
User Story Maps

  • Product

    Rethinking our UI: How Easy Agile innovates for a better user experience

    At Easy Agile, we’re constantly looking for new ways to improve our products, and one of the ways we foster innovation is through Dash Days—a focused period where our team steps away from daily tasks to experiment, explore, and reimagine how our tools can better serve customers.

    During our most recent Dash Days, we took a fresh look at the user interface of two of our flagship products, Easy Agile TeamRhythym and Easy Agile Programs. The goal was to enhance interaction and discoverability, so users can experience the full value of our tools without unnecessary complexity.

    Here’s a glimpse into our thought process, challenges, and the exciting solutions we explored.

    The challenge

    As Easy Agile TeamRhythym and Easy Agile Programs have evolved, we’ve introduced powerful features designed to give users more control and flexibility. However, as new capabilities have been added, the interface has become more elaborate. For us, this presents an opportunity—an opportunity to take a step back, simplify the experience, and help users unlock more of what our products offer.

    To address this, we brought people from across the business together to brainstorm how we could improve the experience in both products. Through these sessions, we identified a few core opportunities:

    Key themes of opportunities to improve Easy Agile's user experience
    • Discoverability: How do we make it easier for users to find and use the powerful features built into our tools?
    • Visibility: What’s the best way to surface the right information and features when users need them? 
    • Consistency: How do we create a more uniform experience within and across our products to make navigation intuitive?

    Armed with these insights, we then set out to explore solutions tailored to each product’s unique challenges. 

    A more personalized experience with Easy Agile Programs

    For Programs, we focused on three “how might we” questions to reframe our challenges into opportunities: 

    1. How might we create more focus on the actions users are trying to complete?
    2. How might we make navigation more intuitive and easy?
    3. How might we help users with more context about where they are in the app at any given screen? 

    Out of the many solutions we explored, the one that got us the most excited was the idea of an Easy Agile Programs Home Screen—a personalized dashboard designed to guide users based on where they are in their planning cycle. 

    Conceptual sketch of a new home screen user interface for Easy Agile Programs
    Conceptual sketch of the Easy Agile Programs home screen

    This home screen could adapt based on where users are in their journey, offering relevant guidance and actions.

    • For new users, the home screen could provide clear onboarding steps and easy access to help, so they can get started quickly and confidently.
    • For experienced users, it could offer insights and key actions related to their progress, so they can stay focused on what matters most. Users might even see data summarizing their accomplishments, which makes it easier to share successes with their teams.

    Whether someone’s brand new to the product or deep into execution, the home screen could be a great way to guide and coach our users—helping them answer questions like, "What should I be doing next?" or "What extra value am I missing out on?". 

    A more focused interface for Easy Agile TeamRhythm

    For TeamRhythym, our three key “how might we” questions were:

    • How might we provide more focus within the User Story Map during sprint planning?
    • How might we improve the discoverability of issues without epics?
    • How might we enhance the layout to highlight key features and improve overall usability? 

    With these questions in mind, we explored a range of ideas to simplify sprint planning and make it easier for users to prep, plan, and review their work, whether they’re using Scrum or Kanban.

    Three-step process for effective sprint planning on Easy Agile TeamRhythm
    Three steps to simplify sprint planning on Easy Agile TeamRhythm

    Sprint planning can sometimes feel overwhelming when you have multiple sprints competing for attention. To help users focus, so we explored the idea of introducing a focused view during sprint planning

    • This would allow users to zoom in on a specific sprint and the backlog alone, while collapsing others. 
    • Each issue would have its own row in the detailed view, and users can drag and drop either an entire row or drag individual issues to quickly rank them based on priorities.
    • The sprint view will also hide epics that don’t have linked issues in the current sprint, giving users a cleaner view of what’s relevant to their current work.
    Conceptual UI of Easy Agile TeamRhythm User Story Map's focused view for sprint planning
    Conceptual UI of TeamRhythm User Story Map's focused view for sprint planning
    Conceptual UI of Easy Agile TeamRhythm User Story Map's detailed sprint view
    Conceptual UI of TeamRhythm User Story Map's detailed sprint view

    We also looked at ways to enhance the User Story Map interface to bring the most useful tools and features to the forefront. By improving how key functionality is presented, we’re helping teams quickly access what they need, when they need it, enabling them to stay productive without interruption.

    Conceptual UI of a more condensed top navigation for TeamRhythm User Story Map
    Conceptual UI of a more condensed top navigation for TeamRhythm User Story Map

    This way, we can create a smoother, more focused experience for teams using TeamRhythm, so they can focus on what’s in front of them without being distracted by everything else.

    Your turn. What do you think?

    At Easy Agile, we’re always thinking about what comes next. 

    These ideas aren’t on our official roadmap just yet, but they’re the kind of innovations we’re excited to explore.

    If you think these changes would improve your experience with Easy Agile TeamRhythm and Easy Agile Programs, let us know! Your feedback helps us decide what to prioritize, so we can continue building tools that truly make a difference for your teams.

    Photos of Easy Agile team working on Dash Days with "thank you!" on it

  • Workflow

    Why User Story Mapping?

    What is User Story Mapping? And more importantly, WHY would you want to run a story mapping session with your team?

    Let’s start off by talking about the origins of User Story Mapping.

    It’s now a common practice in agile software development, but it wasn’t always that way.

    If you have experience with a Scrum or Kanban backlog, you've likely run into the dreaded flat backlog.

    Why Story Mapping

    Flat backlog

    In its simplest form, a flat product backlog is a laundry list of stuff 'to do' that will ultimately provide some form of value to your users/customers. At least we hope so.

    Many of us have contributed to making these backlogs longer and longer, and they inevitably become overwhelming.

    Regardless of whether the team pulls work from the backlog one-by-one or groups it into sprints, prioritizing work in a flat backlog comes with its challenges.

    The flat backlog is a 2 dimensional view. It’s like a shopping list, which doesn’t provide context for the work.

    shopping list

    Enter, the User Story Map! The concept of a User Story Map was born out of a desire to kill the flat backlog and create a more holistic, customer centric overview of our work.

    A user story map is a visualisation of the journey a customer takes with a product, and includes the activities and tasks they would typically complete.

    story map

    Usually conducted at the beginning of a Project, a user story mapping session is done with the sole purpose of creating a shared understanding amongst the team of who your customers are and how you should focus your time working on stories that provide the most value for them.

    You can do this on a whiteboard with sticky notes, or you can do it in Jira using our app, Easy Agile TeamRhythm.

    How to build a user story map

    To create a visualisation of the journey a customer takes with a product, start by identifying each stage, and then list the activities and tasks the customer would typically complete for each.


    Next, begin to associate each item of work in the backlog with its corresponding touchpoint in the customer journey.

    At this point in a User Story Mapping session, a matrix should begin to emerge, containing a list of tasks or stories to which the team has committed to delivering, organized according to the steps in the customer journey.


    From there, the map is divided into the time blocks the team uses to plan their work. For example, in sprint 1, the team might commit to 5 user stories, which are attached to 3 epics.

    This helps build understanding of how progress will be made against larger pieces of work.

    Why user story mapping is better than a flat backlog

    Connecting the work in the backlog to the customer journey in this way begins to answer key questions like:

    • WHY are we building this?
    • WHO are we building this for?
    • WHAT value will it provide them?
    • WHEN do we expect to deliver this?

    User story mapping essentially converts the 2D flat backlog in a three-dimensional view, because it gives us a way to say, “ok I’m currently working on building this user story, and I can visualise what piece of the customer journey this will be directly impacting AND we know when it will be delivered.”

    sprint swimlanes

    Also, by putting the focus on the user, a story map ensures that the backlog contains work that add real value for the customer by helping them achieve their goals.

    How to run a user story mapping session

    Now that you have a better understanding of the value of a User Story Map, let's look at how to create one. First, you’ll need to set up a Story Mapping session with your team.

    But whatever you do, don’t make it an open invite. This is really important, because if you don’t have the right people in the room then it won’t be effective.

    People you could consider inviting are:

    invite list

    The product owner for the team

    • a tech lead
    • a user experience designer
    • a marketing lead
    • a data analyst and,
    • someone from customer support

    It’s also important to set some ground rules for the session.

    There should be one person facilitating the session. A good practice is to involve a Product Manager from another team to run the session.

    Depending on the scope of the story mapping session you may want to take a whole day or spread it out over a couple of days.

    The scope all depends on how big your team is and how many user stories you need to add to your map.

    There should be no phones or laptops out except for the facilitator.

    Also, everyone in the room should be familiar with the user stories being discussed.

    Now that you know the benefits of a user story map and what to consider when setting up the mapping session with your team, start thinking about who you can invite to participate in and facilitate the session.

  • Workflow

    Use Cases vs. User Stories: How They Differ and When to Use Them

    The notable quote from Alistair Cockburn, co-author of the Agile Manifesto, reads, “A user story is to a use case as a gazelle is to a gazebo.” This sheds light on the immense differences between use cases vs. user stories for agile teams. They may sound similar in name, but they are very different and often used in completely different industries.

    While both use cases and user stories help teams plan work and determine what’s needed to complete work, the format for how they are used is quite different. User stories are simple, short descriptions from the customer’s perspective. They are the beginning of a larger process that describes a customer's actions as they use or interact with your product. Use cases contain much more context. Creating detailed use cases is a much more in-depth process that’s designed to help teams understand how a user or customer interacts with a system. We’ll dig deeper into both of these processes below.

    If you’re in agile software development, chances are you’re more familiar with utilizing user stories. In this post, we’ll dig deeper into use cases vs. user stories differences, including why today’s development teams have migrated towards user stories and why there’s still valid reason for utilizing use cases in the development process.

    What’s the difference between use cases vs. user stories?

    Use cases vs. user stories: What’s the difference, and how do you decide what’s best for your team and development process?

    Use case vs. user story: Past and present

    Use cases were the standard for many years, and they were often used in business analysis, systems analysis, software requirements, and iterative development. With the rise of agile, software projects began to favor user stories in place of use cases because they allowed for improved incremental thinking and agility.

    What is a use case?

    A use case is a description of each of the ways a user may want to interact with a system, a device, or a piece of equipment. They describe how the system design will respond to requests from its end-user, commonly known as an actor. These actors could be human beings or other systems.

    Take an online shopping site and a food delivery service, for example. A customer placing an order or checking if a restaurant is open are two different use cases. Or, on the less technical side, consider a toaster. Say someone (the actor) only wants their bagel toasted on one side. Choosing the “bagel” toaster setting is a use case.

    Use cases help teams structure all of the different functional requirements and determine the scope of the project — which means they’re full of details.

    These details include:

    • The goal of the use case
    • Whether the actor is a human or another system
    • Preconditions, or the state the system has to be in for the use case to occur
    • The regular series of steps the system will take
    • Alternative paths the system could take
    • Postconditions — actions the system takes at the end of the use case or the various states the system could be in after the use case concludes

    Take the “bagel” setting on a toaster.

    • Use case title/goal: Bagel setting
    • Actor/user: This is someone who likes their bagel only toasted on one side.
    • Preconditions: There needs to be a “bagel” function/button.
    • Regular steps/standard path: The actor cuts their bagel in half and places each half in the toaster. They push the lever down to toast the bagel. Then, they press the button titled “BAGEL” and wait for their bagel to be toasted the way they like.
    • Alternative paths: The actor may forget to activate the “bagel” setting, resulting in a poor user experience.
    • Postconditions: The toaster returns to its usual state (bagel setting not set).

    What is a user story?

    A user story is the who, what, and why of a goal or outcome that the user or customer wants to achieve. It’s the smallest piece of work that can give value back to the customer. It’s written from the point of view of the end user, often on an index card.

    Here’s an example of how a user story is typically written: “As a [persona type], I want to [action] so that [benefit].”

    A user story is designed to be as simple as possible, sparing the team as well as stakeholders from having to decode a lot of technical lingo. But, that doesn’t mean the process for creating a user story is easy. A lot of information is condensed into a single sentence. And before writing a user story, the team first has to identify and create their user persona and assemble all of the product requirements

    Easy Agile co-founder Nick Muldoon describes user story mapping as “a facilitated, curated conversation that brings everyone along for the journey.”

    A project or product developed in an agile environment will involve a lot of user stories that are each added to the product backlog. There, they can be arranged and prioritized on a user story map according to the scheduled release or sprint.

    Use cases vs. user stories: The case for use cases

    While use cases are far less common in agile development, they do have some advantages to consider. After all, the true spirit of agile means questioning your assumptions and trying new methods.

    1. Use cases provide a summary and planning skeleton

    Use cases provide anyone involved, such as managers, leadership, product owners, developers, or stakeholders, with a summary of what the system will offer. What will the system contribute to the users and the overall business? They provide a planning skeleton to help teams prioritize, estimate timing, and execute actions.

    2. Use cases provide context for each requirement

    The use case provides enough detail and context to ensure everyone is on the same page. It’s an agreement between team members about what the system will and won’t do.

    3. Use cases provide a look ahead at what could slow work

    The alternative paths portion of use cases provides an advanced look at what could go wrong. Small bottlenecks can take up a huge amount of time and money, so the sooner you can recognize and address these issues, the better.

    4. Use cases provide answers for specific issues and scenarios

    Use cases answer the specific questions developers or programmers could have along the way. The use case process ensures all questions about issues or possible scenarios are answered at the outset before these questions begin to bog down work or slow down a team’s progress.

    5. Use cases provide a model to think through all aspects completely

    The use case model ensures developers have fully thought through all aspects of development. Use cases dig into the details of user needs, system goals, possible issues, and various business variants.

    Use cases vs. user stories: Bottom line

    So, use cases vs. user stories? How do you decide which is better for your team? If you have a lot of experience with agile projects and working on agile teams, you know the undeniable value of user stories. They convey what the user or customer wants to achieve so that teams are always considering the needs of the user.

    That said, even though use cases are a bit dated, they can provide much-needed context surrounding how a system is used. They describe how a user interacts with a system, answering many questions in advance to help manage complicated processes. Plus, it wouldn’t be very agile to discount a solution simply because you haven’t tried it before. 😉

    Using Easy Agile TeamRhythm

    We’re passionate about building tools that help agile teams work better together. Easy Agile TeamRhythm is designed to help product owners and development teams bring value to customers fast and frequently. Supporting user story mapping, backlog refinement, sprint planning, and team retrospectives, you can plan and manage your work right from the user story map, then come together as a team to share actionable insights that will help you work better together each time.

    TeamRhythm integrates seamlessly with your agile boards in Jira for both Scrum and Kanban methodologies. Try it yourself in our sandbox demonstration; no need for a login or installation.

  • Workflow

    How to use story points for agile estimation

    Story points can be a little confusing and are often misunderstood. Story points are an important part of user story mapping, and many agile teams use them when planning their work. But they aren't as simple as adding numbers to tasks or estimating how long a job will take.

    Even if you’ve been using story points for a while, you’ll find that different teams and organizations will use them differently.

    So, let’s define story points, discuss why they’re so useful for agile teams, and talk about some of the different ways teams implement them in story mapping and sprint planning.

    What are user story points?

    Story points are a useful unit of measurement in agile, and an important part of the user story mapping process. You assign a number to each user story to estimate the total effort required to bring a feature or function to life.

    When to estimate story points

    User stories can be estimated during user story mapping, backlog refinement, or during sprint planning.

    Once a user story has been defined, mapped to the backbone, and prioritized, it's time to estimate the story points. It is a good idea to work with your team to do this, as each team member plays a different role in different stories, and knows the work involved in UX, design, development, testing, and launching. Collaborating on story point estimation will also help you spot dependencies early.

    It is best to assign story points to each user story before you sequence them into releases or sprints. This allows you to assess the complexity, effort, and uncertainty of each user story in comparison to others on their backlog, and to make informed decisions about the work you decide to commit to each sprint or release.

    How to estimate user story points

    When estimating story points, you're looking at the total effort involved in making that feature or functionality live so that it can deliver value to the customer. Your team will need to discuss questions like:

    • How complex is the work?
    • How much work is needed?
    • What are the technical abilities of the team?
    • What are the risks?
    • What parts are we unsure about?
    • What do we need in place before we can start or finish?
    • What could go wrong?

    Tip: If you're having trouble estimating a story or the scope of work is overwhelming, you might need to break your story down into smaller parts to make multiple user stories.

    What is a story point worth?

    This is where story points can get a little confusing, as story points don’t have a set universal value. You kind of have to figure out what they’re worth to you and your team (yep, real deep and meaningful stuff).

    Here’s how it works:

    • Each story is assigned a certain number of story points
    • Points will mean different things to different teams or organizations
    • 1 story point for your team might not equal the same amount of effort involved in 1 story point for another team
    • The amount of effort involved in 1 story point should remain stable for your team each sprint and it should remain stable from one story to another
    • 2 story points should equal double the effort compared to 1 story point
    • 3 story points should equal triple the effort compared to 1 story point… and so on

    The number you assign doesn't matter - what matters is the ratio. The story points should help you demonstrate relative effort between each story and each sprint.

    Estimating story points for the first time

    Because story points are relative, you need to give yourself some baseline estimates for the first time you do story point estimation. This will give you a frame of reference for all future stories.

    Start by choosing stories of several different sizes:

    • One very small story
    • One medium sized story
    • One big story

    ...a bit like t-shirt sizes.

    Then assign points to each of these baseline stories. Your smallest story might be 1. If your medium story requires 3 times more effort, then it should be 3. If your big story requires 10 times the effort, it should be 10. These numbers will depend on the type of stories your team normally works on, so your baseline story numbers might look different to these.

    The important thing is that you’ll be able to use these baseline stories to estimate all your future stories by comparing the relative amount of effort involved.

    Over time, you and your team will find estimating user stories becomes easier as your shared understanding of the work develops. This is where story points become most valuable, helping your team align expectations and plan more effectively.

    Make estimation easier

    An app for Jira like Easy Agile TeamRhythm makes it easy to see team commitment for each sprint or version, with estimate totals on each swimlane.

    Using the Fibonacci sequence for story point estimation

    Some teams use the Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, etc.) for their story point estimates, rather than staying linear or allowing teams to use any number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc.).

    This has its benefits. For example, if you're looking at a story and trying to estimate whether it's a 5, 8, or 13, it's much quicker and easier to come up with an answer than trying to land on the right number between, say, 4-15. You'll likely reach a consensus much more quickly.

    This also means you won't be able to average the team's story points to finalize the estimation. Instead, you'll need to discuss the work and decide on the best estimate from a limited set of options.

    But it does limit your options - if you have a story that’s more effort than 34, but less than 55, your estimate might be less accurate.

    Using story points to estimate velocity

    After some time working together most teams will have a good idea about how much effort is involved in each story point.

    Of course, timing isn't exact - there's a bell curve, and story points are designed to be an estimate of effort, not time.

    But story points (and knowing their approximate timing) can be useful when it comes to figuring out how much your team can get done each sprint.

    You should be able to estimate about as many story points your team can manage during a two-week sprint, or whatever timeframe you’re working to.

    For example, if your team can usually get through 3 story points per day, this might add up to 30 story points across a two-week sprint. This is your velocity.

    Velocity is useful for user story mapping and sprint planning. When mapping your user stories to sprints or versions, you can check the total story points and make sure it matches up with your velocity so you’re not over- or under-committed.

    As you can see there are a few different methods for estimating work. The best advice is to be conservative and not overload the team.

    Over time, your estimations should become more accurate.

    Using Story Points in Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming

    Story points are central to estimation and planning processes in many agile methodologies. Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP) rely heavily on story points to gauge the effort and complexity of user stories.

    Scrum teams use story points during sprint planning to decide which tasks to include in the upcoming sprint, encouraging discussion that leads to shared context and understanding of the work.

    Extreme Programming on the other hand, uses story points to assess the size of features, enabling teams to prioritize and allocate resources effectively. Teams using Kanban can benefit from story points by using them to set work-in-progress limits and optimize the flow of tasks across the board.

    While the specific practices may differ, story points can help encourage team collaboration and a more predictable flow of work.

  • Workflow

    The Difference Between a Flat Product Backlog and a User Story Map

    It’s one of the most common practices in agile software development; the flat product backlog. We’ve all seen them, we’ve all contributed to them, and we’ve all inevitably drowned in them.

    In its simplest form, a flat product backlog is a laundry list of ‘stuff to do’ that will ultimately provide value to the customer. These actionable items are prioritised (top to bottom) in the order the value will be delivered. If a team is adopting the Scrum method the backlog is split into future sprints to provide an indication of what will be delivered and when.

    Depending on the size and requirements of the organisation, the list of things to be done could be 10, 100 or 1,000 actionable items. It’s easy to see how managing the latter comes with the challenges of updating, assigning, grooming and scheduling these items.

    a typical flat product backlog in Jira

    What’s Wrong With Flat User Story Backlogs?

    So far we know that flat backlogs represent a list of things to be done. This comes with its challenges, and its shortcomings were best described by Jeff Patton when he said;

    We spend lots of time working with our customers. We work hard to understand their goals, their users, and the major parts of the system we could build. Then we finally get down to the details — the pieces of functionality we’d like to build. In my head I see a tree where the trunk is built from the goals or desired benefits that drive the system; big branches are users; the small branches and twigs are the capabilities they need; then finally the leaves are the user stories small enough to place into development iterations.

    After all that work, after establishing all that shared understanding, I feel like we pull all the leaves off the tree and load them into a leaf bag — then cut down the tree.

    That’s what a flat backlog is to me. A bag of context-free mulch
    That’s what a flat backlog is to me. A bag of context-free mulch

    How do you pick an item from a list, and deem it the thing that’s going to provide the most value to your customers, without that additional context?

    Shortcomings of a Flat Product Backlog

    • The flat backlog makes it impossible to discover the ‘backbone’ of your product — the customers interaction experience with the product
    • Arranging user stories in the order they’ll be delivered doesn’t help a product manager explain to others what the system does
    • The flat backlog provides no context or ‘big picture’ around the work a team is doing
    • A flat backlog makes it hard for the product manager to determine if they’ve identified the relevant user stories
    • Release planning is difficult with a flat backlog. How do you prioritise what to build first in an endless laundry list?

    User Story Maps

    A story map is a visual representation of the journey a customer takes with a product, including the activities and tasks they complete. This visualisation helps the team to focus development on providing the most value to customers and their desired outcomes.

    It provides context for teams by answering the following questions:

    • Why are we building this?
    • Who are we building this for?
    • What value will the solution provide for the customer and when?
    an example story map in Easy Agile TeamRhythm

    The story map still showcases the ‘stuff to be done’, the difference here though, is the way in which this information is visualised. As you can see, rather than listing these items out, each item is contextualised under a bigger piece of work. Besides the way the information is visualised, the key difference between a flat product backlog and a user story map, is the focus on the customer journey. Let’s unpack this by breaking down the anatomy of the user story map.

    What A User Story Map Achieves that a Flat Product Backlog Can’t

    • Focus on Desired Customer Outcomes: the visualisation of the customer journey allows teams to identify and implement features based on customer outcomes, and track progress at a glance against a story map
    • Bring the Customer Journey to Life: the transformation of the flat product backlog to a customer centric story map means teams have a better understanding of their customer journey and what their customers want and value
    • Prioritising Actions Based on Value to the Customer: visualisation of the customer journey allows teams to prioritise work based on “value to customer”, resulting in better outcomes and less waste

    Are you getting lost in your flat product backlog? Are you stuck in an endless development cycle, but not really sure for who or why your building features?

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm supports User Story Mapping, sprint or version planning, backlog refinement, and team retrospectives.

  • Workflow

    How to Make the Most of Your Sprint Goals

    The sprint goal is a key aspect of any sprint, and it should be front and center throughout your two-week process. The goal ensures the team is aligned on a clear purpose for the sprint, and, if done well, the goal inspires the team to stay on track throughout the entirety of the sprint.

    So, what makes a good sprint goal, and how does the sprint goal fit within the framework of a sprint? In this post, we’re going to race (or should we say sprint 😉 ) through a recap of the Scrum process, followed by a list of five critical elements of an effective sprint goal. You’ll learn how to best create, manage, and follow through on your sprint goals for a successful sprint every two weeks.

    An overview of the Scrum process

    We’re big fans of Scrum! Need a little refresher? Here’s how the Scrum process works and where the sprint goal fits into the whole picture.

    Scrum is an agile framework used primarily by software development teams that provides team members with a streamlined workflow to meet stakeholder and customer needs. The Scrum workflow has four meetings (also known as ceremonies), which all have a distinct purpose. This structure means team members can easily support each other by sharing, tracking, and enhancing deliverables.

    The Scrum framework divides work into repeating two-week sprints where a set amount of work — the sprint goal — is completed. Each Scrum begins with a sprint planning meeting, and during this time, the product owner defines the sprint goal. They choose which tasks will move from the product backlog to the sprint backlog to be completed over the following two-week sprint.

    Product backlog items represent the whole picture of what needs to be accomplished before completing or releasing a product. Sprint backlog items are what the team will (hopefully) accomplish over the course of the sprint.

    The Scrum Master acts as a Scrum guide who leads the team through the meetings and steps of the Scrum process. Throughout the sprint, the Scrum team meets for a daily Scrum to check in with one another and report on what work was completed over the previous 24 hours.

    At the end of the sprint, a sprint review and sprint retrospective help the team gather feedback from stakeholders and improve upon their processes before the next sprint begins. The entire process repeats again with sprint planning and continues to repeat until the product or project is complete.

    Easy Sprint Planning:

    Drag items directly from your backlog onto your TeamRhythm User Story Map. Inline edit story summaries and story point estimates. Display your sprint goal on each sprint swimlane.


    What makes a good sprint goal?

    The sprint goal keeps the team focused and aligned on what everyone is trying to accomplish for each sprint. It’s an extension of the overall product or project goals, but the sprint goal can zero in on key components the team wants to tackle for that specific sprint.

    What makes a good sprint goal? Let’s find out.

    1. The goal is achievable

    The objective of the sprint needs to be achievable within the sprint’s allotted time frame. Generally, in a Scrum framework, the team is time-bound to two weeks.

    As new information is gained and other impediments occur, there’s always a chance the sprint goal won’t be met. But that shouldn’t stop you from setting achievable goals. When a team continually fails to meet the goals of the sprint and the project, morale and enthusiasm will decline.

    It’s crucial that sprint goals are manageable within the allotted time of the sprint. Sprint goals can become too large when a team tries to accomplish too many different components at once or if too much of the product backlog makes it into the sprint backlog. Rather, take a reasonably achievable workload out of the product backlog to form the sprint backlog. Otherwise, you’ll end up with one daunting overall list and no clear direction for each sprint.

    2. The team understands the definition of done

    The clearer the sprint goal, the better. You need to clearly define the goals of the sprint and what it means to be done. How will the team know if they achieved the desired outcomes? What does “done” look like? Does everyone agree on this definition for every given task and the overall goals of the sprint?

    Your goals need to be measurable to limit ambiguity, subjectivity, or conflicting opinions around the success of the sprint.

    When a team is aligned, and everyone understands what needs to be accomplished, decision-making improves, and each aspect of the Scrum team can work harmoniously toward the same aims.

    3. The sprint goal is meaningful to the team

    Beyond knowing what the team hopes to accomplish over the course of each sprint, the team needs to understand the reasoning behind the sprint goal.

    Make sure everyone understands why they are working towards a specific sprint goal. What meaning does the sprint goal have? Ideally, the meaning of the sprint goal will relate back to stakeholder needs, the customer journey, or the user experience of your product.

    Visualize and prioritize the work that will deliver the most value to your customers

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm


    4. The sprint goal aligns with the overall product goals

    The sprint goal can zero in on a specific aspect of product development, but it should still connect to the overall product goals.

    While creating sprint goals, ensure the overarching product vision isn’t lost or ignored. Every sprint, while specific to its own set of goals, should work toward accomplishing your product goals.

    5. The sprint goal is visible throughout the sprint

    The sprint goal can’t be a “set it and forget it” aspect of your sprint. It should be visible to the team the entire time, and the team needs to continually check in on the goal to ensure they’re on track to achieve it.

    The shared goal should be front and center of daily Scrum meetings. If possible, display the sprint goal for everyone to see. As you accomplish backlog items and work through the sprint, continually reference the sprint goal and the progress you are making toward it. How likely are you to achieve the sprint goal considering the time you have remaining in the sprint? What might be standing in the way of achieving this goal?

    During the sprint retrospective, you should discuss the success or lack of success the team made on the sprint goal. What went well and contributed to your success? What didn’t go so well that you could change or do differently for the next sprint?

    With Easy Agile TeamRhythm, each scrum board in Jira will have an associated User Story Map.

    Throughout the sprint, the team can refer to the User Story Map to make sure they’re on schedule, coordinate dependencies, and keep sight of the big picture.


    A customer-centric approach

    Let’s recap a few of the most important factors to remember when establishing and following through on your sprint goal:

    ✅ Ensure the goal is achievable.

    ✅ Ensure the team understands the definition of done.

    ✅ Ensure the sprint goal is meaningful for the team.

    ✅ Ensure the sprint goal aligns with the overall product goals.

    ✅ Ensure the sprint goal is visible throughout the sprint.

    Thanks for sticking with us and utilizing the Easy Agile blog. We’re passionate about helping teams work better with agile. We have a suite of Jira apps designed to keep the customer top-of-mind through every step of the development process.

    Looking for a tool to streamline your sprint planning sessions? Check out Easy Agile TeamRhythm, which transforms the flat product backlog into a meaningful picture of work.

  • Workflow

    5 Steps to Holding Effective Sprint Retrospectives

    The retrospective is a critical part of the agile process, providing an outlet for teams to discuss how they can improve. A sprint retrospective comes at the end of each sprint and offers the team an opportunity to assess their processes.

    What went well? What didn’t go so well? What does the team need to do to improve next time? Agile is all about learning and iterating. Every time you complete a sprint, there are lessons to be learned. Agile continually takes what a team learns — the good, the bad, and the bland — and turns those experiences into actionable improvements.

    This post will dig into sprint retrospectives, including the benefits, how they fit within the Scrum process, how to run an effective sprint retrospective meeting, and common mistakes to avoid.

    The purpose of the sprint retrospective

    The sprint retrospective is a dedicated time for team discussion. The time is allotted at the end of each sprint so that all team members can examine what went well and what needs to change. It’s all part of the greater agile methodology of continually improving your processes as you learn more. There’s no one set way of doing things, and there’s always room to become more efficient and effective.

    A sprint retrospective:

    • Encourages a continuous improvement mindset
    • Creates a safe space for sharing positive and constructive feedback
    • Gives everyone on the team an opportunity to express thoughts, ideas, and experiences
    • Provides feedback in real-time after each sprint
    • Brings the team together around common goals
    • Exposes any issues from the previous sprint that are holding the team back
    • Informs leadership of success and potential roadblocks
    • Helps product owners make decisions for the next sprint planning
    • Sets the team on a positive path for moving into the next sprint

    How the sprint retrospective fits within the Scrum process

    The type of retrospective you hold depends on the type of sprint or agile methodology your team practices. One of the most common methodologies in software development is the Scrum framework.

    A Scrum team has three types of roles:

    • Product Owner
    • Scrum Master
    • Development team

    At the beginning of each Scrum, the product owner decides which items from the overall product backlog are moved to the sprint backlog to be completed over the upcoming 2-4 week sprint. The exact sprint timeframe is set in advance.

    The Scrum is made up of four distinct ceremonies or events:

    After planning is complete and the team knows which backlog items they are going to tackle for the current sprint, the work begins. The team checks in throughout the sprint via a daily scrum or stand-up meeting. This quick but essential check-in allows the Scrum team to discuss their progress and address any potential roadblocks on a daily basis.

    The sprint review meeting takes place at the end of the sprint; it’s an opportunity for Scrum team members to showcase the work accomplished during the sprint. This could be an internal presentation or a more formal demo to stakeholders.

    Last comes the incredibly important Scrum retrospective. During this time, the team can discuss what went well and what could be improved so the upcoming sprint can run more efficiently. Anything that’s learned along the way or discovered in the retrospective is brought into the next sprint planning session. This Scrum process repeats until there are no more product backlog items or the product is complete.

    How to run an effective sprint retrospective meeting

    The retrospective is a critical part of the agile process that should be treated with care and respect. Go in with a plan. Winging it might get you by, but everyone will get more out of the process if the person or people leading the retrospective is prepared.

    Use our strategies below to run effective retrospectives that everyone looks forward to.

    1. Ensure everyone’s voice is heard

    The loudest voices in a sprint retrospective often get the most attention and speaking time, but they don’t necessarily have better insights than anyone else. Each person involved in the sprint process should be given an opportunity to speak.

    If you find a few people are dominating the conversation or that some people never contribute, switch up your strategy to include everyone. Go around the room one by one with a question that each person needs to answer, such as “What do you think went well in this sprint?” or “What was your biggest challenge?”

    2. Start, stop, continue

    The 'Start, Stop, Continue' retrospective format can be expressed in many forms, but the general practice is the same. At the end of a sprint, you decide what you want to start doing, what you want to stop doing, and what you want to continue doing as you move into your next sprint. It’s a simple format that covers both what went well and what didn’t go so well.

    Other versions of this exercise include the Rose Bud Thorn exercise, where participants share something positive, a budding opportunity, and a negative to improve upon. There’s also the Anchors and Sails exercise, where participants share what put wind in their sails (went well) and what anchored them down.

    3. Establish specific action items

    The retrospective is a waste of time if you don’t leave with specific action items. What is your team going to do about the issues brought up in the meeting? Ensure you keep track of the issues and the positive feedback people provide so that you can turn them into actionable tasks or goals before the meeting is complete.

    You can’t implement absolutely every change that is brought up, but the discussion should give you a place to start. Work with the team to figure out what changes will provide the most impact. You can use an impact effort matrix or similar agile tools to make informed choices.

    4. Retrospective the retrospective

    Every now and again, take the time to review your retrospective. Ask for feedback from all team members on how the process could improve. What would make the experience easier on the team? What would they like to see implemented? What hasn’t been working during your recurring retros?

    Wow, that’s getting a little meta, but it’s an important step. You need to continually assess your retrospective as well to make sure you’re getting the most out of the experience.

    One thing to watch for: When people are bored, they engage less, which means it’s important to switch things up. You don’t want your retrospective process to run stagnant or lose its effectiveness.

    5. Review action items at the next sprint retrospective

    Make sure the hard work of your retrospective pays off. At the beginning of the next retrospective, take a small bit of time to review your previous action items. What goals and action items did you leave the last retrospective with? Did you accomplish what you set out to do, or do you still need to work at it?

    Common retrospective mistakes to avoid

    Avoid these common mistakes when running sprint retrospective meetings:

    ❌ Allowing a few people to dominate the conversation

    ❌ Not empowering softer voices

    ❌ Jumping to conclusions without a thorough discussion

    ❌ Asking the same questions over and over without mixing things up

    ❌ Forgetting about or not implementing the action items of the previous retrospective

    ❌ Skipping a retrospective due to lack of time or resources

    ❌ Forgetting about stakeholder and customer needs

    ❌ Failing to improve upon your retrospective process

    Put your retrospective ideas into action with Easy Agile TeamRhythm

    Sprint retrospectives help the entire team learn from each experience and improve. Doing them effectively means evaluating the retrospective itself, empowering voices, and listening to them.

    We’re passionate about putting the needs of the customer first and foremost. Easy Agile builds products specifically designed for Jira users to help agile teams work more efficiently and effectively.

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm supports the work of your agile team from planning right through to retrospective, encouraging continuous improvement so you're always getting better at what you do, and delivering better for your customers.


  • Agile Best Practice

    9 Tips to Help You Ace Your Sprint Planning Meetings

    The sprint planning meeting helps agile teams plan and get on the same page about each sprint. It’s an opportunity to decide on prioritization based on the product vision, issue urgency, stakeholder feedback, and knowledge from the previous sprint.

    The goal of the meeting is to determine which backlog items should be tackled during the upcoming sprint. The team, guided by the product owner and Scrum Master, decide which items from the product backlog should be moved to the sprint backlog for hopeful completion over the coming weeks (sprint duration).

    Sprint planning plays a critical role in the Scrum process. The meeting ensures teams enter a sprint prepared, with work items chosen carefully. The end result should be a shared understanding of sprint goals that will guide the next sprint.

    While sprint planning should occur before any type of sprint, for the purposes of this article, we will focus on sprint planning sessions for Scrum teams. Continue reading to learn our top tips for a successful sprint planning meeting. 🎉

    How does the sprint planning meeting fit into the Scrum framework?

    Scrum is a hugely popular agile methodology used in product development. The process involves a series of sprints that are improved upon and adjusted based on continual feedback from customers, stakeholders, and team members.

    The sprint planning meeting sees the entire team comes together to decide what work they hope to complete over the upcoming sprint. The product owner helps decide which priority product backlog items move to the sprint backlog. This is an incredibly important phase that guides the team’s goals over the next two weeks.

    The Scrum Master acts as a Scrum guide. They help the development team stay on track in each sprint, ensuring everyone gets the most out of the process. The Scrum team works together to complete the amount of work decided on during sprint planning. To ensure everyone remains on track and on the same page, daily stand-ups are held each day. This provides an opportunity for team members to address any issues or potential bottlenecks that could keep work from running smoothly.

    Following the sprint, a sprint review takes place, which gives stakeholders an opportunity to provide feedback. Finally, a sprint retrospective meeting gives the team an opportunity to assess and improve upon their process. The Scrum concludes and begins again with another sprint planning meeting.

    Here are some tips to make sure each sprint planning meeting sets you up for success:

    1. Reserve the same time for sprint planning ⏰

    Book your sprint planning meeting on the same day and at the same time every two weeks to ensure your entire team keeps that time slot available. Sprint planning is vital to the success of each sprint — it’s a meeting that shouldn’t be shuffled around.

    Pick a time that works for everyone involved, asking for feedback from your team about when is best. Schedule the meetings well in advance in everyone's calendar so that no one forgets about it or books other engagements.

    2. Set a sprint planning meeting duration and stick to it ⏳

    Sprint planning is important, but that doesn’t mean it should take forever. Set a time limit for your meeting, and do your best to stick to it. If you are well prepared with an agenda and refined backlog, you should be able to get straight to planning.

    We recommend scheduling no more than 2-4 hours for sprint planning. Let the Scrum Master be in charge of ensuring the team stays on track and completes planning in the allotted time.

    3. Complete backlog refinement before sprint planning begins 📝

    Complete your backlog refinement ahead of your sprint planning meeting. Otherwise, you will spend far too much time adding details, estimating, or splitting work.

    The sprint planning meeting should be reserved for planning and goal setting. While the backlog shouldn’t be set in stone, it should provide team members with enough details to move forward with planning instead of refinement.

    4. Incorporate stakeholder feedback from the sprint review 😍

    What insights did stakeholders share throughout the sprint or during the sprint review? You are designing this product for them, so incorporating their feedback is crucial to the end result.

    Make sure every decision is based on customer needs. After each sprint, share your product goals and sprint goals with your stakeholders and adjust per their feedback.

    5. Incorporate sprint retrospective insights 💡

    Sprint retrospectives are a critical part of the agile process, providing a time for the team to discuss how they can improve. There are lessons to be learned every time you complete a sprint or iteration. Agile continually takes what a team learns and turns those experiences into actionable improvements. So, ignoring these lessons would be very un-agile of you. 🤔

    How did the last sprint go? Was each team member satisfied with the process, and what was accomplished? What changes did your team decide would make the next sprint more effective? Use these insights to make each sprint better than the last one.

    6. Clearly define what success looks like ✅

    Set clearly defined goals, objectives, and metrics. What is the definition of done? How will the team know if they are successful? You should leave the sprint planning meeting with a clear idea of what needs to get done and what success looks like.

    7. Use estimates to make decisions based on team capacity 📈

    Overloading your team or any individual beyond their capacity does far more harm than good. The team will be more likely to make mistakes, and morale will diminish as goals remain consistently out of reach.

    Use agile estimation techniques and story points to better understand workload and capacity. How much work and effort is needed to accomplish your goals? Ensure you set realistic and reasonable goals based on your best estimations.

    8. Align sprint goals with overall product goals 🎉

    Ensure you have a goal for the sprint and that all backlog items relate to the end goal. Your sprint goals should work alongside your overall product goals.

    Failing to prioritize your objectives can result in a random selection of to-dos. Completing disconnected backlog items will still get work done, but it will result in unexpected outcomes and a low sense of accomplishment for the team. Each backlog item should be chosen with a clear purpose that relates to your product and sprint goals.

    9. Leave room for flexibility 💫

    Any agile methodology is flexible by nature, and Scrum is no exception. If there isn’t room for flexibility, something has gone seriously wrong.

    It's important to acknowledge that not everything will always go to plan. You will continually find new information, stakeholder insights, and dependencies that the team will need to adjust to along the way. Ensure the team understands they need to be flexible and that they are supported throughout each sprint.

    Sprint planning made easy

    The effectiveness of sprint planning can make or break the coming week for a Scrum team. It’s important for the development team to take the necessary time to prepare for each upcoming sprint. This means going into the meeting with clear goals, objectives, stakeholder feedback, and a refined backlog.

    Make the most of your sprint planning and do it with ease using Easy Agile TeamRhythm. Transform your flat product maps into dynamic, flexible, and visual representations of the customer journey. Story points will help your team make decisions and account for capacity while keeping the customer top-of-mind.

    Learn more about the benefits of user story mapping and read our ultimate guide to user story maps.

  • Workflow

    How To Handle Sprint Planning Meetings Like a Pro

    It’s time to get things done and hand over the project to the programmers. But before they get their hands dirty, someone must plan the Scrum sprint or iteration. The Sprint Planning meeting is one of Scrum’s ceremonies, and it's the sprint's opening event. 🎬

    Let's walk you through the event and explain how to prepare and hold one successfully. You'll also learn who participates in Sprint Planning and why the meeting is so important.

    What's a Sprint Planning meeting?

    Sprint Planning is a Scrum meeting. It kicks off a sprint, so it occurs on the first day of a new sprint. If applicable, it should occur after the Sprint Review and the Sprint Retrospective from the previous iteration.

    Sprint Planning aims to decide the deliverables for the upcoming sprint and define a plan to develop the work.

    The entire Scrum Team (the Product Owner, the Scrum Master, and the Development Team) collaborates during Sprint Planning.

    Can you imagine a successful project without planning? 🙅 We can't either, so we don’t start a Scrum sprint without planning it.

    To plan a Scrum sprint, you need to decide:

    • The sprint's duration — remember that a sprint is a timebox
    • The sprint goal, which is its purpose and represents the product increment's value to the customer
    • The work that the Development Team can complete during the sprint, what work items the team should do first to achieve the sprint goal, and how long they should take considering the team's capacity

    Additionally, Sprint Planning should motivate the team and set realistic expectations.

    By the end of the Sprint Planning meeting, the team must produce the following outcomes:

    • A shared understanding of the sprint goal. This goal is the guideline for evaluating the Development Team's work once the sprint is over.
    • The Sprint Backlog. This artifact represents the conversation between the Development Team and the Product Owner on the to-do work. It's the result of a balance between customer value and development effort.

    Now, each Sprint Planning meeting requires some preparation. Read on about who should do it and what it entails.

    How do you prepare for Sprint Planning?

    The Product Owner should follow these steps to set the foundation for successful Sprint Planning:

    • Combine the output of the previous Sprint Review, feedback from stakeholders such as management and customers, and the product vision
    • Update and, if necessary, refine the product backlog
    • Know the customer value that the development team needs to create in an increment

    So, once all the preparation is over, it's time for the Sprint Planning meeting to take place.

    How should the meeting go?

    1. The Product Owner indicates the Product Backlog items — and corresponding priorities — that they consider the next sprint's best candidates. Items can be user stories, tasks, or bugs. The Product Owner proposes those items according to customer value and product vision.
    2. Based on effort estimates and the Product Owner's proposal, the development team selects the product backlog items to work on during the current sprint. By promoting those items to sprint backlog items, developers agree on the sprint goal with the Product Owner.
    3. Although optional, the team might discuss dependencies between items and who should work on each one of them.

    Very few steps, right? However, some practical actions should add on to these steps. Discover what those actions are below.

    How do you execute a successful Sprint Planning meeting?

    1. Limit the meeting's duration. ⏳ Sprint Planning shouldn't take longer than 1-2 hours per sprint week. That means the meeting shouldn't take more than 2-4 hours for a two-week sprint.

    2. Let the Scrum Master be the guardian of time. They're the ones responsible for ensuring that the meeting happens within the defined timebox.

    3. Hold the meeting on the same day and at the same time every time. 📅 Team members can be quite busy and have full agendas. That's why reserving a slot in every participant's agenda is a good practice.

    4. Define valuable, clear outcomes. 🎁 Those, together with a clear sprint backlog, increase the Development Team's motivation. Producing the right outcomes is pure satisfaction, and a clear work plan is the recipe to achieve that.

    5. Make sure that the Scrum Master guarantees these things. First, that the conversation between the Development Team and the Product Owner is fruitful. They should all agree on the sprint goal. Second, that the developers make good choices when moving product backlog items to the sprint backlog. Selecting an item that is feasible for the sprint duration, team capacity, and workload is a good choice.

    It might seem easy, but this is not all there is to do during Sprint Planning. There's a bunch of things to avoid.

    If we were to give you some advice...

    Make effort estimates against the development team's capacity. To decide on the amount of work that the team can accomplish in a sprint, consider the team's capacity. (And remember, estimates are just that — estimates.) Developers consider their previous experience, yet each sprint is unique and might change over its course. However, considering team capacity improves the accuracy of effort estimation. Additionally, story points might help the team with effort estimation.

    Consider that the development team's ability to estimate should improve over time. Therefore, the team should not critique less accurate effort estimates after the sprint. Otherwise, the team will take much longer to estimate or provide much bigger estimates next time.

    Don't try to plan every single thing during Sprint Planning. Leave the idea of coming up with the most complete, perfect Sprint Backlog ever at the front door. After all, Scrum is all about flexibility, and "Better done than perfect." So, a Sprint Backlog that’s complete enough to get developers started is just what it needs to be. Remember that solving complex problems requires a learn-by-doing approach, which turns planning into an equally complex job.

    Figure out a realistic expectation for the sprint's outcome. Setting unrealistic expectations for the increment that the development team can produce over a sprint is not a good idea. It might make developers frustrated that they couldn't deliver, which can seriously affect their motivation and performance. On the other hand, realistic expectations set the team for success and a sense of accomplishment. Besides, they facilitate the conversation between the developers and the Product Owner so they can agree on the sprint goal.

    Have a well-refined product backlog. It must be detailed enough to allow the Development Team to understand what the work items are about. You don't want to waste precious Sprint Planning time splitting work items into a maximum of one per day. Define and follow a backlog refinement process and ensure that Product Backlog items meet your definition of ready.

    Propose a clear sprint goal. 🎯 The Product Owner must be very clear on the expected customer value for the increment. Otherwise, the development team might choose a set of product backlog items that don’t relate to one another. The result could be unexpected outcomes and a low sense of accomplishment.

    Clarify the definition of done with the Development Team. Knowing what work done means in the current sprint helps the developers meet the expectations. That's because they can better understand what to do to create the increment. Also, a clear definition of done makes the Development Team more confident when estimating effort.

    Strong Sprint Planning makes your project stronger

    If you're following the Scrum framework, Sprint Planning is not a choice. Nevertheless, if you ever feel tempted to skip it, bookmark this article and read the following. 📑

    It's easier to understand the sprint goal, to-do work, and sprint outcomes with a successful Sprint Planning meeting. If the team doesn't know where it's heading and how to get there, it gets really tough to satisfy customer needs. It's equally hard to deliver your customers valuable increments if you don't organize work by priorities.

    Sprint Planning is about instilling clarity and organizing work before it's too late in the iteration. It's also about involving the whole team in preparing for all the effort that a sprint demands. A note: Keep in mind that a sprint plan must fit into a sprint's timebox and consider the team capacity.

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm is perfect for Sprint Planning. It's a fast, straightforward, visual, and collaborative tool that allows you to:

    • Drag items directly from the product backlog onto the user story map
    • Register effort estimates in user stories
    • Edit story point estimates
    • Prioritize user stories in each sprint by ordering them inside the respective sprint swimlane
    • Analyze sprint statistics to ensure that the planned work doesn't exceed the team's capacity and the sprint goal is realistic
    • Visualize what the team will deliver and when by arranging user stories into sprint swimlanes

    Let us know if you have any questions about Easy Agile TeamRhythm. We highly recommend it to your Scrum project, and our customers recommend the same.

  • Workflow

    Sprint Backlog 101: Never Stop Refining

    A sprint backlog is like an agile team's treasure map — checking off each item is like visiting a different place on the map. By the end of a sprint or iteration, the team will have delivered previously agreed outcomes and ultimately achieved their sprint goal. This is like getting to the ✖️ on a treasure map.

    Join us as we find the answers you need to successfully complete each sprint. You'll learn about a sprint backlog’s purpose, plus who creates, owns, updates, and uses it.

    What's a sprint backlog?

    A sprint backlog consists of the items that need to be completed in order to get to the sprint goal. It should go into artifact during the sprint planning meeting. A sprint backlog has three parts:

    • The sprint. Each sprint backlog targets a specific iteration.
    • The sprint goal. This is the higher level aim for each sprint. To achieve it, the development team completes certain items from the product backlog.
    • A plan. The sprint backlog represents a plan to deliver a product increment by the end of the sprint. It's organized to allow for progress tracking with to-do, in-progress, and done items, plus effort estimations and remaining workload.

    The sprint backlog should always be accessible and up-to-date so that the development team understands the work and can see what is coming up next. It should also have enough detail to allow tracking work progress.

    Each sprint starts with a sprint backlog, and the artifact's lifespan equals the sprint's duration. You may expect to find work items — user stories, tasks, or bugs — in it.

    The sprint backlog is the development team's go-to home to find all the ideas for what to work on. At every Daily Stand-Up,, the team looks at it to let others know what they did the day before. Additionally, they recall or adjust priorities based on what they need to do for the next day(s).

    🧐 During the Daily Stand-Up, developers also use the sprint backlog to evaluate the sprint's progress.

    The sprint backlog is not only a way of keeping the development team's eyes on the prize. 👀 It's also a way to discuss how well they achieved the sprint goal.

    At any point in a sprint, to-do, in-progress, and done items are included in the sprint backlog for anyone to review and use to calculate the remaining workload. This helps verify if the development team is on track to achieve the sprint goal. ✌️

    Jira provides a burndown chart to check the development team's work. This displays the remaining workload for the current sprint. In addition, the chart shows:

    • Work in progress
    • The distribution of work throughout the iteration

    A Jira burndown chart also helps evaluate whether additional items fit into the sprint and effort estimations were accurate.

    🛑 Keep in mind that you don't need a sprint backlog if you follow the Kanban framework. That’s because Kanban isn’t about working in timeboxes (the sprints).

    Now, the sprint backlog isn't an off-the-shelf artifact that you can use in your project — every project is unique. So, someone must be responsible for populating the sprint backlog with work items.

    Besides defining what a sprint backlog is, we should discuss what sets them apart from product backlogs.

    Sprint backlogs vs. product backlogs

    Though their names are similar, a sprint backlog and product backlog serve different purposes. A product backlog is:

    • A collection of work items to either bring a new product to the market or improve an existing product
    • A list of work items to tackle in the future
    • A set of work items arranged by priority, with the most priority at the top
    • The source of the sprint backlog items

    On the other hand, a sprint backlog is:

    • A subset of work items from the product backlog
    • A group of items to work on during the next sprint

    Here’s how the two backlogs meet: The product backlog provides work items for a sprint backlog. And, by the end of a sprint, the team might transfer incomplete work to the next sprint or the product backlog. If the work items have high priority, they should go into the next sprint. If not, they should go into the product backlog for a later sprint.

    Essentially, a product backlog covers a greater amount of time than a sprint backlog. However, like the sprint backlog, the product backlog might evolve to reflect changes in the market or customer needs and, the development team needs both in order to deliver product changes.

    Now, the sprint backlog isn't an off-the-shelf artifact that you can use in your project — every project is unique. So, someone must be responsible for populating the sprint backlog with work items.

    Who owns and creates sprint backlogs?

    Here are the team members involved in creating sprint backlogs:

    • The Scrum Master. During the Sprint Planning ceremony, the Scrum Master uses the product backlog to create the sprint backlog — the output. However, the Scrum Master doesn't do it alone.
    • The development team. When moving product backlog items to the sprint backlog, the Scrum Master considers the development team's input. ⚖️
    • The Product Owner. The Scrum Master needs the Product Owner's agreement to include product backlog items in the sprint backlog. 👌 And if the development team has questions about the product backlog, the Product Owner is the one to ask.

    The sprint backlog's creation is one part of the agile workflow that shows how essential teamwork is to agile. Nevertheless, the sprint backlog must always be owned by someone throughout the workflow. Otherwise, these artifacts can get lost and become outdated.

    Scrum methodology says that the whole agile team owns the Sprint Backlog. And by "agile team," we mean the Scrum Master, the Product Owner, and the development team.

    That’s because all agile team members contribute:

    • The Product Owner knows what the development team should deliver by the end of the sprint. Plus, they order product backlog items by priority. In other words, the Product Owner constrains the product backlog items that should go into the next sprint backlog.
    • The Scrum Master has enough experience to distribute the development team's work throughout the sprint. When considering sprint backlog item dependencies, that distribution makes the most sense.
    • The development team knows how long similar Sprint Backlog items take to complete. ⏲️ This means they can determine the sprint goal's feasibility within a certain time frame.

    Remember, the sprint backlog is a living document, so team members should update it as needed. Let’s look at how a sprint backlog can change.

    Updating the sprint backlog

    The sprint backlog should adapt to answer market trends and customer needs as they arise. Those changes might influence items in the product backlog and how they’re prioritized. As a result, the sprint backlog changes.

    Let's have a look at what may cause a sprint backlog to change and who makes the updates:

    1. Effort estimations were not accurate enough. If the development team realizes that some work items will take longer than expected, they should raise a 🚩. They should then negotiate the scope of the sprint backlog with the Product Owner without compromising the sprint goal.
    2. A new, higher-priority user story, task, or bug comes up. If that happens, the development team should add it to the sprint backlog. That might impact the sprint's duration or push some items to the next sprint.
    3. Progress in completing a user story or a task or solving a bug changes daily. As this happens, the development team should keep updating the remaining workload they estimated for the current sprint. And they should do it during the Daily Stand-Up or Daily Scrum meeting. Once the development team finishes all the work in the sprint backlog, they achieve the sprint goal. This means the development team implemented the product increment, which is ready for delivery. 📦
    4. A sprint backlog item is no longer needed. This might be due to a shift in the market or customer needs. If that happens, the development team should remove the item from the artifact. 🗑️
    5. The development team better understands sprint backlog requirements as the sprint continues. So, they might realize that to achieve the sprint goal, they need to include more items in the sprint backlog.

    The sprint backlog: A guide for sprint success

    A sprint backlog is a guide for completing a sprint goal. This means that its lifecycle is short and equals the iteration's duration. It's a visual representation of the sprint that supports Scrum team discussions on in-progress and to-do work.

    This backlog may also be the most reassuring Scrum artifact for developers, as it assures them the work is organized and no additional work items will fall from the sky without their knowledge. If the workload must increase, the team will debate it and weigh the developers' experience-based opinion.

    With a sprint backlog, the team perfects its ability to plan sprints, estimate effort, and allocate resources. They learn how long work takes and how much of it fits into a sprint. And by learning this, the team learns the resources they need to get to the finish line.

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm is collaborative sprint planning tool that helps your team with the shared context that the story map format provides. TeamRhythm helps your team to:

    • Visualize a meaningful picture of work on the user story map, sequenced into sprint swimlanes
    • Create, estimate and prioritize user stories right on the story map
    • See comitment at a glance with sprint statistics and sprint goals displayed on each swimlane

    Try planning your sprints with Easy Agile TeamRhythm. We’re confident it will help your team collaborate even more seamlessly.

  • Agile Best Practice

    Become a Successful Scrum Master With These 6 Tips

    “Do or do not; there is no try.” While this is certainly Jedi Master Yoda’s most famous quote, it doesn’t exactly apply to agile development. In fact, it’s kind of the opposite of agile. If Yoda were a Scrum Master, however, the quote would look a lot more like this: “Try and again try; that is how you do.”

    The Scrum Master facilitates the Scrum team, leading them to a hopeful victory. It’s rewarding, but the Scrum Master role is filled with pressure. The success of the Scrum and the wellbeing of the team falls on the Scrum Master’s shoulders.

    If you’re a Scrum Master or aspire to become one, you’ve come to the right place. Master Scrum theory and your leadership skills with our six strategies for Scrum Masters.

    Understanding Scrum values and the role of the Scrum Master

    Scrum is an agile practice commonly used for product development. It’s based on completing a set amount of work in short bursts — called sprints — so that teams can continuously create iterations as they learn more about a product and its stakeholders.

    Ken Schwaber co-created the Scrum framework in the early 1990s to help teams manage complex development projects. He also founded Scrum Alliance and established Scrum.org, an online resource for agile teams.

    At the beginning of a Scrum, the product owner decides which product backlog items will be moved to the sprint backlog. From there, the Scrum Master takes over, leading the team through Scrum events, including:

    The role of the Scrum Master is to guide the team through the Scrum process. They facilitate the process, helping the team to master the framework and improve from one sprint to the next.

    Characteristics that define a great Scrum Master

    Being an effective Scrum Master goes beyond simply following the rules of Scrum. Here are some additional characteristics that truly define excellence in this role:

    1. Emotional intelligence

    A great Scrum Master possesses high emotional intelligence. This means they can:

    • Understand and manage their own emotions.
    • Empathize with the team members' feelings and perspectives.
    • Facilitate constructive communication and resolve conflicts gracefully.

    2. Strong facilitation skills

    It's not just about managing the daily Scrum meetings. They need to:

    • Encourage open dialogue.
    • Ensure every voice is heard.
    • Guide the team towards consensus without being overbearing.

    3. Adaptability

    The landscape of a project can change rapidly. Great Scrum Masters:

    • Adapt to changes swiftly without losing focus.
    • Help the team pivot strategies quickly while maintaining morale.

    4. Lifelong learner

    The world of Agile is always evolving. Exceptional Scrum Masters:

    • Commit to continuous learning.
    • Stay updated with the latest practices, tools, and methodologies.

    5. Servant leadership

    At the heart of a Scrum Master's role is servant leadership. This involves:

    • Placing the team's needs above their own.
    • Removing obstacles that hinder the team's progress.
    • Empowering team members to take ownership and make decisions.

    6. Analytical thinking

    A great Scrum Master should be able to:

    • Analyze the team's processes and identify bottlenecks.
    • Use data-driven insights to foster continuous improvement.

    7. Motivational skills

    Keeping the team motivated is crucial for sustained productivity. They excel at:

    • Recognizing and celebrating small wins.
    • Encouraging a positive, collaborative team culture.

    8. Excellent communication

    Communication is key. They need to:

    • Convey ideas clearly and concisely.
    • Ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page.

    By embodying these characteristics, a Scrum Master not only facilitates effective project management but also fosters a thriving team environment that encourages innovation and success.

    Six strategies to become a great Scrum Master

    Here are six strategies for Scrum Masters to improve their skills or prepare for their future roles.

    1. Don’t forget to be agile yourself

    Do you live by agile principles yourself? How agile are you in your leadership style?

    Effective Scrum Masters know that they also need to continually improve based on new experiences, successes, and failures. It’s important to learn from your mistakes so that you don’t make them again, but it’s just as important to learn from your successes. Take the time to review your process, including what went well and what didn’t, so you know how you can improve as a leader and facilitator.

    2. Get to know your team

    Your ability to lead your team is tied to how well you know them. You should continually get to know your team’s strengths and weaknesses. How well do they work together? Who brings out the best in one another, and who doesn't work so well together? Dig deep to truly understand the root dynamics of the team.

    Learn more about each individual on the team as well. What do they need help with? What do they excel at? What feedback can you provide to help them grow in their role? How can you help them succeed? Build rapport with your team members by asking how they’re doing, giving and receiving feedback, and finding common ground.

    3. Foster a culture of continuous feedback

    The agile methodology is based on continuous improvement. How will the individuals on your team improve if you don’t provide them feedback? Likewise, how will you improve if you don’t ask for, and accept, feedback from the team?

    Feedback is a two-way street, and it only works if it’s constructive and continuous. Don’t wait until you have something negative to address — you need to regularly provide both positive and negative feedback. Doing this on a regular basis will help you and your team become accustomed to hearing feedback, so it won’t be jarring or off-putting when you do.

    As the Scrum Master, you should foster an environment in which all members give and receive constructive feedback.

    4. Hone your communication skills

    Being in charge doesn’t mean you’re always doing the talking. The opposite is true: Great leaders are great communicators. As a leader, you need to constantly listen to your team, keeping both ears open for any issues your team or the individuals on it may be dealing with.

    Actively listen to the concerns of the development team, and consider how each individual on your team prefers to communicate. Do they prefer bold and to-the-point interactions? Or do they need time to ease into a conversation? Everyone communicates a little differently, and understanding your team's preferences will help you make the most of each interaction.

    Scrum Masters need to hone their communication skills in order to be effective leaders for their teams. Regularly assess your communication style and its effectiveness, and ask your team for feedback on how you are doing.

    5. Make the most of every retrospective

    The retrospective is the final event of a Scrum. They are an incredibly important part of the Scrum process, and they should not be overlooked, rushed, or underutilized. As the Scrum Master, you need to take responsibility for making sure retrospectives are effective and occur after each Scrum. Go in with a plan to make the most of every retro meeting.

    That doesn’t mean you need to take charge of everything. It’s helpful to let your team run the occasional retrospective. Everyone involved should continually contribute their own ideas to improve the meeting.

    Collect regular feedback from your team on how they think your retrospectives are going. Ask for ideas on how they could improve, and change things up. Repeating the exact same questions and retrospective activities will bore your team and lead to reduced engagement.

    For more retrospective perspective, read our five steps to holding effective sprint retrospectives.

    6. Become a certified Scrum Master

    A Scrum Master certification can take you from simple Scrum Master to masterful Scrum Master. While certification isn’t required to become a professional Scrum Master, it certainly helps.

    Scrum.org, the website founded by the co-creator of Scrum, offers a three-part certification program called The Professional Scrum MasterTM. The program has three assessment levels that validate your knowledge of the Scrum framework and practical application of Scrum theory.

    We’re also big fans of Pretty Agile’s SAFe training programs:

    A certification is a great addition to your resume, and it will help you fine-tune your facilitation skills and Scrum knowledge.

    Easy Agile for Scrum Masters

    “Try and again try; that is how you do.”

    The beauty of agile is that regardless of how many certifications or years of experience you have, there’s always more to improve. Agile is an iterative process in which learning continues from sprint to sprint and project to project. As a Scrum Master, it’s up to you to continue learning the craft and perfecting your facilitation skills, the Scrum Master role involves life-long learning.

    Easy Agile builds products designed to help Scrum Masters and agile developers work more efficiently and effectively. Our tools are specifically designed for teams that use and love Jira but need more functionality in order to prioritize customer needs.

    Try Easy Agile TeamRhythm to support your team agility from planning through to review. TeamRhythm supports user story mapping, backlog refinement, sprint and version planning, and team retrospectives, building a continuous cycle of improvement right in Jira. It’s a win-win-win for Scrum Masters, development teams, and customers. Try our products absolutely free for 30 days.