates reliable strategic thinking.

    2. Product road mapping

    As mentioned, the product roadmap is like a small-scale strategic roadmap.

    Team leaders must also develop a product strategy and show product teams how to achieve those changes. Product roadmaps help to clarify new product development and iterations and link dependencies.

    The outcome is the development of successful products.

    (Pro tip: Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira can help you create the perfect product template.)

    3. Capability-based planning

    You can use a strategic roadmap to create change across the organization. Your business plan should address the people, processes, and physical changes you’ll need for a successful change initiative. Prioritize the most important initiatives, and list these on your roadmap to provide a practical course of action for team members to follow.

    Make a strategic vision a reality with a strategic roadmap

    Product teams can clarify backlogs and timeframes and prioritize resources with product roadmaps. Managers can link strategic visions with strategic roadmaps. Roadmaps help bridge the divide between strategy and goal achievement.

    Start enacting your vision with a strategy roadmap initiative today. To get started, check out Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira. Then, follow whichever roadmap template you need to achieve your goals.

  • Workflow

    7 Product Launch Planning Strategies for Development Teams

    Simply developing a product doesn’t mean it’ll be a success. Plenty of elements determine how well a product is received — and a lot of that begins with product launch planning.

    How will you unveil your product to the world? Who will be able to access your product when it first launches? What features do you need for the product's initial development, and what features should be saved for further down the road? How do you make sure everything is ready in time for the launch date you’re hoping for?

    Product launch planning melds your development strategy and your sales and marketing strategy to ensure every department works together and aligns on key goals. It’s a whirlwind of a race to the finish line, but it’s also an exciting time for product developers. How will your product be received? What will customers and stakeholders think?

    In this post, we discuss seven key strategies for successful product launch planning. Time for takeoff! 🚀

    1. Set clear goals and define what success looks like

    Set clear objectives and be realistic about what you hope to accomplish. Setting lofty, unattainable goals will distract from what matters most, and it can lead to disappointment, lack of motivation, and reduced morale.

    Be clear about who on the product team is responsible for what and ensure team members outside of product development, including sales teams and marketing teams, are involved in product launch planning.

    How will you go to market? What do you hope to accomplish with your launch? What product launch planning needs to happen before you can move forward? What pre-launch deliverables are critical to moving development forward? What roadblocks could prevent your success?

    When you understand what you are trying to accomplish, it’s easier to tell when you’re successful. Don’t leave anything open-ended so that everyone on the team knows what you’re working toward and how to get there.

    2. Get to know your audience

    Great products are developed when customer needs are at the forefront of decision making. No matter what stage of product launch planning you’re in, you should always keep the customer journey top of mind. Consider how each decision you make brings value to your customers.

    Customer personas describe important details about a target audience, such as pain points, behavioral patterns, demographics, goals, and buying habits. Deeply understanding who you are building a product for and what they need is vital to a successful product and a successful product launch.

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm supports user story mapping, helping teams empathize with customers so that development and launch decisions can be made based on what will provide the most value to your target market.

    3. Gather feedback and test, test, test

    Test, test, test! We can’t say this enough. You need to continually test, ask questions, and gather market research.

    Get your product in front of stakeholders and customers frequently to gather feedback along the way. The more you learn as you develop your product, the more issues you will sort out as you go, and the better the project will be in the end.

    The testing process will also give you a deeper insight into what your users are looking for, so you can better meet customer needs. How do they interact with the product? What issues arise? What questions do they have? Do they understand how to use it? What features are they looking for?

    Gather as much feedback as possible so you can continually improve the product leading up to the launch. Bring your stakeholders and customers into your process to better understand their needs and how you can provide consistent value.

    4. Use comprehensive tools to track product launch planning

    Product launch planning is a complex process with many moving parts, team members, and deadlines. Having the right tools is essential to the success of the launch. The whole team needs to be able to see what is planned, what is expected, and how each piece leading up to the launch is connected.

    Establish a clear product launch plan template that guides the team forward. Backtrack from the desired launch date to create a launch timeline that recognizes everything that needs to get done before the product is put out into the world.

    A product launch roadmap is an effective tool for tracking your progress. Roadmaps help teams align their vision, keep track of specific product launch dates, and provide a clear visual of the most critical prioritizations.

    Learn how to create a product roadmap template with Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira. They help teams align around a product vision and launch strategy to continually bring value to customers.

    5. Focus on an initial great product, not features

    Focus on your minimum viable product first. This is your top development priority before launching — no matter how tempting other fancy features may be.

    Fancy features may be appealing, but they could slow down development, add unnecessary stress on the team, and cause unwelcome issues right before you’re supposed to launch your product. Put in the work to develop a product that meets stakeholder needs and delights customers. If this goes well, there will be plenty of opportunities to zero in on other features down the road.

    6. Expect the unexpected

    No matter how much feedback you gather and how many tests you run, there are always surprises when it comes to launching a new product. Launch day may not go as smoothly as you hoped. It’s okay if things don’t go exactly as you expected, so long as you’ve prepared for these possibilities and can adjust.

    Extensive product launch planning will help you navigate surprises. It also helps to practice the motions beforehand. Give yourself time before the new product launch to review and practice the steps that need to play out. Rehearse your process to smooth out as many possible hiccups as you can. The extra time you spend running through the motions will also help ease the nerves of the team members involved in the launch process.

    7. Hold a retrospective after the launch

    After all is said and done, there’s still one more important step to your product launch planning. A retrospective helps teams examine the launch strategy and how everything played out. What went well? What didn’t go so well? And what can be learned from the process?

    Even if you won’t launch another product any time soon, a post-launch retrospective is a great opportunity to learn from your experience. You can take these insights and success metrics into account when launching future features or other products down the road. Plus, it gives the team a chance to debrief after launch activities conclude.

    Let’s recap those strategies one more time:

    1. Set clear goals and define what success looks like.

    2. Get to know your audience.

    3. Gather feedback and test, test, test.

    4. Use comprehensive tools to track product launch planning.

    5. Focus on an initial great product, not features.

    6. Expect the unexpected.

    7. Hold a retrospective after the launch.

    Learn more on the Easy Agile blog

    There’s more where this came from. We’re dedicated to helping teams work better using agile tools and practices. We make simple, collaborative, customer-focused plugins for Jira, and we regularly publish articles on strategies, agile information, and how-to guides for product managers and agile teams.

    Follow us on LinkedIn for the latest agile resources, guides, and product news.

  • Workflow

    Sprint Retrospective Templates to Help Run Better Sprints

    Agile retrospectives are a time to reflect on the sprint before. During this time, the Scrum team decides on the agile retrospective template to use during retrospective meetings. A sprint retrospective template provides a structure for retrospective meetings. These retrospective templates guide agile teams in analyzing their previous sprint.

    What is an agile retrospective?

    Teams use agile retrospective meetings to improve the next sprint. As the team members move through the product life cycle, they gain new learning after each sprint retrospective, which they apply to the next sprint.

    The focus of the sprint retrospective meeting

    Sprint retrospective meetings ask four questions, as listed below. The agile team places these four questions in the four quadrants of their retrospective template. (Note: Team members can use a whiteboard or sticky notes to set up their meetings. Or they can use Jira software to facilitate remote team meetings in real-time.)

    Co-located agile teams can also use whiteboards and sticky notes to do an agile retro. But for remote teams, agile retrospective template software allows all team members to participate in sprint meetings.

    Here are the four question areas for discussion:

    • What went as planned?
    • Where could the team have made improvements?
    • What should team members do in the next sprint?
    • What confuses the team?

    1. What went as planned?

    The agile retrospective requires in-depth analysis. Team members can chat about what they enjoyed, which methodologies worked for them, and what agile ideas are worth taking into the next sprint.

    Typical questions that agile teams ask in this first stage include:

    • What were team members happy with?
    • What actions delivered positive results?
    • What processes or actions should the agile team continue with?
    • Should anyone receive a special thanks for their contribution?

    2. How could the team have improved?

    Stakeholders examine where they went wrong and try to find the root cause of the issues. Brainstorming involves what they could have tried previously, where improvements are needed, and what processes or actions they can test in the next sprint.

    Here are some ways to make this question more concrete:

    • What has the team previously not tried that might work?
    • What is one new thing that we could attempt?
    • What new tactics or actions can we test next?

    3. What should team members do in the next sprint?

    In this part of the template, the team explores new ideas for how to improve their follow-up approach. New ideas can be risky, so the Scrum team should carefully consider opportunities for improvement. The idea in this questioning phase is to clarify problem areas, where value was not produced, and what was puzzling in the previous sprint.

    In this round, the team should discuss:

    • What didn’t work?
    • What did the team do that did not produce value?
    • Which areas specifically require improvements?
    • What did not go as anticipated?
    • What issues in the previous sprint are confusing?

    4. What still confuses the team?

    In this section, the team should focus on areas that weren’t as effective or did not go as anticipated and what areas need improving. Other relevant areas include where the agile team didn’t deliver value, focus areas that require development, and what was confusing about the sprint.

    Here, it’s important to talk about:

    • What questions still remain unanswered?
    • What outcomes still require further investigation?
    • Is the team following processes that don’t deliver clear value?

    Through a process of iteration, the Scrum team brainstorm to come up with real-time solutions to take over to the next sprint. Using retrospective ideas, the team populates the four quadrants of the retro template, producing a visual representation of their post-mortem.

    Scrum teams can apply the four questions above in other retrospective templates or customize a template to conduct their post-mortems.

    Retrospective template options

    Team members can choose from retrospective templates to customize their sprint meetings.

    Sprint planning can benefit from any of the agile retrospective templates below:

    • The start, stop, continue template
    • The four Ls retrospective template
    • A starfish retrospective
    • Sailboat retrospective
    • Glad, sad, mad
    • Mad, sad, glad

    1. Start, stop, continue

    In the “start” part of this retro, the agile team looks at the actions they’ll take in the next sprint. “Stop” refers to looking at the recently completed sprint to examine what didn’t work and the actions that the team should no longer take. “Continue” means identifying what worked in the current sprint and should be taken over to the next cycle.

    2. Four Ls

    Agile teams use this retro template to understand what they “Loved, Learned, Loathed, and Longed for” at the end of the sprint iteration. The team calls out what they appreciate, what the sprint taught them, what went wrong, and what they would’ve wanted more of (coffee, team members, time, etc.).

    3. Starfish

    Instead of using a retro that focuses on what worked and what didn’t, the starfish highlights degrees of efficiency in deliverables. Teamwork involves rating action items as levels of effectiveness to determine what methodologies they should keep, discard, and apply in the next round.

    4. Sailboat

    Scrum teams use the sailboat retro to determine their trajectory in unknown waters. Applying the sailboat retro means knowing what approaches inhibit progress, what new approaches will reap desirable outcomes, and establishing a direction for sprint planning.

    5. Mad, sad, glad

    The mad, sad, glad sprint retrospective is a technique that concentrates on the emotional status of teams. Scrum teams ask each other questions to create positive emotional support. These questions are also aimed at morale-boosting to create a positive atmosphere that supports teamwork and continuous improvement.

    The agile retro can follow any template they choose or select one and customize it for their specific needs. Whatever they do, teamwork is vital to the success of continuous improvement.

    Decide on your retro template today

    Now that you understand how the sprint retrospective template works, you can customize yours for joint teamwork.

    Instead of focusing on longed-for outcomes and functionalities, Easy Agile can help your Scrum team move from sad to glad.

    Team retrospectives right inside Jira

    Looking to improve how your team is working together? Easy Agile TeamRhythm helps you turn insights into action with team retrospectives, to improve how you’re working and make your next release better than the last.