

  • Workflow

    Should you form cross-functional agile teams?

    Should you form cross-functional agile teams?

    In large, conventional organizations, multiple departments manage specific functions. Marketing, finance, HR and sales teams work in silos, often focused on their own outcomes rather than being primarily driven by the customer and the market.

    Yet even before the pandemic hit, organizations recognized the need to manage change and make decisions quicker than ever before to keep up with competitors. Along came covid, and those needs vastly intensified.

    To thrive in an uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world, many organizations are moving away from silos and racing towards enterprise agility, forming networks of empowered cross-functional agile teams.

    But the change from siloed departments to agile teams means change, and change can be difficult.

    In this article we weigh up the pros and cons of each operating model.

    Key points

    • Communication, collaboration, and employee engagement are often better in cross-functional teams.
    • By iteratively testing solutions quickly, cross-functional teams can boost productivity, cut costs, and deliver better results.
    • There may be bumps along the road before a newly formed cross-functional team matures and reaches its potential, but you can take steps to help them succeed.

    "The two most urgent reasons for adopting Agile are the speed and flexibility required by working environments that continue to be bother unpredictable and volatile." State of Agile Report

    What are cross-functional agile teams?

    Cross-functional agile teams (sometimes known as cross-functional scrum teams) are a key element in any organization’s agile development.

    The team brings together people from across the business with different expertise and skillsets. Together, the team works toward a common goal.

    Usually made up of 5 to 11 people, the team defines, builds, tests and delivers projects in sprints or iterations.

    "The ability for the team to support each other, collaborate with each other and align to the goal are wonderful ways to measure agile."

    William Rojas, Adaptavist

    What are the benefits of cross-functional agile teams?

    There are many benefits of having cross-functional agile teams in your organization. Here’s our top five.

    1. Cross-functional teams communicate and collaborate better

    Siloed teams can spend many hours a week in unproductive meetings as they negotiate resources and manage conflicting priorities. On the other hand, Agile teams align on goals and objectives from the beginning of each project. This helps make their subsequent meetings brief, productive and transparent. Each person is accountable and empowered to share progress and solve problems. As a result, agile teams are often more engaged and passionate about their work.

    2. Cross-functional teams are responsive

    In silos, each team is responsible for an aspect of a project with limited visibility into what other teams are doing. This can lead to blockers or conflicting priorities, creating rework and delays. They may also find they lack specific skills as the project goes on, leaving teams rushing to fill the gaps and causing further delays. Moving to agile teams means having the necessary skills and resources available, as well as identifying conflicting priorities and blockers early. This helps agile teams rapidly iterate, continually improve, and deliver results.

    3. Cross-functional teams are innovative

    In siloed organizations, employees can get caught up in their departmental group think. The limited exposure to other teams makes employees less likely to question established practises or suggest improvements. In cross-functional agile teams, perspectives from people across multiple teams are shared from the outset. Because people from different skills approach problems in different ways, this can lead to great ideas and business innovation.

    4. Cross-functional teams help the business adapt to change

    With their iterative approach and frequent communication, cross-functional agile teams can problem solve and change directions fast. They don’t face the renegotiation, reprioritization, and delays that can hold siloed teams back. Instead, businesses with cross-functional teams can better respond to changing market and customer needs.

    5. Cross-functional teams consistently focus on the big picture

    Cross-functional agile teams understand the ‘why’ behind the work they’re doing, and they come together with a focus on the customer experience. This shared focus dissolves the barriers between the different functions within the team. Deliverables are mapped to high-level business objectives which deliver greater value to the end-user.

    What are the downsides of cross-functional agile teams?

    If cross-functional teams are done right, there really are no downsides. What organization doesn’t want increased collaboration, innovation, customer focus and faster delivery?

    That said, there can be bumps and conflict as people learn to adapt to the agile mindset – and this is where cross-functional teams can fail to deliver. Here are some of the common challenges large organizations face when moving to cross-functional agile teams:

    • Cultural resistance with people reluctant to let go of the old way of doing things.
    • No clear accountability, leaving teams unable to make quick decisions and people clinging to a sense of ownership over their work.
    • Lack of alignment with goals which can lead to misunderstandings, rework, and potential conflict.

    With this in mind, it may take a little time and support for a newly formed agile team to find its wings.

    "Often the way teams become agile is just by doing it, trying it, and continuing to evolve and committing to that approach. So, if you haven't started - just get started. That's often the biggest struggle."

    William Rojas, Adaptavist

    The first step is to just get started

    Being agile means changing an organization’s processes and people structure, and it can seem like a lot of hard work. But if businesses don’t transform so they can capture the productivity, speed, customer, and employee engagement benefits; they’re at risk of being left behind.

    Cross-functional agile teams can be your key adapting fast and getting ahead. There’s no doubt they can deliver outstanding results – if you take the right steps to set them up for success.

    For concrete advice on how to drive successful cross-functional agile teams and avoid failure, sign up for our free on-demand webinar - ‘Do’s and Don'ts of Agile Teams with Adaptavist’.

    The webinar will take a deep dive into the SAFe agile team together with our partner and SAFe expert Adaptavist.

    Keen to scale agile and form successful cross-functional teams?

    Come along to a free, 40-minute on-demand webinar to find out how

  • Agile Best Practice

    Why leading agile teams are obsessed with their customers

    Do you know your customers? As in, really know them?

    🥞 What do they eat for breakfast?

    😎 Who’s their favourite James Bond villain?

    🛁 Do they shower in the morning or at night?

    Okay, so you don’t have to get that creepy…

    But you do need to know a lot about the customers you’re developing products for. Otherwise, the features you’re working on might not be useful or valuable.

    This is pretty important stuff, so let’s take a look at 7 reasons why it’s good to have a healthy level of customer obsession in your agile teams...

    1. Agile and customer focus go hand-in-hand

    Agile is all about the customer. At least, it should be.

    It’s right there in the first two agile principles:

    (1) Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.

    (2) Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.

    You can’t really call yourselves agile unless you put your customers at the centre of what you’re doing.

    2. Each sprint should deliver a better product for your customers

    One reason why agile should (🤞 in theory - we’ll expand on this shortly) benefit your customers is that every two to four weeks, your users will usually get new features and upgraded products.

    This is kind of a big deal when you compare it to traditional project management approaches.

    Pre-agile, customers could be waiting many months or even years before they would see any changes. In many cases, by the time updates were released, customers, technologies, and requirements had moved on.

    But when you’re agile, it means that:

    • Your customers can request updates, features, and changes at any time
    • Users should potentially see new features added to a roadmap and rolled out in weeks or months, not years.
    • If something’s not working, your customers can report the issue and provide feedback right away
    • Users can see how the product is developing and growing
    • Your product is moving forward and the customer is moving forward with it
    • The product becomes more valuable to your customers over time

    … but it’s important to note that all of these really awesome benefits only really apply if you’re prioritising your backlog and choosing features with your customers’ best interests at heart 💞

    3. Agile teams need to know what’s valuable to their customers

    As we’ve talked about previously, “there is a chasm between the output of a team and successful outcomes for their customers. And the success of a team is measured by outcomes, not code.”

    Fact is, your customers have different priorities to your developers.

    Your developers likely want to work on projects that they find exciting or fulfilling. But the best agile teams know they need to prioritise the features that matter to their customers. Because if you’re not solving their most important problems, your customers will find someone else who will solve them 😨

    4. Customer focus leads to better quality products

    When you’re obsessed with your customers, you deliver products that actually matter.

    One study found that “quality is influenced by top management’s commitment through customer focus”.

    And this makes sense - if your team stays focused on your customers, there’s a much better chance that they’ll build the right things at the right time for the right people. And this is critical to the success of your product and organisation.

    It’s also a great way to avoid building bloated products with unnecessary features.

    5. Do better planning and prioritising

    Your backlog shouldn’t simply be a to-do list. It needs to include feedback from your customers and attempt to tackle their greatest pain points.

    Program Increment (PI) Planning in scaled agile relies on a healthy customer obsession to inform your product requirements.

    During PI Planning, you’ll discuss the backlog with other teams in your Agile Release Train (ART), prioritise your features, and schedule work for the upcoming iterations.

    Without a solid understanding of your customers to inform your backlog, you could end up planning an entire increment that doesn’t deliver anything useful or move the product forward for users. And that’s a pretty costly risk, if you ask us.

    6. Do everything better with customer feedback

    Teams who are obsessed with customers love getting customer feedback, whether it’s via customer interviews, surveys or just having a chat about their experience 🤓

    Customer feedback is incredibly powerful because it can help you:

    • Understand your customers - Know what their biggest problems are and what they care about most
    • Motivate your agile team - Help your team understand the problems they’re solving, the difference they’re making, and that their work is meaningful
    • Spot trends and patterns - Ensure your product adapts to what’s in demand right now and what your customers will need in the future
    • Make better products - Find out what’s not working so you can fix it
    • Track your progress - See whether customers are happier with your product over time
    • Stay relevant - Because products and companies that solve problems stick around long-term
    • Get buy in - When your customers are involved in the process, they’ll feel more committed to the product, which can reduce churn
    • Improve retention - Reduce churn and keep your customers for longer when you incorporate their feedback and ideas into your product
    • Make data-informed decisions - Stop relying on your assumptions and let the data drive your strategy

    So customer feedback is obviously awesome, but what do you actually DO with it? How do you share it with the team and turn it into actions? Well, that’s where user story mapping comes in.

    7. Agile user story mapping is all about the customer

    Most agile teams run user story mapping sessions to discuss what functions and features are needed in the product. User stories are a visual tool for customer focused development, ensuring your customer journey stays front and center throughout development.

    User Story Mapping

    This is where customer feedback comes into play. When your team can access a wealth of feedback from users, they can write user stories informed by real data. This gives them a much better chance of prioritizing features that will add value to users right away. And it means they’ll always know what features to work on next.

    Plus, it makes it much simpler for your team to reach a consensus, compared to your team of developers butting heads about which features they think should be prioritised 😬💥

    By the way, one of the best ways to help your team be more user-focused is to help them streamline the way they do user story mapping 👇

    So, if the paper and sticky notes approach isn’t working for you, try a digital user story mapping tool like Easy Agile TeamRhythm.

    Simply enter your stories, click and drag to move them around, organise horizontally and vertically, and arrange stories into sprint and version swimlanes. Plus, the Jira integration means that any changes are automatically saved in Jira so that your team can get straight to work.

    Sign up for a free 30-day trial of Easy Agile TeamRhythm and let us know what you think!

    Being more customer-focused is a solid strategy.

    If your team isn’t exactly obsessed with your customers, maybe it’s time to change that?

    Because at the end of the day, if you’re focusing on your customers, you’ll make more of the right decisions about what products, features, and requirements you need to work on. Which means your team will find it easier to make decisions, you’ll waste less time, your users will stay loyal, and you’ll build a better product that gets better all the time.

    It’s a solid strategy. Everybody wins! 🎉

  • Agile Best Practice

    A straightforward guide to building smart PI objectives

    Do your teams have a clear understanding of what needs to be done – and why?

    One of the keys to being agile is to focus on the work that matters. This means working on projects that add value to the business and contribute to performance. But for many organizations, teams can get caught up on the latest feature or development, without understanding how that relates to the bigger picture of what the business cares about.

    To keep your team focused on what they have set out to achieve in order to deliver value and achieve business outcomes, setting smart PI Objectives is essential. We look at why they’re so important, what makes a good PI objective, and how you can use them in your organization.

    At a glance:

    • PI objectives help teams understand how what they’re doing matters to the business.
    • Good PI objectives are SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timebound.
    • Linking features to PI objectives within the same tool makes it easier for teams and stakeholders to see how work is achieving business objectives.

    What are PI objectives?

    When an agile team gets together for a PI planning session, there are two key outputs:

    1. The Program Board (ART Planning Board in SAFe 6.0) covers big picture information such as features, dependencies between teams, and milestones. A feature is an agreed upon piece of work identified as being important to meeting business needs. For software development teams, this might be a new product feature. For marketing teams, it might be a website refresh or an advertising campaign.
    2. PI objectives link the scheduled features to broader business objectives and value. This helps align work that needs to be done with broader business goals. They are then broken down into committed and uncommitted objectives.
      1. Committed objectives are those the team is confident they can deliver within the Program Increment. These objectives have been committed by the team through a confidence vote.
      2. Uncommitted objectives are those the team have low confidence in delivering but can help to build a buffer into the PI. This is because while the outcome of these objectives may not be certain, they are included in the teams capacity and plan for the PI should capacity remain after delivering on committed objectives.

    The benefits of having smart PI objectives

    PI objectives link what teams are working on to what the business cares about. They create alignment with business objectives by clearly connecting features to business value. As a result, teams know how their work is adding value.

    Smart PI objectives provide a framework for this. They help build trust, create a shared language, and provide a clear direction. Everyone in the team can then understand what they’re doing, why they’re doing it, and why it’s important.

    Without smart PI objectives in place, teams can spend time on tasks that aren’t adding value to the business and impact agility.

    PI objectives are essential to your ability to measure success. Completing features alone isn't enough - they must drive a business outcome. They help get teams clear on why the work they do matters and define what success looks like.

    What makes a good PI objective?

    We’ve talked about why PI objectives are so critical, and now we’ll explain what makes a good PI objective.

    Good PI objectives:

    • Allow the business to see deliverables in a set timeframe
    • Provide clarity on how scheduled work fits into the big picture
    • Enhance communication between teams and stakeholders
    • Include no more than 7 to 10 objectives in total
    • Aligns with what the business cares about
    • Are clear on why it’s important and what it will deliver
    • Are understood by anyone who picks them up

    Are SMART – that is, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timebound

    PI objectives need to be SMART

    Using the SMART goal-setting framework to write your PI objectives helps keep your objectives clear and concise. Under this framework, your PI objective needs to be:

    • Specific – Clearly and explicitly state the intended outcome of your objective.
    • Measurable – Describe what your team needs to do to achieve the objective and how they will quantify success. Stakeholder feedback should form part of this.
    • Achievable – Ensure the objective is realistic and within your team’s control and influence.
    • Relevant – Align the objective with overall business objectives.
    • Timebound – Set an appropriate timeframe to achieve the objective within the PI.

    Team PI objectiveEnsure Easy Agile server customers have a seamless option to migrate to cloud by implementing JCMA and site import/export by the end of Q3.

    Tips for writing SMART (and smart) PI objectives

    Typically, many teams will run PI planning sessions in one tool, and then use another tool (like Confluence) to record PI objectives.

    But separating PI objectives from the planning sessions makes it hard for the team and stakeholders to see how the work is shifting the dial for the business.

    With the Easy Agile Programs, you can directly link your features to your objectives within the same tool. You're also able to describe the objective within Easy Agile Programs and assign business value:

    By connecting features to PI objectives within the same tool, teams and business stakeholders gain clear visibility of work. They can see how their work is helping to achieve business objectives.

    Learn more

    Using the SMART framework to define PI objectives helps your teams focus on the right work. They align projects with broader business goals while providing a shared understanding across teams. By working towards the same purpose, they help keep your teams and organization productive and agile.

    You can with Easy Agile Programs

    Ready to bring your PI Objectives into Jira?

    Watch Demo

  • Product

    Easy Agile Roadmaps: How To Create a Product Roadmap Template

    Roadmaps help agile teams produce great products. They’re iterative, visual, collaborative, and they can be created directly in Jira. We designed the simplest roadmapping tool for Jira to bring the benefits of roadmaps straight to agile development teams. Use the Easy Agile Roadmaps app to create product roadmap templates that are simple to use, flexible, and integrated directly within Jira.

    In a previous post, we shared a quick guide on how to create a Jira roadmap using Easy Agile Roadmaps. If you haven’t used Easy Agile Roadmaps yet, start there to install a free 30-day evaluation and create a product roadmap in Jira.

    This post will cover some of the key features of our app, including how to synchronize your roadmap, schedule work from your backlog onto the timeline, create theme swimlanes, and visualize key date milestones.

    The benefits of roadmapping

    Roadmaps are extremely useful. Here are just a few of the things they can do:

    • Provide a big picture vision for agile teams
    • Provide a visual summary of the product development process
    • Communicate strategic initiatives and business objectives
    • Allow for real-time iterations
    • Provide a clear time frame to keep product strategy on track
    • Ensure short-term goals are met as soon as possible while still keeping an eye on long-term goals
    • Help product managers oversee and organize product releases
    • Track important release dates and product launches
    • Keep everyone up-to-date on broader business goals
    • Illustrate both a detailed and high-level overview of deliverables
    • Help product managers and team members see dependencies between issues
    • Help development teams bring constant value to external stakeholders

    Plus, when you create a Jira roadmap, you have quick access to your product plans, and you always know exactly where your roadmap lives — right in our app. No more chasing down Gantt Charts or looking for one-off PowerPoint presentations!

    Easy Agile Roadmaps: configuration, themes, markers, and PDF export

    We designed the simplest and most flexible roadmapping tool for Jira to help agile teams work better together. Easy Agile Roadmaps create a flexible, iterative, and easy-to-use visual timeline of product development, allowing product owners to sequence the most critical features for customer delivery.

    Watch our demo or follow the instructions below to:

    • Synchronize Jira start and due date fields
    • Schedule issues on the timeline
    • Add swimlane themes
    • Configure version and date markers
    • Export the roadmap as a PDF

    Synchronize Jira start and due date fields

    We require users to specify which date fields should be mapped directly to the roadmap for a synchronized roadmapping experience. You’ll need to choose your date fields since multiple custom date fields may exist, such as project start and end dates or contract start and end dates.

    A Jira administrator is required to map date fields.

    Navigate to the Jira administrative cog and click “Manage apps” from the dropdown menu. Down the left-hand side of the manage apps page, find “Easy Agile Roadmaps,” and click configuration. Here, you can select the desired date field.

    product roadmap template: Easy Agile Roadmap Altassian screenshot

    In each dropdown menu, you will see all of the available date fields to choose from on your Jira instance. Next, ensure that both of those date fields are associated with the screens used by your product teams.

    product roadmap template: screenshot Easy Agile Roadmap teams

    Once installed, Easy Agile Roadmaps can be found in the project sidebar for every Scrum and Kanban agile board. Clicking on the roadmap icon in the project sidebar will load your roadmap for your selected board. From the dropdown menu in the top right corner, you have the option to view your roadmap from a weekly, monthly, or quarterly timeline scale.

    Schedule issues on the timeline

    After loading your roadmap, two theme swimlanes are present on the roadmap. The first is an example roadmap titled “My theme” that can be renamed. The second is a swimlane called “issues without themes.” Any issues populated within your selected date fields will appear on the timeline in a swimlane titled “issues without themes,” located at the bottom of your roadmap.

    You can use the drag-and-drop functionality to move any issue to a different theme or place it on the timeline.

    product roadmap template: Moving tasks in Roadmaps by Easy Agile GIF

    Issues from your board that have not been populated with start and due date fields can be added to your roadmap from the issues panel. Click on the blue “Issues” button in the top right corner of the roadmap, and simply drag an issue from the panel onto the timeline to schedule it on your roadmap.

    Issues can be resized to show their expected start date, duration, and end date. To resize an issue, drag the left or right end to the desired date.

    Create swimlane themes

    You can slice your roadmap using theme swimlanes. These are a flexible way of grouping work and dividing the roadmap into a more visually digestible format. Theme swimlanes can represent anything suitable for your business context, from distinct themes of work to project components. Examples of themes include health and safety, customer onboarding experience, or customer satisfaction and engagement.

    product roadmap template: Roadmaps by Easy Agile My Themes GIF

    To create a new themed swimlane, click the “Create Theme” button located at the top of your roadmap. Name your theme, and press “Submit.” Your new theme will appear above the issues without themes swimlane and can be reordered using the arrows to the right-hand side of its name.

    Configure version and date markers

    Use Markers to visualize key date milestones and Jira fix versions on your roadmap.

    To add Jira fix versions to your timeline, select the “Markers” button from the top of the roadmap. Click “Add Marker” to the fix versions you want to add to your roadmap.

    Date markers are a flexible way of representing milestones or events, such as conferences, beta periods, or marketing campaign launches. To create a date marker, select the “Markers” button from the top of the roadmap. Select the option “Add a Date Marker.” Name your date marker or milestone, set the start and end date, and choose the marker color. Use color to signify different types of events and to add another layer of visual organization to your roadmap.

    product roadmap template: Add date marker GIF from Roadmaps by Easy Agile

    Export the roadmap as a PDF

    The roadmap can be exported as a PDF to share with users and stakeholders who don't have access to Jira. To export your roadmap, click on the ellipses menu and select “Export to PDF.”

    Select the timeframe you would like to share using the start and end date options, then press “Export.”

    PDF export screenshot in Roadmaps by Easy Agile

    Product roadmap template example

    Below is an example product roadmap template made with Easy Agile Roadmaps. The roadmap shows product launch dates, events, and overdue tasks with vertical colored Markers. Issues are arranged and scheduled by date in themed swimlanes that further organize the roadmap.

    Example of product roadmap in Easy Agile

    Easy Agile Roadmaps are completely customizable, so you can establish a process that works best for your team and your stakeholders.

    How to get the most out of a product roadmap

    ✅ Utilize swimlane themes to tell a story about the customer journey. Ensure swimlane themes are customer-focused, so you always have their needs top-of-mind.

    ✅ Think of the roadmap as a living document. It will continue to evolve based on the needs of your team and stakeholders.

    ✅ Ensure the roadmap is accessible to all stakeholders so that they understand what’s going on and why you are making each decision. If necessary, regularly export the roadmap as a PDF for stakeholders who can’t access Jira to ensure organizational alignment.

    ✅ Actively collaborate with stakeholders, and involve them in the entire process. This will give you a clear understanding of what work will bring the most value to customers.

    We dig deeper and expand on these guiding principles in our Product Roadmap Guide.

    Try Easy Agile Roadmaps free for 30 days

    Product roadmaps are widely used by agile teams since they simplify product goals and planning with a visual representation of the product journey.

    Easy Agile Roadmaps help teams align around a product vision to continually bring value to customers. Complete a product roadmap so you can impress your team and stakeholders before ever making a commitment. Start your 30-day free trial to see what a difference this can make in your process.

    If you have additional questions, ask us for an on-demand demo, which covers the features outlined in this post. Or, contact our team at any time with specific questions about any of our Easy Agile apps.

  • Jira

    The Best Jira Tutorials, Training, and Certifications

    There are infinite learning opportunities available when it comes to using Jira to help you make the most of the tool. From Jira tutorials to Udemy courses to an Atlassian certification, you can continue to hone your skills and learn from others.

    There’s always more to discover. Brush up on skills, advance your career, and gain certificates that can land you your dream job. Continued learning can make you an indispensable MASTER of all things Jira within your organization and around the world.

    Read our list of recommended Jira tutorials, training, and certifications that will start you on the path to Jira mastery.

    Why agile teams choose Jira

    Jira is an agile project management tool developed by Atlassian. It began as a software development application for devops teams but has evolved to help modern workplaces practicing agile methodologies augment their process.

    The software is widely used for bug tracking, issue tracking, and addressing performance improvements based on real-time data. And the online functionality reduces the physical dependencies of managing a project as a team — something that grows more important to businesses every year.

    Fun fact: The name Jira is the truncation of Gojira, the Japanese name for Godzilla. Atlassian recommends yelling it loudly as if you were charging into battle!

    Jira is widely used by nearly every development team because it takes a customer-first approach to designing products. Jira allows for extensive customization to help teams meet the needs of their customers.

    How to choose the Jira learning that's best for you

    Follow these tips when selecting how to receive further Jira training and education:

    • If you are pursuing training to advance your career, you may want proof of course completion, either from an Atlassian University training course or a Udemy course, to provide potential employers.
    • If you are interested in becoming an Atlassian Certified Professional, you’ll need certification through Atlassian University.
    • If cost is a barrier, begin with the free tutorials available from Atlassian University.

    Jira tutorials, training, and certifications from Atlassian

    Jira tutorial: Atlassian logo and their office at the background

    Our list will begin with learning opportunities from Atlassian University (since they know Jira best), and then we’ll expand to tutorials, training, and courses from other online sources below.

    Atlassian University

    Atlassian offers several free Jira tutorials for both beginners and pros, so you can gain confidence with product skills that cover exactly what you need to get started and beyond. The Jira tutorials are clearly labeled with a timestamp to help you plan your schedule.

    Each short Jira tutorial is grouped into a series based on a range of topics, beginning with the very basic to the more specific, including:

    Some tutorial series are short enough to complete on a lunch break, whereas others will take a few hours. So instead of doomscrolling while you eat your sandwich, pull up a quick tutorial to advance your skills! 🥪

    If you hope to earn a certification, but you’re not entirely sure which specific training courses will get you there, Atlassian has role-based learning paths to guide you on your way.

    Atlassian University — Jira certifications

    To finally and officially cement yourself as a Jira Jedi Master, you can become an Atlassian Certified Professional and the go-to expert for all things Jira. Plus, all Atlassian certifications are globally recognized, so wherever you find yourself, Atlassian will be with you.

    A number of different certifications are available depending on your chosen skillset. To achieve a certification, you’ll need to take the courses available through the above training link, gain real-world experience, and take an exam.

    Other Jira tutorials, training, and courses

    While Atlassian University is filled with learning opportunities, plenty of other resources will help you grow from beginner to expert and from expert to master.

    Top Udemy Jira courses

    Udemy Jira courses offer a wide variety of topics at a range of prices for those just starting out with Jira and old pros. Students can access broader topics like agile and project management as well as Professional Scrum Master (PSM) courses to prepare you for your certification.

    Courses come with a rating based on the experience of past students. And considering that over 200,000 students are learning Jira on Udemy, you’ll be able to see which courses are well-reviewed to help you decide.

    From beginner crash courses to more advanced or niche topics, there’s something for everyone. They also offer free “bite-sized” Jira lessons with videos 3 to 11 minutes long, so you can fit them into any busy schedule. Plus, all courses come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

    Expium’s Atlassian courses

    Expium offers workshop-based Jira training for enterprise Atlassian customers. The courses aim to equip students to competently configure Jira with a range of workshops covering beginner basics to more specific topics.

    The hands-on learning is available for public, private, or online classes. Expium is a Platinum Solution Partner, which means, according to Atlassian, they meet the highest training criteria and have a proven practice that can scale from small to large customers.

    Guru 99 Jira tutorial: How to use Jira software for beginners

    Guru 99’s free online resource is for beginners as well as those who need to brush up on the basics. It provides a step-by-step guide for using the Jira dashboard.

    The resource outlines detailed use cases with annotated screenshots from the Jira tool. The detailed imagery shows the basics of creating issues and managing issue attributes as well as more specific uses, like how to set up workflows, clone issues, and create custom fields.

    Guru 99’s Jira tutorial includes:

    • Jira issues and issue types, such as new features, sub-tasks, bugs, etc.
    • Jira issue attributes, such as in progress, open, closed, resolved, etc.
    • Jira components
    • How to create issues in Jira
    • How to create sub-tasks, workflows, plugins, epics, and clones
    • Security schemes and permission schemes
    • Jira reporting and burndown charts
    • How to generate a pie chart of priorities

    Now it’s time to get out there and learn! Successful people know that learning never stops.

    Bonus resource: Continue learning on the Easy Agile blog

    And hey, we’ve got extensive learning resources on our Easy Agile blog, too! From understanding the difference between Kanban and Scrum, using epics to maximize performance, and knowing best practices for Jira workflows; you're in the right place.

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  • Workflow

    Remote Agile Tips: Transitioning your workplace and teams

    For a lot of people, 2020 isn’t quite going as expected.

    Maybe you’ve had a conference or two cancelled (like the Atlassian summit 😭). Perhaps your big team planning event is on the backburner. Or maybe your entire workforce has been told to work from home until further notice.

    Amazon has stopped all non-essential travel and a number of big tech companies have encouraged employees to work from home, including Apple, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook, and HP (in some or all regions).

    You think you’re disruptive? Well, clearly you haven’t met COVID-19!

    The new pandemic has shaken things up. Record numbers of organizations are looking for ways to quickly adapt and transition their teams to working remote. It’s a huge challenge when you consider that agile is typically designed for face-to-face interaction - especially critical events like quarterly PI Planning.

    We’ve put together some thoughts to help you quickly transition your team to distributed agile, based on our own experiences and working with big organizations who have been working with remote team members for awhile now. First thing’s first...

    1. Don’t panic (about distributed agile)

    We’re not qualified to tell you if you should panic about the pandemic (seriously though… you don’t need that much toilet paper). But we are qualified to tell you that a remote workforce isn’t as scary as it sounds. You’re going to be just fine.

    Organizations like yours have been doing their thing with a distributed agile team for years now. One of our customers has a large distributed team and only does remote PI Planning. It's possible to pull it off.

    2. Lead people on how to work from home

    Some of the people on your team probably haven’t worked from home before. At least, not for an extended period. So, offer guidance on what’s expected and how they can make the most from working at home.

    wonder woman

    You know... like business up top, sweatpants on the bottom, and no one on the conference call will be any wiser.

    But seriously, it’s a good idea to share guidance like:

    • What equipment they’ll need
    • A list of software and apps to download (with licensing info)
    • Where to find information and access files (a single source of truth is best at all times, but especially when things are already a bit overwhelming)
    • How to communicate virtually
    • Ideal environments for focus and productivity
    • How to block out noise and distractions
    • Expected work hours
    • How to switch off and take breaks

    But a little guidance will go a long way in helping everyone feel more “at home” with the new work situation.

    3. Encourage information sharing

    You might already have a distributed agile team who are experienced with working remote. So, encourage the experienced remote workers to champion the practice and lead others.

    Create a Slack channel or other environment dedicated to discussions about working from home, so that people can share tips and experiences, and ask questions. At Easy Agile, we've created a #remote channel to share our setups.

    4. Get the right tools

    If your team is working remote for the first time, they might not have all the bits and pieces they need at home to do their job, attend meetings, or show up properly to a remote PI Planning event.

    Depending on their role, they may need:

    • Computer - A desktop and monitor setup or a laptop with sufficient processing power for everyday tasks
    • Meeting equipment - Webcam, headphones, and working mic
    • Your preferred communication apps - Slack, Zoom, Google hangouts, Skype, or Microsoft Teams
    • Security measures - Password managers, VPNs, and antivirus software
    • Your project management tool - Jira, Trello, Asana, or Smartsheet
    • Easy Agile Programs for PI Planning in Jira

    5. Look at this as a pilot

    More people want to work from home and it makes a lot of sense for businesses to encourage this new way of working. It can save a lot of money (one estimate suggests $10,000 per person per year) when teams stay at home. And you can save hundreds of thousands per PI Planning session when you don’t have to pay for flights, accommodation, and event space for a team of up to 100.

    The remote work trend isn’t going away - even after the pandemic dies down. So, look at this as an opportunity to try distributed agile if you haven’t already. You could find it’s a better, more cost-effective way for you to get stuff done and give your employees what they want.

    6.Trust your people

    Man being interviewed on live TV is interrupted by his child walking in the door.

    Nobody likes to feel watched while they’re working 👀 But especially not while they’re working from home. At home, your employees will probably:

    • Face more distractions (like kids!)
    • Step away to put a load of washing on
    • Grab a coffee (and probably a few other things 😋🍛🍫🧁) from the kitchen

    In between all of that, you need to trust that they’ll get their job done, do their best, and be productive - even if it happens outside of regular business hours.

    Fortunately, if you’re agile, you likely have built a culture of trust already. So, keep up with regular communication, virtual standups, and transparency. This should be enough to monitor progress and keep your people accountable without micromanaging

    7. Stay social

    Even if you can’t meet face-to-face, create opportunities for your teams to come together virtually, socialise, and chat. Set up a non-work Slack channel, do regular video calls, and talk about more than just work. People, relationships, and connectedness matter even more when you can’t be in the same room together.

    8. Get better at risk management

    When all of this blows over (and it will), you’ll come out a much stronger organization than before. If a single team member, a whole team, or your entire organization need to work remote in the future, you’ll be able to easily switch gears with minimal disruption.

    Use this opportunity to uncover risks you might not have considered previously. Ask questions like:

    • What if half of us get sick and can’t work for a few weeks?
    • What backup options are in place for our internet connection, files, and communications?
    • What if our building is suddenly inaccessible?
    • Become more aware of potential risks to your company so you can be better prepared in the future.

    9. Look on the bright side

    “Sorry we’re closed but still awesome.”

    While a pandemic isn’t an ideal scenario, it’s okay to look for the positives, like:

    • Your teams may find they love working from home
    • Some distributed agile teams will find they’re actually more productive
    • You'll get greater work/life balance
    • No commutes
    • More quality time with family
    • Reduced emissions from cars and planes
    • Quieter roads with fewer traffic jams and accidents

    And maybe… just maybe… some of these changes will stick around for the better 🤞