

  • Agile Best Practice

    Unlocking the Potential of Teams with People-Centered Retrospectives

    When I first began working as a Scrum Master, I quickly became focused on the world of metrics. I believed that for my teams to succeed, they needed to have a continuously improving velocity, a stable cumulative flow diagram, or a perfect burn-down chart.

    Sound familiar?

    The problem with these metrics is that they are efficiency, not value focused.

    It doesn't matter if a team builds one hundred new features rapidly if none of those actually deliver value to the customer. Efficiency metrics also have a habit of being misused and misunderstood, and this can breed malcontent.

    Rather than focusing heavily on the data in retrospectives, I aim to focus on the people. The Agile Manifesto after all is about enabling people and their interactions.

    Each of us are beating hearts behind our devices

    Making time for human interaction...has resulted in far better outcomes than any beautifully constructed burndown chart.

    Through embracing a human-first approach, a team I once worked with learned that they as a group were avid gamers. They'd been working together for years but hadn't known. This team was under a lot of pressure to deliver to difficult timescales and retros had fallen by the wayside.

    This was the first thing I focused on; getting them believing in retrospectives again. Taking a human-centred approach, I melted the ice with some unfettered time to talk about non-work stuff “What was your favourite childhood video game”.

    Just a few minutes of idle chatter about Sonic, Legend of Zelda, and Mario kicked off a chain of events that started with a few of them arranging to game together that evening, and before long, we had weekly video game-themed zoom backgrounds and retrospectives always had a gaming twist. Think Dungeons & Dragons, Tetris, Pokémon & Among Us.

    Another great sign that a team is on the right track is how much they laugh together. This team was noticeably happier as a consequence, the change was drastic, almost tangible.

    We aren't just avatars on our screens, each of us are beating hearts behind our devices, with passions, likes, dislikes, and aspirations. Making time for human interaction and building retrospectives that focus on our human side, has resulted in far better outcomes than any beautifully constructed burndown chart.

    Why embrace a People-Centred approach?

    Let’s delve a little into why you should focus on the human side. What’s in it for you?

    • Increased Team Engagement and Participation: When retros are people-centered, team members will feel more connected to their colleagues, they’ll feel more comfortable actively participating, and have an increased sense of ownership of the team's successes and challenges.
    • Improved psychological safety: With a people-centric approach, you can more easily create a safe and inclusive environment for team members to share their thoughts and experiences openly, without fear of judgement. This can foster a sense of belonging and increase the overall morale of the team.
    • More enjoyment: We spend 8 of our waking hours working and half or more of our adult lives working. We owe it to ourselves to have a bit of fun in the process. A people-centric approach can result in people looking forwards to the next retro. More enjoyment, more engagement, and better outcomes. Simple.
    • Better profitability: Oh, and it’s also better for the bottom line. A study by Gallup found a clear link between engagement and profitability in companies. Why are highly engaged teams more profitable? Teams that rank in the top 20% for engagement experience a 41% decrease in absenteeism and a 59% decrease in turnover. Engaged employees come to work with enthusiasm, focus, and energy.

    The perfect conditions for continuous improvement.

    Looking to get started with a few people-focused retrospectives?

    Try a few of these free templates;

    5 Dysfunctions Retro - Chris Stone - Easy Agile
    Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose Retro - Chris Stone - Easy Agile
    Healthy Minds Retro - Chris Stone - Easy Agile
    Psychological Safety Retro - Chris Stone - Easy Agile
    Spotify Team Health at Scale Retro - Chris Stone - Easy Agile

    Psychological Safety Retro

    The Aristotle project led by Google, found that the presence of psychological safety was the biggest factor in high performance for teams. Use this format to build the foundations of psychological safety with your teams, baseline the current levels and develop actions to improve.

    Healthy Minds Retro

    You wouldn’t let your car go without a service, and I bet your phone battery rarely goes below 10%. Why don’t we place the same focus on looking after our own needs, individually or collectively? Use this retro to narrow in on improvements that improve your team's health.

    Spotify Health Check Retro

    Famed for the agile framework that was never intended as a framework, some coaches at Spotify also released a team health check format which is great for measuring and visualising progress as a team. The simplicity of this format and its ability to highlight areas of focus as well as progress over time is particularly powerful. The best bit? It’s the team's perspective, not any external maturity model or arbitrary metric.

    Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose Retro

    Based upon the book ‘Drive’ by Dan Pink which highlighted the surprising things that motivate us, this retro helps teams to investigate the areas of their work which amplify or dampen our sense of autonomy, mastery & purpose. This book was a game changer for me and this retro could change the game for your teams.

    5 Dysfunctions of a Team Retro

    Another format based upon a highly acclaimed book, this retro builds upon the works of Patrick Lencioni and his 5 dysfunctions of a team. Using this retro, you can highlight the dysfunctional behaviours in your team and collectively solve those challenges together. One team, our problems, our solutions.

    Let’s leave you with some things to think about

    The key to unlocking the true potential of your teams lies in embracing a people-centered approach to retrospectives. By focusing on the human side of our teams, we can foster stronger connections, create a safe and inclusive environment, and ultimately drive better outcomes for both the team and the organization.

    Remember, the Agile Manifesto is about enabling people and their interactions, and by placing people at the heart of our retrospectives, we can build stronger, happier, and more productive teams.

    Forget about chasing the perfect metrics, and instead focus on building meaningful connections and fostering a culture of continuous improvement that is rooted in the human experience.

    Retrospectives integrated with your work in Jira

    Hoping to improve how your team is working together? Easy Agile TeamRhythm helps you turn insights into action, to improve how you’re working and make your next release better than the last.


    About Chris

    For ten years now, Chris Stone has been fostering an environment of success for high-performing teams and organizations through the use of agility. He has worked across a wide range of industries and with some of the largest organizations in the world, as well as with smaller, lean enterprises.

    ​As The Virtual Agile coach, Chris intends to enable frictionless innovation, regardless of location, and is a firm believer in enabling agility whilst working virtually. Find him online at Virtually Agile >>

  • Product

    Overcome common retrospective challenges with Easy Agile TeamRhythm

    Retrospectives help create an environment where team members can freely share their wins and challenges. By encouraging this feedback, you get critical insights into what can be improved in the next iteration. But while it sounds straightforward in theory, many teams struggle to make agile retrospectives work in practice.

    So if we know team retrospectives can be a great way to drive continuous improvement and deliver value – why do so many teams struggle to get it right?

    The slippery slope to becoming a tick box exercise

    According to Easy Agile Product Marketing Manager Tenille Hoppo, the struggle with retrospectives often lies behind two key challenges. "If you’re having the same discussions week after week, and the team can’t see anything changing, then people can become fatigued, disengaged, and bored," said Tenille. "Over time, retrospectives become less respected and less effective as a process, and eventually become nothing more than a tick box exercise".

    "Then there’s the challenge around capturing actions in real-time," said Tenille. "We’ve all been guilty of having great ideas while working on something, but by the time the next retrospective comes around, the idea is gone".

    The challenges around keeping retrospectives fresh, productive, and integrated with the work in Jira are behind the development of Easy Agile TeamRhythm, an app designed to overcome these common issues and help teams deliver value to their customers more quickly.

    Integrating user story maps and retrospectives

    "We believed if we could integrate the retrospective process right alongside the work in Jira, teams would be better able to deal with the issues blocking their progress and work more effectively," said Tenille. "So, we mapped out the groundwork as part of an Inception Week project, and soon after that, Easy Agile TeamRhythm was born".

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm replaces our first app, Easy Agile User Story Maps, and integrates team user story maps with team retrospective boards. The user story maps are used for planning and managing work (including sprint planning and backlog refinement), while retrospective boards help teams do that work better. "It made sense to build on the sprint planning and backlog refinement capabilities of Easy Agile User Story Maps and introduce retrospective boards to capture and collate ideas for improvement," said Tenille. "With retrospectives colocated where work is managed in Jira, you can turn action items into Jira issues and schedule work, ensuring retrospectives are effective and valuable".

    Elevating retrospectives with Easy Agile TeamRhythm

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm supports teams from planning through to release and retrospectives. It covers user story mapping, sprint planning, version planning, backlog refinement, and team retrospectives.

    By featuring a team retrospective board integrated alongside your Jira boards, agile teams can use the app to:

    Capture feedback in real-time

    Team members can capture feedback quickly and easily as they do their work. As a result, feedback and ideas don’t get lost and, instead, are there waiting for you when you run the next retrospective.

    Combat fatigue with templates

    You can access different templates to help change the format of retrospectives, frame things differently, and keep team members interested. This can also help teams see things from different angles and come up with new ideas.

    Current templates include:

    • Foundation
      A highly customizable template based on the Start, Stop, & Continue model. The team looks at looks at the actions they want to introduce, those that aren't working, and what can continue into the next cycle.
    • Get Rhythm
      A music-themed template using the 4 L’s retrospective format, to understand what is “Loved, Learned, Loathed, and Longed for”. The team calls out what they appreciate, what the sprint taught them, what went wrong, and what they would’ve wanted more of.
    • Space Mission
      A stellar-themed template based on the Sailboat retrospective format, examining the approaches that inhibit progress, or reap desirable outcomes, and establish a direction for planning the next iteration.
    • Rose Blossom
      A rose-themed template based on the Starfish model, that involves rating the efficacy of action items to determine the methodologies they should keep, discard, and apply in the next round.

    Improve the next iteration by applying insights

    The ‘Actions’ column is where you turn feedback into tangible actions and create in-built accountability. In just two clicks, you can turn an action item into a Jira issue that is automatically added to your backlog. You can then assign an owner and schedule it into an upcoming sprint or release.

    “We’ve improved our communication and team alignment, which has helped give us faster results”.

    Casey Flynn, Adidas

    Make your next release better

    "Agile isn’t about wringing every ounce of work you can get from your team, and it’s also not about wasting time in unproductive meetings that don’t drive an outcome," said Tenille. "With Easy Agile TeamRhythm, we provide the framework and functionality to help share learnings, plan solutions, and take action. And as teams focus on incremental improvements, they can start working better together, feel happier in their role, and deliver better outcomes".


    Like to hear more?

    Tenille presented on this topic in a webinar with Atlassian Solution Partner Almarise. Watch the full presentation below.

  • Workflow

    5 Steps to Holding Effective Sprint Retrospectives

    The retrospective is a critical part of the agile process, providing an outlet for teams to discuss how they can improve. A sprint retrospective comes at the end of each sprint and offers the team an opportunity to assess their processes.

    What went well? What didn’t go so well? What does the team need to do to improve next time? Agile is all about learning and iterating. Every time you complete a sprint, there are lessons to be learned. Agile continually takes what a team learns — the good, the bad, and the bland — and turns those experiences into actionable improvements.

    This post will dig into sprint retrospectives, including the benefits, how they fit within the Scrum process, how to run an effective sprint retrospective meeting, and common mistakes to avoid.

    The purpose of the sprint retrospective

    The sprint retrospective is a dedicated time for team discussion. The time is allotted at the end of each sprint so that all team members can examine what went well and what needs to change. It’s all part of the greater agile methodology of continually improving your processes as you learn more. There’s no one set way of doing things, and there’s always room to become more efficient and effective.

    A sprint retrospective:

    • Encourages a continuous improvement mindset
    • Creates a safe space for sharing positive and constructive feedback
    • Gives everyone on the team an opportunity to express thoughts, ideas, and experiences
    • Provides feedback in real-time after each sprint
    • Brings the team together around common goals
    • Exposes any issues from the previous sprint that are holding the team back
    • Informs leadership of success and potential roadblocks
    • Helps product owners make decisions for the next sprint planning
    • Sets the team on a positive path for moving into the next sprint

    How the sprint retrospective fits within the Scrum process

    The type of retrospective you hold depends on the type of sprint or agile methodology your team practices. One of the most common methodologies in software development is the Scrum framework.

    A Scrum team has three types of roles:

    • Product Owner
    • Scrum Master
    • Development team

    At the beginning of each Scrum, the product owner decides which items from the overall product backlog are moved to the sprint backlog to be completed over the upcoming 2-4 week sprint. The exact sprint timeframe is set in advance.

    The Scrum is made up of four distinct ceremonies or events:

    After planning is complete and the team knows which backlog items they are going to tackle for the current sprint, the work begins. The team checks in throughout the sprint via a daily scrum or stand-up meeting. This quick but essential check-in allows the Scrum team to discuss their progress and address any potential roadblocks on a daily basis.

    The sprint review meeting takes place at the end of the sprint; it’s an opportunity for Scrum team members to showcase the work accomplished during the sprint. This could be an internal presentation or a more formal demo to stakeholders.

    Last comes the incredibly important Scrum retrospective. During this time, the team can discuss what went well and what could be improved so the upcoming sprint can run more efficiently. Anything that’s learned along the way or discovered in the retrospective is brought into the next sprint planning session. This Scrum process repeats until there are no more product backlog items or the product is complete.

    How to run an effective sprint retrospective meeting

    The retrospective is a critical part of the agile process that should be treated with care and respect. Go in with a plan. Winging it might get you by, but everyone will get more out of the process if the person or people leading the retrospective is prepared.

    Use our strategies below to run effective retrospectives that everyone looks forward to.

    1. Ensure everyone’s voice is heard

    The loudest voices in a sprint retrospective often get the most attention and speaking time, but they don’t necessarily have better insights than anyone else. Each person involved in the sprint process should be given an opportunity to speak.

    If you find a few people are dominating the conversation or that some people never contribute, switch up your strategy to include everyone. Go around the room one by one with a question that each person needs to answer, such as “What do you think went well in this sprint?” or “What was your biggest challenge?”

    2. Start, stop, continue

    The 'Start, Stop, Continue' retrospective format can be expressed in many forms, but the general practice is the same. At the end of a sprint, you decide what you want to start doing, what you want to stop doing, and what you want to continue doing as you move into your next sprint. It’s a simple format that covers both what went well and what didn’t go so well.

    Other versions of this exercise include the Rose Bud Thorn exercise, where participants share something positive, a budding opportunity, and a negative to improve upon. There’s also the Anchors and Sails exercise, where participants share what put wind in their sails (went well) and what anchored them down.

    3. Establish specific action items

    The retrospective is a waste of time if you don’t leave with specific action items. What is your team going to do about the issues brought up in the meeting? Ensure you keep track of the issues and the positive feedback people provide so that you can turn them into actionable tasks or goals before the meeting is complete.

    You can’t implement absolutely every change that is brought up, but the discussion should give you a place to start. Work with the team to figure out what changes will provide the most impact. You can use an impact effort matrix or similar agile tools to make informed choices.

    4. Retrospective the retrospective

    Every now and again, take the time to review your retrospective. Ask for feedback from all team members on how the process could improve. What would make the experience easier on the team? What would they like to see implemented? What hasn’t been working during your recurring retros?

    Wow, that’s getting a little meta, but it’s an important step. You need to continually assess your retrospective as well to make sure you’re getting the most out of the experience.

    One thing to watch for: When people are bored, they engage less, which means it’s important to switch things up. You don’t want your retrospective process to run stagnant or lose its effectiveness.

    5. Review action items at the next sprint retrospective

    Make sure the hard work of your retrospective pays off. At the beginning of the next retrospective, take a small bit of time to review your previous action items. What goals and action items did you leave the last retrospective with? Did you accomplish what you set out to do, or do you still need to work at it?

    Common retrospective mistakes to avoid

    Avoid these common mistakes when running sprint retrospective meetings:

    ❌ Allowing a few people to dominate the conversation

    ❌ Not empowering softer voices

    ❌ Jumping to conclusions without a thorough discussion

    ❌ Asking the same questions over and over without mixing things up

    ❌ Forgetting about or not implementing the action items of the previous retrospective

    ❌ Skipping a retrospective due to lack of time or resources

    ❌ Forgetting about stakeholder and customer needs

    ❌ Failing to improve upon your retrospective process

    Put your retrospective ideas into action with Easy Agile TeamRhythm

    Sprint retrospectives help the entire team learn from each experience and improve. Doing them effectively means evaluating the retrospective itself, empowering voices, and listening to them.

    We’re passionate about putting the needs of the customer first and foremost. Easy Agile builds products specifically designed for Jira users to help agile teams work more efficiently and effectively.

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm supports the work of your agile team from planning right through to retrospective, encouraging continuous improvement so you're always getting better at what you do, and delivering better for your customers.


  • Agile Best Practice

    A Scrum Master 7-Point Retrospective Checklist

    One question that often arises is, “What are the indicators of a highly effective Scrum Master?" When striving to become an exceptional Scrum Master, consider the following:

    • Identify Repeated Mistakes: While occasional mistakes are expected, it is important for the Scrum Master to collaborate with the team to identify recurring mistakes. By implementing policies and practices, the team can prevent these mistakes from happening again.
    • Address Systemic Issues: If the team consistently encounters the same issues, the Scrum Master must recognize the presence of systemic problems. Working with the team, the Scrum Master can establish countermeasures to prevent these issues from reoccurring.
    • Measure Improvements Over Time: Are we continuously improving as a team? Assess whether the team is more effective now compared to prior periods, such as 6, 9, and 12 months ago. Similarly, consider if the team will be better in the future. If progress stalls, it may be necessary to reevaluate the effectiveness of the Scrum Master.

    If your team is progressing across all three of these areas, that’s a great sign that the Scrum Master is effective and that the team is learning and improving.

    To drive continuous improvement, the Scrum Master should utilise the retrospective. The retrospective is a Scrum event conducted after the Sprint Review to evaluate and adapt the process and the team's ability to deliver products effectively. During this session, the Scrum Master guides the team in celebrating successes and exploring areas for improvement.

    Outlined below is a 7-step checklist used by Scrum Masters during retrospectives to address problems:

    1. Discuss the Problem: In the retrospective, the Scrum Master facilitates a discussion to identify the main challenges faced by the team.
    2. Assess Impact: Determine the urgency and impact of the problem. Immediate action may be required for highly impactful issues, while less pressing matters can be addressed later.
    3. Identify Root Causes: Understanding the root cause allows the team to gain deeper insights and generate potential solutions.
    4. Generate Solutions: Once a significant problem is recognized, the Scrum Master guides the team in brainstorming solutions to address the issue.
    5. Implement Solutions: This step is carried out in the subsequent retrospective. The Scrum Master ensures that the proposed solutions are tried and tested.
    6. Evaluate Initial Results: Assess the effectiveness of the implemented solution. Did it fix the problem, make it worse, or have no effect?
    7. Determine Next Steps: Based on the results, decide whether the problem is resolved or if further action is needed. This may involve continuing with the current solution or pivoting to a different approach.

    For example, let's consider a team struggling with high defect rates. Their defect rates surpass both the organisation's average and industry standards. Here's how the 7-step checklist could be applied:

    Step 1: In the retrospective, the Scrum Master raises the issue of high defect rates for discussion.

    Step 2: The Product Owner shares feedback from the help desk team, highlighting customer complaints and the negative impact on sales.

    Step 3: After deliberation, the team recognizes that many defects are missed during manual testing and identifies the lack of test automation as a contributing factor.

    Step 4: A team member with experience in automated testing proposes implementing unit-level automated testing practices.

    Step 5: In the subsequent retrospective, the team reports applying the new unit testing practices to all their work during the sprint.

    Step 6: The team acknowledges that the automated tests identified six defects that would have otherwise been missed.

    Step 7: The team agrees to continue using automated unit testing practices and plans to expand to integration-level testing as more of the codebase is covered.

    By utilising this 7-step checklist, Scrum Masters can effectively leverage retrospectives to address recurring mistakes, resolve ongoing issues, and foster continuous growth and improvement within their teams.

  • Agile Best Practice

    How to run more effective retrospectives with TeamRhythm

    If you have been running retrospectives for some time prior to 2020, you may be familiar with the follow agenda for a 1 hour session:

    Time allocated - Activity (before)

    It is quite possible that as your team transitioned to working remotely from 2020 onwards, that retrospectives were still run in realtime but in a virtual setting using Zoom/Teams/Meet rather than in person.

    Here at Easy Agile where we have flexible work arrangements, most team members usually spend 1-2 days a week in the office, though we now also have team members working interstate who are 100% work from home. As a result, all our teams really value their F2F meeting time whether it be in person or virtual, so we try to maximise that F2F time as much as we can for those important debates and conversations where the entire team can listen and participate in real time.

    How Easy Agile uses TeamRhythm retrospectives to maximise team time

    1. Team members can add items to the retrospective board anytime during the sprint

    The team is reminded and encouraged to add items to the retrospective board at any time during the sprint, whenever it is top of mind. This can be done asynchronously without any time constraints. Items added like this tend to be worded better because it has not been rushed within the timebox of a traditional retro setting. Capturing the item when it’s top of mind ensures that these items are less likely to be forgotten when the team sits down together to run the retro at the end of the sprint.

    2. The team self reviews the retro board during the sprint

    The team can review the items on the retro board during the sprint and ping the author of a particular item if they are unclear as to the content of the item. With this feedback and over time, Easy Agile teams have learnt to write in a more specific manner where the item is less likely to be incorrectly understood.

    3. Facilitators categorize items before the meeting

    Grouping and sorting retro items during the meeting itself can often be a rushed and sometimes stressful event, especially if it is left to just the facilitator to do it while running the meeting at the same time. At Easy Agile, the nominated retro facilitator looks at the items of the board ahead of time and uses categories to label and group like-minded items together.

    4. Face to face time are primarily for debate and action setting

    Easy Agile retrospective meetings now mainly focus on reviewing and discussing those retrospective items already pre-labelled into specific categories, and deciding on what actions need to be taken in order to improve on future sprints.

    The timing of a retrospective at Easy Agile now typically looks like this:

    Time allocated - Activity (after)

    Wrapping it up

    By encouraging the team to capture any lessons/thoughts they would like to share during the course of a sprint by capturing it as soon as it comes up on that sprint’s retro board, the majority of the time spent during the retrospective meeting at the close of a sprint focuses on meaningful conversations, ideation, candid feedback and debates and more thoughtful actions.
    Less time is wasted with the team sitting silently trying to recall what worked or didn't work during the last two weeks and then having to type it out quickly and have it make sense to the rest of the team.

    Just one more thing…

    By the time you read this, we will have provided users with the ability to add items to a retrospective board directly from the Jira issue viewer, so now the friction to add a retrospective item is reduced by one less step.

    And we also plan to provide the option to display any outstanding retrospective actions from previous sprints on the current retro board.

    How do you and your teams run retros? Do you have any tips that you would like to share with us? We would love to learn from you as well. Please email us at hello@easyagile.com with subject: Retro tips.

  • Agile Best Practice

    The Ultimate Guide to Agile Retrospectives

    You’ve come to the end of your sprint. Your team planned and prioritized the most important tasks and executed them as well as possible. It’s just almost time to begin planning again, and jump into the next sprint...

    BUT — there’s a critical step you've overlooked. The team retrospective meeting.

    What went well? What didn’t go well? What do you need to improve upon for next time?

    We built this guide based on years of agile training and software development experience. Our ultimate guide to retrospectives has everything you need to run effective retrospective meetings, including the benefits of retrospectives, how to run them well, and extra resources.

    An intro: what is agile?

    But first, a review of agile. If you’re already familiar, feel free to skip ahead to the next section on retrospectives.

    One of our favorite ways to differentiate the agile methodology from traditional, waterfall project management is to compare the approaches to jazz vs. classical music.

    In classical music, a conductor brings a piece of music to an orchestra. The conductor guides the group through the piece, dictating exactly what happens where and when based on their own previously decided ideas. It’s a lot like traditional project management. A project manager creates a plan, brings it to their team, and tells them how to carry it out. Each step plays out as it was designed to, under the careful observation of the project leader.

    Now, consider jazz music. Jazz is collaborative, with each bandmate feeding off of each other in a flexible environment. The band doesn’t go in completely blind. Everyone is working off of a piece of music — but it’s not strictly adhered to, allowing for new directions to be discovered in the moment. The band, just like an agile team, works together to create music flexibly and iteratively, with each iteration a little different — and hopefully even better — than the last.

    💡 Learn more: Agile 101: A Beginner's Guide to Agile Methodology

    Traditional project management isn’t flexible. Instead, team members must work in a sequential order that’s dictated by the original plan and project manager. Think of an assembly line. The same steps are followed from project to project. The linear structure means that if one piece of a project stalls, the entire project stalls.

    Agile, on the other hand, is non-linear. It focuses on collaboration between team members, flexibility, and delivering consistent value to stakeholders throughout the development process. Each new iteration yields actionable insights about what’s working and what isn’t. This multidimensional way of working eliminates the bottlenecks and dependencies that are common with traditional project management.

    What is a retrospective?

    Retrospectives are a staple of many agile processes. They can be a critical moment for teams to come together and provide feedback about how processes can improve. Retrospectives keep the agile process — well — agile and encourage continuous improvement. No matter how well the last sprint went, there is always something that can be improved upon for the next iteration.

    Agile retrospectives help agile teams gather data and feedback from those involved in the Scrum process. In Scrum, a retrospective is held at the end of every sprint, which is generally every two weeks. The retrospective is a chance for all team members to share what went well, what didn’t, and what could be improved upon for next time. The insights are taken into account in the next planning session to ensure teams learn from their mistakes, successes, and each other.

    How retrospectives fit with Scrum

    Retrospectives are conducted in a variety of agile methodologies, but for the purposes of our Retrospectives Guide, we’re going to discuss retrospectives within the Scrum process. It’s one of four critical meetings used in Scrum, coming at the conclusion of each sprint. So, how are retrospective meetings utilized in Scrum?

    Scrum artifacts

    Artifacts are the pieces of work the team completes over the course of the sprint. The product backlog is a compilation of tasks that the team believes need to get done in order to complete a product or iteration of a product. The product backlog is large and not very refined.

    Items from the product backlog get moved into the sprint backlog when it’s time for them to be completed. The sprint backlog represents everything the team hopes to accomplish over one sprint, which generally lasts for two weeks. The sprint backlog is more refined — it focuses on the current state of the product, stakeholder feedback, and customer needs.

    Scrum roles

    There are three Scrum roles, and each has different duties within the Scrum framework. The product owner prioritizes the work that needs to be completed over the course of each sprint. They refine and prioritize backlog items, moving the necessary product backlog items into the sprint backlog.

    The next role is the Scrum Master, who guides the team during the two week sprint, ensuring the Scrum framework is adhered to. This person is an expert in all things Scrum and can act as a facilitator during daily stand-ups and other important meetings. The Scrum Master tends to play a key role in leading retrospectives.

    Lastly comes the development team. They make up the bulk of the team and complete the work set out in the sprint backlog. The development team participates in planning, attends daily stand-up meetings, and delivers work to the client and stakeholders.

    Stakeholders and customers, while not directly on the Scrum team, play important roles in the Scrum process. Stakeholder and customer needs must always be at the forefront of development decisions. Stakeholders should be brought in early and often to provide critical feedback as a product is being developed.

    Scrum ceremonies

    The Scrum ceremonies are the events that take place within the Scrum framework. First comes sprint planning to set the stage, then daily Scrums or standup meetings, followed by a sprint review and a sprint retrospective.

    The sprint planning meeting is when everything gets set up for the next sprint. Sprint planning meetings are opportunities to prioritize backlog items and get the entire team aligned on their goals for the upcoming two weeks. Without planning, the team won’t have clear goals, and they won’t know what tasks to tackle next.

    The daily stand-up, sometimes called a daily Scrum, occurs every day of the sprint. The entire team participates in this daily meeting that updates everyone involved in the sprint. During the meeting, team members update each other on what they accomplished over the past 24 hours and what they hope to accomplish over the next 24 hours. This time also serves as an opportunity to discuss any issues that occurred or potential roadblocks that could prevent work from moving forward smoothly.

    The sprint review meeting happens at the end of the sprint and is an opportunity to discuss the success of the sprint based on what tasks are considered “Done.” The sprint review can also bring stakeholders into the Scrum process to ensure everyone still aligns on where the product is going and what should happen next. Stakeholders provide invaluable insights that ensure the team stays on track to meet customer needs.

    The last ceremony in the Scrum framework is the shining star in our guide. The sprint retrospective meeting arrives at the end of every sprint. It’s a critical meeting that helps the team improve from one sprint to the next. It allows team members to share what went well, what didn’t go so well, and what could be improved upon for next time.

    We’ll dissect the elements of a good sprint retrospective throughout the rest of this guide.

    💡 Learn more about the differences between these four meetings in our article: Agile Ceremonies: Your Guide to the Four Stages.

    The benefits of retrospectives

    Retrospectives put the iterative in agile. They provide a focused time for teams to learn from the past and each other so they can constantly improve the development process. Retrospective benefits are vast, and they trickle down into all areas of development. The insights from a retrospective can improve productivity, team dynamics, team trust, customer value, and the overall Scrum process.

    Retrospective benefits include:

    • Documenting feedback in real-time after each sprint
    • Exposing issues from the previous sprint that are holding the product or team back
    • Aligning the team around the most important issues
    • Giving everyone involved an opportunity to express ideas, thoughts, and experiences
    • Informing leadership of potential roadblocks
    • Bringing the team together around common goals and action items
    • Establishing a safe space for sharing positive and constructive feedback
    • Encouraging a continuous improvement mindset
    • Helping product owners make decisions for the next sprint
    • Setting the team on a positive path for the next sprint

    6 Effective retrospective techniques

    Now that you know why retrospectives are so important to the agile process, it’s time to dig into how to run them effectively. Use our 7 retrospective techniques for a smooth meeting that keeps everyone engaged and always results in quality insights.

    1. Choose a time that works for everyone and stick to it

    It’s important that every member of the Scrum team participates in the retrospective. This means holding it when everyone is available, whether that’s in-person or virtually.

    Get feedback from your team about the best time to set this meeting. It should take place right after the sprint ends but before the planning meeting for the next sprint. This can be a tight window, which is why it helps to schedule this meeting at the same time every two weeks.

    Consistent meeting times help ensure the meeting actually happens and that an optimal number of team members can attend.

    2. Find new and creative ways to acquire feedback

    The Start, Stop, Continue format can take many forms, but the general process is the same. The team discusses what they want to start doing, what they want to stop doing, and what they want to continue doing in the next sprint. It’s a simple framework that addresses both what went well with the previous sprint and what could be improved for next time.

    This is a tried and true method, but it’s also important to change up your format and ask different questions to keep the team engaged.

    You are trying to acquire similar information each time (what to start, stop, and continue), but the way you gather that information can change and evolve. Add variety to your Scrum retrospective and mix things up every once in a while to keep everyone engaged.

    Find new ways of asking similar questions, and bring in new ice-breakers that help the team feel comfortable discussing the past two weeks with honesty and clarity.

    Other versions of “Start, Stop, Continue” include the Rose, Bud, Thorn exercise, where team members discuss something positive about the experience, a “budding” opportunity that can be expanded on for next time, and something negative about the experience that should be improved upon. Another alternative is the Anchors and Sails exercise. What about the last sprint weighed or anchored the team down, and what positives put wind in their sails, so to speak?

    Boring retrospectives will make team members dread the meeting and will lower participation significantly. If participants aren’t engaged, they won’t contribute as openly, and they won't take ownership over the process.

    Mixing things up is also a good way to uncover insights the team hasn’t considered before. New questions will spark new ideas, issues, and solutions that otherwise would not have been discovered.

    3. Ensure all voices are heard

    All voices need to be heard in the retrospective. It’s the responsibility of the meeting facilitators to make sure everyone has a chance to speak during the meeting and that loud or dominant personalities don't overtake the conversation. They have to be heard too, but not at the expense of more introverted team members.

    If you notice some members of your team do not participate, start asking them direct questions. If this only makes them retreat further into their shell, take them aside at the end of the meeting for a one-on-one conversation. How can you make the meeting environment more comfortable for them? What will best enable them to collaborate effectively? Ensure this is framed in the right way so it doesn't sound like they're in trouble but rather like you value and appreciate their input.

    4. Establish a comfortable environment

    Ensure the retrospective feels safe and comfortable for everyone involved by instilling trust, collaboration, and open dialogue. Each team member should feel like their voice is important. It should be a place of positivity, not a chance for team members to dunk on one another. It’s up to the facilitator to ensure everyone is comfortable.

    There should be room for everyone to speak. The whole team should feel like they can express their thoughts and opinions about what happened over the course of the sprint. If people feel uncomfortable or think their voice won't be appreciated or heard, they will hold back and not actually express their honest feedback.

    This is detrimental to the process, as it can leave recurring issues to fester and worsen over the course of future sprints. It is in everyone’s best interest to be open and honest and to hear everyone out. The goal of a retrospective is to solve issues, prevent roadblocks, and improve the team’s processes. If team members are silent or dishonest about how they feel things are going, nothing will be solved.

    Comfort plays a big role in how honest everyone will be. Ensure everyone is respectful and that speaking time is shared across the team. Take time building trust and allowing the team to get to know each other. A team that trusts one another can work together and build each other up — and you’ll be able to manage issues before they begin to hinder productivity, team wellness, or the Scrum process.

    5. Document everything and create clear action items

    If you don’t document it, it didn’t happen. Don’t rely on memory alone after the retrospective. Document the feedback team members provide, and ensure any important ideas or issues are brought to the next planning meeting.

    Turn important insights into action items to make sure ideas are not lost. Ensure action items are specific and clear and that the whole team understands what “done” actually means for each task. Once an action item is created, make sure there is follow-up, ideally at the beginning of the next retrospective. Determine who is responsible for the action item and how important it is in the grand scheme of your product backlog.

    6. Review your action items at the next retrospective

    So, you’ve collected your and your team’s insights and made those insights into action items. The final step is addressing those action items during the next retrospective. Were they resolved, or did the same issues keep occurring?

    It’s best practice to review your previous retrospective action items at the beginning of the next retro. Did the team make progress on the task? What else needs to happen? Do you need to follow up again at the next retrospective meeting?

    What happens after the retrospective?

    The retrospective may be the last meeting of the sprint, but it doesn't end there. Take those insights into the next sprint.

    After the retrospective, the product owner reevaluates the product backlog and chooses what will go into the sprint backlog for the next round of work. They should consider past mistakes, successes, stakeholder feedback, and retrospective insights as they make decisions.

    The sprint planning meeting comes after the retrospective and will help the team regroup and align on what they need to accomplish next. With each sprint, you will gain more information about the product, your customers, how the team works together, and your overall process. These lessons are taken into account to make improvements from sprint to sprint and product to product.

    For better sprints, read our sprint planning guide, which includes everything you need to run efficient and effective planning meetings. ➡️ The Ultimate Agile Sprint Planning Guide.

    Turn an action item into a Jira issue in just a few clicks, then schedule the work to ensure your ideas aren’t lost at the end of the retrospective.

    Use Easy Agile TeamRhythm


    Retrospective mistakes to avoid

    Collecting feedback may sound simple, but there are many ways a retrospective can go wrong — from overpowering team members to asking repetitive questions to failing to capture insights effectively. Read our list of common retrospective mistakes to make sure your team doesn’t drop the ball.

    ❌ Skipping or delaying the retrospective

    Due to a lack of time or resources, teams may consider skipping the retrospective. This is a costly mistake.

    Do not, under any circumstances, skip a sprint retrospective. This is a critical time when the team has a chance to improve their processes. Skipping a retrospective enables the status quo and encourages complacency. The agile process is about continuous improvement — without the retrospective, you lose a critical opportunity to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of your team and its processes.

    Delaying the retrospective can also be detrimental to your progress as a Scrum team. It’s important that you gather insights right after the sprint ends — while the ideas and issues are still fresh.

    Delaying the retro could result in team members forgetting how the process actually went, leading to bland feedback that lacks the kind of detail that can create positive changes. And if delayed too long, something else could come up that takes priority over the retrospective, meaning the meeting may never occur at all.

    ❌ Always asking the same questions

    The Scrum process is repetitive by nature, but that doesn’t mean your retrospectives should be boring or unbearably dry. Sticking to the status quo is a huge mistake in retrospectives.

    When you repeat the same meeting every two weeks, you need to add variety in order to keep the team engaged. As soon as you lose team attention, engagement will drop, and the quality of the feedback you receive will too.

    When running a retrospective, check in with yourself and the team to make sure engagement and interest stay high. If you are losing people’s attention and find engagement is dropping, change your format or the types of questions to keep everyone awake, attentive, and on their toes. Switching up who facilitates the meeting is another way to add variety into the mix.

    ❌ Allowing some of the group to dominate the conversation

    Every voice on the team needs to be heard, but sometimes it’s the loudest ones that come through, well, the loudest. 📢 Effective retrospectives require multiple perspectives to deliver fresh insights.

    Don’t let a select few voices dominate the conversation. A domineering team member will use all of the meeting’s time and limit the insights you can gather. If every voice isn’t heard, problems with the process could persist throughout multiple future sprints, severely impacting the effectiveness of your team. Plus, those who aren’t as loud will feel less involved and undervalued.

    ❌ Failing to empower softer voices

    Along with discouraging domineering behavior, you need to amplify the softer voices.

    Some people will be less likely to engage, or they may be too shy or afraid to express their opinions in a group setting. Watch out for this. If you notice it, find ways to make those underheard voices heard. It could mean asking them questions directly during the meeting, or it could mean taking a shy team member aside after the meeting to collect insights one-on-one.

    If they find the group or your process intimidating, make the necessary adjustments to ensure everyone feels comfortable expressing their thoughts about the sprint. A retrospective is a collaborative process. Do what you can to engage and empower every member of the team.

    ❌ Jumping to conclusions without discussion

    A single statement from one team member isn’t the end of the conversation. When team members bring up issues or ideas, they need to be discussed as a team. Do others feel the same way? Is it critical that this idea be implemented immediately, or can it be put on the back burner for now? How does a particular insight impact the product or customer needs specifically?

    Don't jump to conclusions without having a meaningful discussion. You can gather information from your team quickly without throwing off your set meeting timeline. Don’t let any one topic throw you off course, but ensure you aren’t overlooking anything. If the team agrees an idea has merit, turn it into an action item that can be followed up on at the next retrospective meeting.

    ❌ Not implementing insights into the next sprint

    Unfortunately, this is quite common. A team holds a retrospective meeting and does almost everything right only to fail to thoroughly record their team’s insights and put them into practice.

    The whole point of the retrospective is to help your team improve. If you don’t properly document the feedback you receive from the team and don’t put those insights into action, you’re not getting the most from your retrospectives.

    Turn feedback and discussion topics into clear action items you can follow up on later. Take important action items and insights into your sprint planning meeting and check in at your next retrospective. Were you able to make progress on the previous retrospective’s action items? What roadblocks did you hit? Do the action items require any further attention or follow-up?

    ❌ Not improving your retrospective process

    Even a retrospective could use a retrospective! 🤯

    Every now and again, take time to review your retrospective process. Ask your team to provide feedback on how they think the meetings are going. What do they like, what do they not like, and how do they think the retrospective meetings could improve?

    You can improve on each aspect of your agile process. Go straight to the source to gather the opinions of those involved in the meeting. Do team members feel heard? Have issues been addressed to their satisfaction? Have the meetings grown stagnant?

    When it comes to improving your retrospectives, your team has the data. Do not hesitate to ask.

    Just because retrospectives come last in the Scrum process doesn’t mean they aren’t important. Don’t lose steam as you cross the finish line. Hold a retrospective at the end of every two-week sprint. Ensure each sprint retrospective includes insights from each team member and that insights are documented and transformed into clear action items.

    📚 Additional resources

    We have a wealth of free resources on the Easy Agile blog, and we continue to add to it every week. We recommend checking out our other guides as well as our top-performing agile content.

    Thanks for reading our ultimate retrospectives guide! 👏 If you have any questions about this guide, our other content, or Easy Agile products, reach out to our team. We love talking to teams and individuals about agile and how to work better together. We’ll continue to update this guide as we gain more retrospective insights, techniques, tools, and best practices.

    Using Easy Agile to improve your Agile process

    If your sprint retrospective isn’t effective, your next sprint will suffer from the same issues. It is imperative that Scrum teams gather at the end of each sprint to discuss what went well, what didn’t go so well, and what can be improved on for next time. Otherwise, you invite complacency and stagnation into your Scrum process — the antithesis of agile.

    Improve your Retrospectives with Easy Agile TeamRhythm. The Retrospective features in TeamRhythm help your team stay on the path of continuous improvement. Watch the highlights tour to see how Easy Agile TeamRhythm makes sprint planning, managing your backlog, and team retrospectives easier. Visit Atlassian Marketplace to start your free, 30-day trial today.

  • Workflow

    Sprint Retrospective Templates to Help Run Better Sprints

    Agile retrospectives are a time to reflect on the sprint before. During this time, the Scrum team decides on the agile retrospective template to use during retrospective meetings. A sprint retrospective template provides a structure for retrospective meetings. These retrospective templates guide agile teams in analyzing their previous sprint.

    What is an agile retrospective?

    Teams use agile retrospective meetings to improve the next sprint. As the team members move through the product life cycle, they gain new learning after each sprint retrospective, which they apply to the next sprint.

    The focus of the sprint retrospective meeting

    Sprint retrospective meetings ask four questions, as listed below. The agile team places these four questions in the four quadrants of their retrospective template. (Note: Team members can use a whiteboard or sticky notes to set up their meetings. Or they can use Jira software to facilitate remote team meetings in real-time.)

    Co-located agile teams can also use whiteboards and sticky notes to do an agile retro. But for remote teams, agile retrospective template software allows all team members to participate in sprint meetings.

    Here are the four question areas for discussion:

    • What went as planned?
    • Where could the team have made improvements?
    • What should team members do in the next sprint?
    • What confuses the team?

    1. What went as planned?

    The agile retrospective requires in-depth analysis. Team members can chat about what they enjoyed, which methodologies worked for them, and what agile ideas are worth taking into the next sprint.

    Typical questions that agile teams ask in this first stage include:

    • What were team members happy with?
    • What actions delivered positive results?
    • What processes or actions should the agile team continue with?
    • Should anyone receive a special thanks for their contribution?

    2. How could the team have improved?

    Stakeholders examine where they went wrong and try to find the root cause of the issues. Brainstorming involves what they could have tried previously, where improvements are needed, and what processes or actions they can test in the next sprint.

    Here are some ways to make this question more concrete:

    • What has the team previously not tried that might work?
    • What is one new thing that we could attempt?
    • What new tactics or actions can we test next?

    3. What should team members do in the next sprint?

    In this part of the template, the team explores new ideas for how to improve their follow-up approach. New ideas can be risky, so the Scrum team should carefully consider opportunities for improvement. The idea in this questioning phase is to clarify problem areas, where value was not produced, and what was puzzling in the previous sprint.

    In this round, the team should discuss:

    • What didn’t work?
    • What did the team do that did not produce value?
    • Which areas specifically require improvements?
    • What did not go as anticipated?
    • What issues in the previous sprint are confusing?

    4. What still confuses the team?

    In this section, the team should focus on areas that weren’t as effective or did not go as anticipated and what areas need improving. Other relevant areas include where the agile team didn’t deliver value, focus areas that require development, and what was confusing about the sprint.

    Here, it’s important to talk about:

    • What questions still remain unanswered?
    • What outcomes still require further investigation?
    • Is the team following processes that don’t deliver clear value?

    Through a process of iteration, the Scrum team brainstorm to come up with real-time solutions to take over to the next sprint. Using retrospective ideas, the team populates the four quadrants of the retro template, producing a visual representation of their post-mortem.

    Scrum teams can apply the four questions above in other retrospective templates or customize a template to conduct their post-mortems.

    Retrospective template options

    Team members can choose from retrospective templates to customize their sprint meetings.

    Sprint planning can benefit from any of the agile retrospective templates below:

    • The start, stop, continue template
    • The four Ls retrospective template
    • A starfish retrospective
    • Sailboat retrospective
    • Glad, sad, mad
    • Mad, sad, glad

    1. Start, stop, continue

    In the “start” part of this retro, the agile team looks at the actions they’ll take in the next sprint. “Stop” refers to looking at the recently completed sprint to examine what didn’t work and the actions that the team should no longer take. “Continue” means identifying what worked in the current sprint and should be taken over to the next cycle.

    2. Four Ls

    Agile teams use this retro template to understand what they “Loved, Learned, Loathed, and Longed for” at the end of the sprint iteration. The team calls out what they appreciate, what the sprint taught them, what went wrong, and what they would’ve wanted more of (coffee, team members, time, etc.).

    3. Starfish

    Instead of using a retro that focuses on what worked and what didn’t, the starfish highlights degrees of efficiency in deliverables. Teamwork involves rating action items as levels of effectiveness to determine what methodologies they should keep, discard, and apply in the next round.

    4. Sailboat

    Scrum teams use the sailboat retro to determine their trajectory in unknown waters. Applying the sailboat retro means knowing what approaches inhibit progress, what new approaches will reap desirable outcomes, and establishing a direction for sprint planning.

    5. Mad, sad, glad

    The mad, sad, glad sprint retrospective is a technique that concentrates on the emotional status of teams. Scrum teams ask each other questions to create positive emotional support. These questions are also aimed at morale-boosting to create a positive atmosphere that supports teamwork and continuous improvement.

    The agile retro can follow any template they choose or select one and customize it for their specific needs. Whatever they do, teamwork is vital to the success of continuous improvement.

    Decide on your retro template today

    Now that you understand how the sprint retrospective template works, you can customize yours for joint teamwork.

    Instead of focusing on longed-for outcomes and functionalities, Easy Agile can help your Scrum team move from sad to glad.

    Team retrospectives right inside Jira

    Looking to improve how your team is working together? Easy Agile TeamRhythm helps you turn insights into action with team retrospectives, to improve how you’re working and make your next release better than the last.


  • Agile Best Practice

    How to Get the Most From the 4 Key Agile Meetings

    We’re off to the races! 🏃🏃‍♀️ Sprints are a key component of agile methodology. A sprint is a predefined time period in which agile teams work together towards an agreed-upon sprint goal. There are four types of agile meetings that occur over the course of a sprint, and each is vital to ensuring the success of the agile process. It’s all about sprinting through a predetermined amount of work to get to the finish line, where you learn from your process and begin the race again (only better off because of what you learned during the previous sprint).

    Agile meetings are used to get team members, leaders, and stakeholders on the same page, and they guide the process of an agile sprint or Scrum.

    This post will cover the four key agile meetings, which include sprint planning, daily standups, sprint reviews, and sprint retrospectives. Plus, we’ll discuss a bonus agile meeting that’s utilized for backlog refinement.

    Agile meetings vs. Scrum meetings

    Scrum is an agile methodology that’s most commonly used in software development. Scrum meetings are technically a type of agile meeting, but they have more specific parameters designed to fit within the Scrum framework. The process revolves around a 2-4 week sprint involving a product owner, Scrum Master, and the entire Scrum team.

    We covered Scrum meetings (ceremonies) in detail in another article. For the purposes of this post, we’ll focus on the four main agile meeting types. These processes and best practices can be applied across multiple agile methodologies, including Scrum and Kanban. This framework can also be applied across industries beyond software development and can adapt to the needs of most teams.

    Simply put: Scrum has a more rigid framework that follows four ceremonies/meetings. The agile process is much the same, with four very similar meetings, but there’s more flexibility to adjust the time frame of the sprint and adapt the process when not following Scrum guidelines specifically. Okay, maybe that’s still not simply put, but it wouldn’t be agile if it was linear and straightforward.

    The 4 types of agile meetings

    There are four central agile meetings: sprint planning, daily standups, sprint reviews, and sprint retrospective meetings. A sprint starts with a sprint planning meeting. Each day, a daily standup meeting is held. Finally, at the end of the sprint, a sprint review and retrospective are held. The process repeats with new springs until the product, project, or work is complete.

    1. Sprint planning meeting

    The sprint planning meeting occurs at the beginning of a sprint and involves the entire team. In sprint planning, the entire team meets to discuss and agree upon which work tasks (backlog items) should be moved to the sprint backlog — the items that need to be completed by the end of the sprint. During the meeting, sprint goals are determined, and the team aligns on expectations.

    Without a sprint planning meeting to outline the sprint backlog (tasks that need to be completed), the team will waste time during the sprint trying to determine which work takes precedent.

    Sprint planning mistakes to avoid:

    • Starting planning without a refined backlog
    • Not being on the same page as your stakeholders
    • Ignoring the customer and the customer journey when making plans
    • Creating a rigid plan that doesn’t have room to grow or adapt
    • Using bland, flat product maps that lack critical context
    • Failing to incorporate retrospective insights in the following planning session

    Learn more about common agile planning mistakes and how your development team can avoid these pitfalls.

    2. Daily standup meeting

    The daily standup meeting occurs every day of the sprint. In the Scrum process, this meeting might also be called the daily Scrum meeting. It’s a chance for the team to connect about the work that was completed the previous day and what each person or team plans to complete over the course of the next 24 hours.

    The meeting aims to answer three important questions:

    • What work was completed since the last standup to help the team reach the sprint goal?
    • What work do you plan to complete today?
    • Is there anything currently in your way or hindering your progress?

    This is a good time to address any bottlenecks. If work planned from the previous day wasn’t completed, what caused the delay, and how can the team work together to solve any problems keeping the work from moving forward?

    A standup meeting is short and to the point so everyone can get back to the work they hope to complete. So short that it’s often recommended participants stand for the duration of the meeting. Hence the name daily standup. It includes all team members and ideally takes place at the same time every day to ensure everyone can always attend.

    Daily standup mistakes to avoid:

    • Not keeping track of the time during the meeting
    • Continually going over the allotted meeting time
    • Rambling participants who aren’t prepared to answer the meeting’s key questions
    • Skipping the meeting due to lack of time
    • Team members showing up late to the meeting or missing it altogether
    • Allowing the loudest voices to overshadow the rest of the team
    • Letting someone state the same task on multiple consecutive days
    • Failing to address potential bottlenecks
    • Assigning work beyond a person's capacity

    3. Sprint review meeting

    The sprint review is an opportunity for the team to showcase the work they accomplished during the sprint. This meeting might be an internal presentation or a more formal demo to stakeholders, depending on the needs of the project and how far along work is.

    Sprint review mistakes to avoid:

    • Not properly preparing for the meeting or demonstration
    • Not bringing stakeholders in on your process
    • Failing to demonstrate how the work brings value to the customer
    • Exaggerating or embellishing successes
    • Failing to address any problems and how they were solved
    • Not incorporating sprint review feedback into the next sprint planning meeting

    4. Sprint retrospective meeting

    The retrospective is a crucial part of the agile process. The meeting comes at the end of the sprint, bringing the entire team together to assess their processes and discuss how they can improve next time.

    Which aspects of the sprint went well, and what can you learn from that success? What didn’t go so well, and what bottlenecks did the team hit? What could be done better next time? Since agile is all about learning and iterating, there are lessons to be learned after each sprint. Everything from the good to the bad to the mediocre can be transformed into actionable improvements.

    Retrospective mistakes to avoid:

    • Blaming individual team members for bottlenecks
    • Allowing only the loudest voices to provide insight
    • Failing to empower the softer voices in the room
    • Repeating the same questions over and over without changing things up
    • Allowing the retrospective to run too long (aim for two hours for a two-week sprint)
    • Skipping a retrospective due to a lack of time or resources
    • Forgetting about or not including stakeholder insights or needs
    • Failing to improve upon the sprint retrospective process (retrospective the retrospective!)
    • Failing to incorporate retrospective insights in the next sprint

    Bonus: Backlog refinement meeting

    It could be argued that there’s a fifth agile meeting, especially in the product development world. Before the sprint planning meeting, the product owner must create a product backlog, which comprises all of the tasks and items the team needs to complete in order to fully develop the end product or project. The items include user stories, bug fixes, features, and other tasks that must be addressed to achieve the end goal.

    Backlog refinement prepares the backlog for sprint planning by ordering items to deliver the most impact over the next sprint. During backlog refinement, a product owner ensures that product backlog items contain enough information, detail, and prioritization for the team to make smart decisions about what to tackle when.

    A meeting to refine the backlog may occur before sprint planning begins, depending on the current state of the product backlog. Outside of the product development industry, the product backlog might be akin to a master project task list.

    Backlog refinement meeting mistakes to avoid:

    • Not completing backlog refinement in time for sprint planning
    • Leaving too much backlog refinement for the planning meeting
    • Failing to prioritize items that provide customer value
    • Not incorporating new stakeholder feedback, questions, and concerns

    Agile meetings: Final review

    So there you have it! The four key agile meetings are sprint planning, daily standups, sprint reviews, and sprint retrospectives, with an honorable mention going out to backlog refinement.

    Let’s review each meeting’s purpose:

    • Sprint planning gets everyone on the same page about what needs to be accomplished over the course of the coming sprint.
    • Daily standups ensure the team stays on track and helps them address and resolve any potential bottlenecks.
    • Sprint reviews are an opportunity for the team to showcase the work accomplished during the sprint to stakeholders and receive critical feedback.
    • Sprint retrospectives allow the team to come together to discuss what went well, what didn’t go well, and how they can improve next time.
    • Backlog refinement prepares the backlog for sprint planning in order to deliver the most impact over the next sprint.

    Hold effective agile meetings with Easy Agile

    Easy Agile is committed to helping teams work better with agile. Easy Agile builds products specifically designed for Jira users to help agile teams work more efficiently and effectively.

    We regularly publish lists of tools, advice articles, and how-to guides for agile teams. If you work with Jira, you’ll find our resources are especially helpful in navigating the ins and outs of product development and the Jira apps that will improve the way your team collaborates.

  • Agile Best Practice

    Agile Ceremonies: Your Ultimate Guide To the Four Stages

    This guide looks at the four ceremonies that bring one of Agile’s most popular frameworks, Scrum, to life.

    Learn how each agile ritual helps empower teams and drive performance while highlighting some tips to help your organization get the most from your ceremonies.

    At a glance:

    • The four agile ceremonies are Sprint Planning, Daily Stand-Up, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective
    • Ceremonies in agile facilitate visibility, transparency, and collaboration.
    • Each ceremony has a clear structure and objective.
    • Clear communication, flexibility, and cultural alignment are the keys to successful ceremonies.

    What are the main agile ceremonies?

    Agile ceremonies refer to the four events that occur during a Scrum sprint. Other forms of agile development, such as Kanban and Lean, also have similar practices.

    The agile ceremonies list includes:

    1. Sprint Planning
    2. Daily Stand-Up
    3. Sprint Review
    4. Sprint Retrospective

    While each ceremony is different, they facilitate the same overall purpose. The ceremonies bring teams together with a common goal under a regular rhythm, and they help teams get things done.

    "With today's enterprises under increased pressure to respond quickly to the needs of their customers and stakeholders, they must bring new products to market faster and accelerate improvements to existing solutions and services." - State of Agile Report

    Why are agile ceremonies important?

    Agile ceremonies help organizations adapt to change and succeed. With work planned in smaller portions and over shorter timeframes, they help teams quickly shift direction and course-correct when needed. They form a key part of the broader agile approach that’s now widely adopted in organizations worldwide.

    With agile ceremonies, teams in your organization can benefit from:

    • Enhanced ability to manage changing priorities
    • Acceleration of software development
    • Increase in team productivity
    • Improved business and IT alignment

    It’s important to remember that while ceremonies are an essential part of Scrum, they’re just one of many rituals that help create agile teams and workplaces. To realize the true benefits of agile, you’ll need to do more than include one or more of the ceremonies into your waterfall project.

    1. Sprint Planning

    The Sprint Planning ceremony sets teams up for success by ensuring everyone understands the sprint goals and how to achieve them.

    StructureAttendeesTimingDurationAgile FrameworkThe Product Owner brings the product backlog to discuss with the Development Team. The Scrum Master facilitates. Together, the Scrum Team does effort or story point estimations. The product backlog must contain all the details necessary for estimation. The Product Owner should be able to clarify any doubts regarding the product backlog. The entire Scrum Team (the Development Team, Scrum Master, and Product Owner)At the beginning of each sprintOne to two hours per week of iteration. So, if you're planning a two-week sprint, your Sprint Planning should last two to four hours. Scrum. Although Kanban teams also plan, they do it less formally and per milestone, not iteration.


    After some team negotiation and discussion, you should have a clear decision on the work that the Development Team can complete during the sprint by the end of Sprint Planning. This is known as the sprint goal.

    The sprint goal is an increment of complete work, and everyone should feel confident about the commitment.

    The product backlog defines priorities that affect the order of work. Then, the Scrum Master transforms that decision into the sprint backlog.

    Top tips

    • Focus on collaboration rather than competition.
    • Break user stories into tasks to get things more operational for the Development Team. If there's time, assign those tasks during the event.
    • Factor in public holidays and any team member’s time off or vacations.
    • Keep your team’s pace in mind – a track record of the time it took to implement similar user stories would be helpful.
    • Focus on the product backlog and nothing else in terms of work for the sprint.

    2. Daily Stand-Up

    The daily stand-up brings the team together and sets everyone up for the day. The team uses this time to identify blockers and share plans for the day.

    StructureAttendeesTimingDurationAgile frameworkThis is an informal, standing meeting. All members of the Development Team inform everyone about what they did the day before and what they’re doing today. Members discuss any blockages they have and ask for help from the team if required. Due to time restrictions, the updates should be brief.Development Team, Scrum Master, Product Owner (optional) Daily, usually in the morningShort and sharp. No longer than 15 minutesScrum and Kanban


    The Scrum Master should clear all the blockages that slow down or prevent the Development Team from delivering. As a result, the development process might need to change.

    This daily pulse check keeps the team in sync and helps build trust. Together, the group finds ways to support and help each other.

    Top tips

    • Use a timer to keep this meeting to 15 minutes.
    • Hold your stand-up at the same time every day.
    • Only discuss the work for the day ahead.
    • If the team is distributed, use video conferencing with cameras on.
    • Long discussions should happen after the event.
    • As the stand-up encourages progress, everyone should provide an update, and everyone should feel accountable.

    3. Sprint Review

    The Sprint Review is the time to showcase the team’s completed work and gather feedback from stakeholders. A variety of attendees from outside the team offer valuable insights from different viewpoints. This event also helps build trust with both external and internal stakeholders.

    StructureAttendeesTimingDurationAgile frameworkThe Scrum Master takes on the logistics of event preparation. The Product Owner should ask stakeholders questions to gather as much feedback as possible. They should also answer any of their stakeholder’s questions.Development Team, Scrum Master, Product Owner. Optionally, management, customers, developers, and other stakeholders At the end of the sprintOne hour per week of the sprint. In a one-week sprint, the Sprint Review lasts one hour.Scrum and Kanban. Kanban teams do these reviews after the team milestones, not sprints.


    After this ceremony, the Product Owner might need to adjust or add to the product backlog. They might also release product functionality if it's already complete.

    Top tips

    • Schedule in time to rehearse before the meeting to help your team present with confidence, especially if external stakeholders are coming along.
    • Don’t showcase incomplete work. Review your Sprint Planning and the original criteria if you’re not sure whether the work is complete.
    • Besides product functionality, focus on user experience, customer value, and the delivered business value.
    • Consider ways you can introduce a celebratory feel to acknowledge the team’s effort.

    4. Sprint Retrospective

    In this final scrum ceremony in the sequence, you look back on the work you’ve just done and identify ways to do things better next time. The Sprint Retrospective is a tool for risk mitigation in future sprints.

    StructureAttendeesTimingDurationAgile frameworkThe teams discuss what went well throughout the sprint and what went wrong. The Scrum Master should encourage the Development Team to speak up and share not only facts but also their feelings. The goal is to gather rapid feedback for continuous improvement in terms of process. It’s also an opportunity to emphasize good practices that the team adopted and should repeat.Development Team, Scrum Master, Product Owner (optional)At the end of the sprint45 minutes per sprint weekScrum and Kanban (occasionally)


    After this session, the team should clearly understand the problems and the wins that happened throughout the iteration. Together, the group comes up with solutions and an action plan to prevent and identify process problems in the next sprint.

    Top tips

    • Focus on both facts and feelings
    • Gather information that helps you focus on continuous improvement – this might include tools and relationships
    • Be honest and encourage ideas that solve process-related problems
    • Even if everything went well, have this meeting – retrospectives provide ongoing guidance for the next sprint.

    "With the speed of change expected to continue, the need has never been greater for an operating model that keep up." - McKinsey

    Agile lessons to live by

    As a team of experienced agile practitioners, we’ve picked up some key learnings about what it takes to get the most out of your agile ceremonies and create the foundations of a truly agile organization.

    Here are our top tips to make your ceremonies a success:

    • Be deliberately present - During the ceremonies, remember to take moments to pause and remind yourself of why you’re there. Show others that you’re present by giving them full attention and using your body language. In a remote setting, angle your camera as though you’re sitting across from them, look into the lens regularly, and use a distraction-free background.
    • Practice active listening - Think about what the person is saying, who they are, and what they need from you. Are they looking for a soundboard, do they need your help or opinion, or are they looking for an emotional connection?
    • Understand motives - Understand the motivations of your teammates before speaking. Consider why they should care about what you’re saying by connecting your message with their own motivations. Provide context where possible to let them know why your message matters.
    • Be flexible - It's important to remember that there is not a one size fits all approach to agile ways of working. What works for one team may not work for another, so you need to experiment to find out what works then tailor processes to suit your team's needs.
    • Create cultural alignment - The best processes in the world won’t deliver what you need if you don’t have the culture to support their delivery. Agile ceremonies need to be supported by a culture where people are actively engaged, confident to raise issues, and value continuous improvement.

    Agile ceremonies lead to better results

    While it can take time for teams new to agile to adjust to agile ceremonies, they are worth the effort. By providing a clear structure and achievable outcomes, they help align everyone on the product, communication, and priorities.

    The result? Agile teams that provide better quality products faster – and deliver real business outcomes.

    Wherever your organization is on your agile journey, it’s worth keeping in mind that each team and each suite of products are different, so there’s no standard recipe for success. The good news is that by working within the continuous improvement mindset the agile framework promotes; you too can iterate and improve your agile ceremonies over time.

    Ready to get started?

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm supports your team's agile practices in Jira. Supporting your team from planning right through to retrospective, TeamRhythm helps you and your team work better together to deliver value to your customers.

    Features include:

    • Agile sprint and version planning tool - Planning is quick and easy when you create and estimate issues on the story map. View your work under initiatives and epics, and see swimlane stats at a glance, ensuring team capacity is filled but not overcommitted
    • Agile story mapping - Map the customer journey using initiatives, epics, and stories alongside your agile Jira boards. Quickly and easily add new or existing stories inside the story map. Drag and drop to prioritize by value to the customer.
    • Product backlog refinement - Escape your flat backlog and view your work on the story map matrix. Drag and drop issues to prioritize or schedule. Quickly update story summaries and story point estimates with inline editing for a better backlog.
    • Team retrospectives - Celebrate success, gain insights, and share learnings with team retrospective boards for scrum and kanban, encouraging collaboration and transparency, so you and your team are continuously improving.