
Agile Teams

  • Product

    Rethinking our UI: How Easy Agile innovates for a better user experience

    At Easy Agile, we’re constantly looking for new ways to improve our products, and one of the ways we foster innovation is through Dash Days—a focused period where our team steps away from daily tasks to experiment, explore, and reimagine how our tools can better serve customers.

    During our most recent Dash Days, we took a fresh look at the user interface of two of our flagship products, Easy Agile TeamRhythym and Easy Agile Programs. The goal was to enhance interaction and discoverability, so users can experience the full value of our tools without unnecessary complexity.

    Here’s a glimpse into our thought process, challenges, and the exciting solutions we explored.

    The challenge

    As Easy Agile TeamRhythym and Easy Agile Programs have evolved, we’ve introduced powerful features designed to give users more control and flexibility. However, as new capabilities have been added, the interface has become more elaborate. For us, this presents an opportunity—an opportunity to take a step back, simplify the experience, and help users unlock more of what our products offer.

    To address this, we brought people from across the business together to brainstorm how we could improve the experience in both products. Through these sessions, we identified a few core opportunities:

    Key themes of opportunities to improve Easy Agile's user experience
    • Discoverability: How do we make it easier for users to find and use the powerful features built into our tools?
    • Visibility: What’s the best way to surface the right information and features when users need them? 
    • Consistency: How do we create a more uniform experience within and across our products to make navigation intuitive?

    Armed with these insights, we then set out to explore solutions tailored to each product’s unique challenges. 

    A more personalized experience with Easy Agile Programs

    For Programs, we focused on three “how might we” questions to reframe our challenges into opportunities: 

    1. How might we create more focus on the actions users are trying to complete?
    2. How might we make navigation more intuitive and easy?
    3. How might we help users with more context about where they are in the app at any given screen? 

    Out of the many solutions we explored, the one that got us the most excited was the idea of an Easy Agile Programs Home Screen—a personalized dashboard designed to guide users based on where they are in their planning cycle. 

    Conceptual sketch of a new home screen user interface for Easy Agile Programs
    Conceptual sketch of the Easy Agile Programs home screen

    This home screen could adapt based on where users are in their journey, offering relevant guidance and actions.

    • For new users, the home screen could provide clear onboarding steps and easy access to help, so they can get started quickly and confidently.
    • For experienced users, it could offer insights and key actions related to their progress, so they can stay focused on what matters most. Users might even see data summarizing their accomplishments, which makes it easier to share successes with their teams.

    Whether someone’s brand new to the product or deep into execution, the home screen could be a great way to guide and coach our users—helping them answer questions like, "What should I be doing next?" or "What extra value am I missing out on?". 

    A more focused interface for Easy Agile TeamRhythm

    For TeamRhythym, our three key “how might we” questions were:

    • How might we provide more focus within the User Story Map during sprint planning?
    • How might we improve the discoverability of issues without epics?
    • How might we enhance the layout to highlight key features and improve overall usability? 

    With these questions in mind, we explored a range of ideas to simplify sprint planning and make it easier for users to prep, plan, and review their work, whether they’re using Scrum or Kanban.

    Three-step process for effective sprint planning on Easy Agile TeamRhythm
    Three steps to simplify sprint planning on Easy Agile TeamRhythm

    Sprint planning can sometimes feel overwhelming when you have multiple sprints competing for attention. To help users focus, so we explored the idea of introducing a focused view during sprint planning

    • This would allow users to zoom in on a specific sprint and the backlog alone, while collapsing others. 
    • Each issue would have its own row in the detailed view, and users can drag and drop either an entire row or drag individual issues to quickly rank them based on priorities.
    • The sprint view will also hide epics that don’t have linked issues in the current sprint, giving users a cleaner view of what’s relevant to their current work.
    Conceptual UI of Easy Agile TeamRhythm User Story Map's focused view for sprint planning
    Conceptual UI of TeamRhythm User Story Map's focused view for sprint planning
    Conceptual UI of Easy Agile TeamRhythm User Story Map's detailed sprint view
    Conceptual UI of TeamRhythm User Story Map's detailed sprint view

    We also looked at ways to enhance the User Story Map interface to bring the most useful tools and features to the forefront. By improving how key functionality is presented, we’re helping teams quickly access what they need, when they need it, enabling them to stay productive without interruption.

    Conceptual UI of a more condensed top navigation for TeamRhythm User Story Map
    Conceptual UI of a more condensed top navigation for TeamRhythm User Story Map

    This way, we can create a smoother, more focused experience for teams using TeamRhythm, so they can focus on what’s in front of them without being distracted by everything else.

    Your turn. What do you think?

    At Easy Agile, we’re always thinking about what comes next. 

    These ideas aren’t on our official roadmap just yet, but they’re the kind of innovations we’re excited to explore.

    If you think these changes would improve your experience with Easy Agile TeamRhythm and Easy Agile Programs, let us know! Your feedback helps us decide what to prioritize, so we can continue building tools that truly make a difference for your teams.

    Photos of Easy Agile team working on Dash Days with "thank you!" on it

  • Agile Best Practice

    Six Tips for Improving Team Collaboration

    The 17th State of Agile Report shared that 93% of executives thought that their teams could do the same amount of work in half the time, if their teams collaborated better.

    That's quite a statistic. We’ll leave it up to you to decide whether this reflects a lack of efficiency due to poor collaboration, or a disconnect between leadership expectations and the realities faced by development teams.

    What we do know is that improving team collaboration has benefits and that improved collaboration is a key benefit of effective agile practices.

    So if you think your team could work more effectively, here are six tips for improving team collaboration that we think will make your working life better, and help you deliver for your customers.

    1. Agile Teams Are Cross-Functional

    Cross-functional teams are the backbone of agile collaboration. It's Agile 101:

    The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

    Manifesto for Agile Software Development

    Ideally, your agile team should be able to deliver work independently. The skills and expertise of your team should allow you to handle diverse tasks without creating dependencies on other teams. You can take ownership of the software you're delivering.

    The benefit of organizing into cross-functional teams is a greater shared understanding of your project, where you can each see how the pieces fit together. This type of collaboration supports the efficient flow of work and ensures that knowledge and skills are consistently shared.

    2. Take an Iterative Approach

    Or to put it another way, make it easier to fail fast, so your team can learn why, and correct your course. By breaking down large projects into manageable increments, your team can focus on delivering small, functional parts of working software at regular intervals. This approach goes hand-in-hand with continual feedback from users, ensuring that issues are uncovered quickly and dealt with just as fast. This shared team focus on user feedback, and the shared purpose and collaboration that comes with it, is a key benefit of agile development.

    3. Maintain Regular and Transparent Communication

    Daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and planning meetings are all designed to foster regular and clear communication. You and your team should see these meetings as an opportunity to share ideas, discuss progress and blockers, and collaborate. If your daily stand-up is nothing more than a shopping list of tasks, then you're doing it wrong.

    If your daily stand-up is nothing more than a shopping list of tasks, then you're doing it wrong.

    Someone who has wasted too much time in shopping-list meetings.

    Beyond team meetings, clear communication is important anywhere the details of your work are shared. Agile tools like Easy Agile TeamRhythm provide a central platform for prioritizing work and tracking progress. With a central source of truth that everyone can access to understand goals, priorities, and team commitment, collaboration can be more effective, keeping the team aligned and focused.

    4. Conduct Team Retrospectives

    Hot take: regular retrospectives are the most important agile practice your team can adopt.

    Team retrospectives provide a structured opportunity to reflect on your work and discuss how it can be done better next time. This is team-led improvement because you and your team are in the driver's seat. Encouraging honest and open discussions during retrospectives helps build trust among team members and fosters a collaborative mindset. By continuing to work on processes and behaviors, you and your team can improve your performance over time and make your working life better.

    5. Use Collaboration Tools

    The right tools can make a big difference in team collaboration. The best tools provide a reliable source of truth that the whole team can access, in a place where the whole team will access it. It's a simple concept; a shared understanding of the work is supported by shared and willing access to the same information.

    Choose a tool that makes it easy for you and your team to access information and keep it updated. If you're already working in Jira, an integration like Easy Agile TeamRhythm provides a better view of your work in a story map format, with goals, objectives, and team commitment all made clear. Team retrospective boards are attached to each sprint (or spun up as required for Kanban teams) so you have your team-led ideas for improvement tightly connected to the work in Jira.

    No matter which tool you choose, make sure it will facilitate better alignment, streamline your workflows, and provide a clear picture of roadblocks and progress. By using collaboration tools effectively, your team stays organized, focused, and connected, no matter where each member is located.

    6. Build a Positive Team Culture

    It may sound obvious, but a positive team culture is essential for effective collaboration. Creating an environment where team members feel valued, respected, and motivated, encourages the psychological safety they need to share their great ideas, learn from missteps, and collaborate more effectively with their colleagues.

    High-performing teams recognize the achievements of others, share constructive feedback, and support practices that lead to a healthy work-life balance. Make it regular, and keep it authentic. A positive culture not only improves team dynamics but also boosts overall productivity and job satisfaction.

    Successful Team Collaboration

    Effective collaboration can be the difference between your team achieving their goals, or falling short. By embracing agile practices like the regular communication that comes from agile planning meetings, to the learnings that come from taking an interactive approach to development, and creating time for team-led improvement with retrospectives, you can seriously boost your team dynamics.

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm Supports Team Collaboration

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm is designed to make your agile practices more accessible and effective, helping your team plan, prioritize, and deliver work with better alignment and clarity.

    Built around a story map for visualizing work and retrospective boards that encourage team-led improvement, TeamRhythm facilitates sprint and release planning, dependency management, backlog management, user story mapping, and retrospectives.

    Tight integration with Jira makes Easy Agile TeamRhythm a reliable source of truth, no matter where you and your team members are located.

    Watch a demo, learn about pricing, and try for yourself in our sandbox. Visit the Easy Agile TeamRhythm Features and Pricing page for more.

    Easy Agile TeamRhythm

  • Workflow

    Should you form cross-functional agile teams?

    Should you form cross-functional agile teams?

    In large, conventional organizations, multiple departments manage specific functions. Marketing, finance, HR and sales teams work in silos, often focused on their own outcomes rather than being primarily driven by the customer and the market.

    Yet even before the pandemic hit, organizations recognized the need to manage change and make decisions quicker than ever before to keep up with competitors. Along came covid, and those needs vastly intensified.

    To thrive in an uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world, many organizations are moving away from silos and racing towards enterprise agility, forming networks of empowered cross-functional agile teams.

    But the change from siloed departments to agile teams means change, and change can be difficult.

    In this article we weigh up the pros and cons of each operating model.

    Key points

    • Communication, collaboration, and employee engagement are often better in cross-functional teams.
    • By iteratively testing solutions quickly, cross-functional teams can boost productivity, cut costs, and deliver better results.
    • There may be bumps along the road before a newly formed cross-functional team matures and reaches its potential, but you can take steps to help them succeed.

    "The two most urgent reasons for adopting Agile are the speed and flexibility required by working environments that continue to be bother unpredictable and volatile." State of Agile Report

    What are cross-functional agile teams?

    Cross-functional agile teams (sometimes known as cross-functional scrum teams) are a key element in any organization’s agile development.

    The team brings together people from across the business with different expertise and skillsets. Together, the team works toward a common goal.

    Usually made up of 5 to 11 people, the team defines, builds, tests and delivers projects in sprints or iterations.

    "The ability for the team to support each other, collaborate with each other and align to the goal are wonderful ways to measure agile."

    William Rojas, Adaptavist

    What are the benefits of cross-functional agile teams?

    There are many benefits of having cross-functional agile teams in your organization. Here’s our top five.

    1. Cross-functional teams communicate and collaborate better

    Siloed teams can spend many hours a week in unproductive meetings as they negotiate resources and manage conflicting priorities. On the other hand, Agile teams align on goals and objectives from the beginning of each project. This helps make their subsequent meetings brief, productive and transparent. Each person is accountable and empowered to share progress and solve problems. As a result, agile teams are often more engaged and passionate about their work.

    2. Cross-functional teams are responsive

    In silos, each team is responsible for an aspect of a project with limited visibility into what other teams are doing. This can lead to blockers or conflicting priorities, creating rework and delays. They may also find they lack specific skills as the project goes on, leaving teams rushing to fill the gaps and causing further delays. Moving to agile teams means having the necessary skills and resources available, as well as identifying conflicting priorities and blockers early. This helps agile teams rapidly iterate, continually improve, and deliver results.

    3. Cross-functional teams are innovative

    In siloed organizations, employees can get caught up in their departmental group think. The limited exposure to other teams makes employees less likely to question established practises or suggest improvements. In cross-functional agile teams, perspectives from people across multiple teams are shared from the outset. Because people from different skills approach problems in different ways, this can lead to great ideas and business innovation.

    4. Cross-functional teams help the business adapt to change

    With their iterative approach and frequent communication, cross-functional agile teams can problem solve and change directions fast. They don’t face the renegotiation, reprioritization, and delays that can hold siloed teams back. Instead, businesses with cross-functional teams can better respond to changing market and customer needs.

    5. Cross-functional teams consistently focus on the big picture

    Cross-functional agile teams understand the ‘why’ behind the work they’re doing, and they come together with a focus on the customer experience. This shared focus dissolves the barriers between the different functions within the team. Deliverables are mapped to high-level business objectives which deliver greater value to the end-user.

    What are the downsides of cross-functional agile teams?

    If cross-functional teams are done right, there really are no downsides. What organization doesn’t want increased collaboration, innovation, customer focus and faster delivery?

    That said, there can be bumps and conflict as people learn to adapt to the agile mindset – and this is where cross-functional teams can fail to deliver. Here are some of the common challenges large organizations face when moving to cross-functional agile teams:

    • Cultural resistance with people reluctant to let go of the old way of doing things.
    • No clear accountability, leaving teams unable to make quick decisions and people clinging to a sense of ownership over their work.
    • Lack of alignment with goals which can lead to misunderstandings, rework, and potential conflict.

    With this in mind, it may take a little time and support for a newly formed agile team to find its wings.

    "Often the way teams become agile is just by doing it, trying it, and continuing to evolve and committing to that approach. So, if you haven't started - just get started. That's often the biggest struggle."

    William Rojas, Adaptavist

    The first step is to just get started

    Being agile means changing an organization’s processes and people structure, and it can seem like a lot of hard work. But if businesses don’t transform so they can capture the productivity, speed, customer, and employee engagement benefits; they’re at risk of being left behind.

    Cross-functional agile teams can be your key adapting fast and getting ahead. There’s no doubt they can deliver outstanding results – if you take the right steps to set them up for success.

    For concrete advice on how to drive successful cross-functional agile teams and avoid failure, sign up for our free on-demand webinar - ‘Do’s and Don'ts of Agile Teams with Adaptavist’.

    The webinar will take a deep dive into the SAFe agile team together with our partner and SAFe expert Adaptavist.

    Keen to scale agile and form successful cross-functional teams?

    Come along to a free, 40-minute on-demand webinar to find out how

  • Workflow

    Why User Story Mapping?

    What is User Story Mapping? And more importantly, WHY would you want to run a story mapping session with your team?

    Let’s start off by talking about the origins of User Story Mapping.

    It’s now a common practice in agile software development, but it wasn’t always that way.

    If you have experience with a Scrum or Kanban backlog, you've likely run into the dreaded flat backlog.

    Why Story Mapping

    Flat backlog

    In its simplest form, a flat product backlog is a laundry list of stuff 'to do' that will ultimately provide some form of value to your users/customers. At least we hope so.

    Many of us have contributed to making these backlogs longer and longer, and they inevitably become overwhelming.

    Regardless of whether the team pulls work from the backlog one-by-one or groups it into sprints, prioritizing work in a flat backlog comes with its challenges.

    The flat backlog is a 2 dimensional view. It’s like a shopping list, which doesn’t provide context for the work.

    shopping list

    Enter, the User Story Map! The concept of a User Story Map was born out of a desire to kill the flat backlog and create a more holistic, customer centric overview of our work.

    A user story map is a visualisation of the journey a customer takes with a product, and includes the activities and tasks they would typically complete.

    story map

    Usually conducted at the beginning of a Project, a user story mapping session is done with the sole purpose of creating a shared understanding amongst the team of who your customers are and how you should focus your time working on stories that provide the most value for them.

    You can do this on a whiteboard with sticky notes, or you can do it in Jira using our app, Easy Agile TeamRhythm.

    How to build a user story map

    To create a visualisation of the journey a customer takes with a product, start by identifying each stage, and then list the activities and tasks the customer would typically complete for each.


    Next, begin to associate each item of work in the backlog with its corresponding touchpoint in the customer journey.

    At this point in a User Story Mapping session, a matrix should begin to emerge, containing a list of tasks or stories to which the team has committed to delivering, organized according to the steps in the customer journey.


    From there, the map is divided into the time blocks the team uses to plan their work. For example, in sprint 1, the team might commit to 5 user stories, which are attached to 3 epics.

    This helps build understanding of how progress will be made against larger pieces of work.

    Why user story mapping is better than a flat backlog

    Connecting the work in the backlog to the customer journey in this way begins to answer key questions like:

    • WHY are we building this?
    • WHO are we building this for?
    • WHAT value will it provide them?
    • WHEN do we expect to deliver this?

    User story mapping essentially converts the 2D flat backlog in a three-dimensional view, because it gives us a way to say, “ok I’m currently working on building this user story, and I can visualise what piece of the customer journey this will be directly impacting AND we know when it will be delivered.”

    sprint swimlanes

    Also, by putting the focus on the user, a story map ensures that the backlog contains work that add real value for the customer by helping them achieve their goals.

    How to run a user story mapping session

    Now that you have a better understanding of the value of a User Story Map, let's look at how to create one. First, you’ll need to set up a Story Mapping session with your team.

    But whatever you do, don’t make it an open invite. This is really important, because if you don’t have the right people in the room then it won’t be effective.

    People you could consider inviting are:

    invite list

    The product owner for the team

    • a tech lead
    • a user experience designer
    • a marketing lead
    • a data analyst and,
    • someone from customer support

    It’s also important to set some ground rules for the session.

    There should be one person facilitating the session. A good practice is to involve a Product Manager from another team to run the session.

    Depending on the scope of the story mapping session you may want to take a whole day or spread it out over a couple of days.

    The scope all depends on how big your team is and how many user stories you need to add to your map.

    There should be no phones or laptops out except for the facilitator.

    Also, everyone in the room should be familiar with the user stories being discussed.

    Now that you know the benefits of a user story map and what to consider when setting up the mapping session with your team, start thinking about who you can invite to participate in and facilitate the session.

  • Agile Best Practice

    What Is a Scrum Master, and How Do You Become One?

    What is a Scrum Master? The Scrum Master guides the daily Scrum in projects or software development to streamline processes as much as possible. This person applies agile methodologies to guide successful project outcomes.

    If you want to become a Scrum Master, learn what defines this role. Explore its duties and how the servant leadership style supports carrying out the various responsibilities it involves.

    Find out how the Scrum Master's role benefits product or project development. Finally, discover what qualifications you need to become a Scrum Master and what job types you can apply to complete your studies.

    What is a Scrum Master’s role?

    A Scrum Master's role is dynamic. They must be flexible and adapt to various circumstances, because the Scrum Master serves a vital role in managing projects.

    Every product development project needs a different approach. The Scrum Master must adapt their approach to each position and even play the role of an agile coach at times.

    Whatever role the Scrum Master takes on, they play a servant leader role (we’ll review what this is later). So, their responsibilities vary when guiding the team's progress.

    Some ways that the Scrum Master works with team members and product owners include:

    • Sprint planning with team members and product owners to check that everyone understands what needs to be done
    • Solving issues such as work estimation, scope creep and over-committing to work volumes
    • Holding daily standup meetings to discuss product issues, backlogs, and any other team member concerns
    • Acting as a facilitator to limit blockers that hold the team back from completing iterations on time. The Scrum Master also handles any roadblocks by improving workflows
    • Having sprint reviews that ensure team collaboration and helpful feedback
    • Holding retrospectives to see how team members can improve
    • Monitoring the Scrum board to ensure that all cards are current and that Jira and other software works properly
    • Hosting individual meetings to get to know and help team members one-on-one
    • Handling portfolio planning tools such as analyzing burndown charts. They use burndown charts and other tools as inputs into what the team needs to build and the cadence levels for their work.
    • Making sure that the team members use agile guidelines in their projects. These guidelines help team members meet stakeholder needs.

    At the end of the day, the Scrum Master champions the Scrum process for successful project outcomes.

    Servant leadership

    Part of answering the question, “What is a Scrum Master”? involves looking at leadership styles. These styles include bureaucratic, democratic, transactional, and many others. One style that fits well with the role of the Scrum Master is to be a servant leader, an approach that works well with small teams.

    Servant leaders:

    • Support a team spirit
    • Share responsibility
    • Share decision-making
    • Focus on achievements instead of faults

    Servant leaders find solutions which promote workflows and stakeholder satisfaction.

    Scrum Master according to Scrum methodology

    The Scrum Guide, written by Ken Schwaber, provides an excellent outline of the diverse responsibilities of the Scrum Master. Here are some of this person’s roles:

    • Adopting the role of an agile coach to lead organizational transformation using the Scrum methodology
    • Planning Scrum applications to help the organization understand how the new iterative workflow process works and adapt to changes
    • Guiding leaders, managers, and other stakeholders in understanding the benefits and applications of the Scrum product development methodology
    • Helping increase the Scrum team's productivity
    • Collaborating with other organizational Scrum Masters within the organization to help team members adopt agile principles
    • Promoting positive working relationships between team members, product owners, and other stakeholders
    • Guiding sprint planning, daily stand-up meetings, sprint reviews, and product backlog items

    Scrum Master challenges

    While the Scrum Master supports a streamlined workflow, their job is not always as simple as it sounds. Here are some challenges they may encounter:

    1. Change resistance

    Scrum Masters’ concepts may be new to employees, so Scrum Masters can encounter resistance. Either way, the Scrum Master must create solutions to dealing with any resistance to change.

    2. Lack of understanding

    Not everyone will understand or even like agile processes. A good Scrum Master must overcome this and to help teams connect principles with practical implementation to assimilate agile practices.

    3. Gaining leadership support

    Scrum Masters can only do their work effectively if they have the full support of leadership. Scrum processes can be pretty challenging, which initially disrupts old processes, making transformation difficult.

    Managers may be afraid that the Scrum Master will usurp their authority. Departments may not want to adapt their processes, but the Scrum Master must use agile coach techniques to overcome fears and unwillingness to adapt.

    Unless the Scrum Master has the full buy-in of leadership, any change initiative will derail before it even starts.

    How Scrum Master positions can work

    Role rotation. Agile teams rotate the responsibility of this role between members. For example, each team member does admin tasks for each Scrum meeting.

    Part-time role. The Scrum Master takes on additional responsibilities.

    Full-time role. The Scrum Master takes on a dedicated, full-time role. They must have the experience to do this work and skillfully show the team how to apply agile practices.

    Guiding many teams. A Scrum Master guides several development teams. They monitor the work progress for several teams.

    Agile coach. This Scrum Master role involves coaching teams or other Scrum Masters.

    If the Scrum Master role interests you, you should know that Scrum Master jobs are common, partly due to the popularity of the agile method.

    Organizations often look for ways to improve product development. They want Scrum Masters to help guide the process to get products to the market quicker.

    You can look on LinkedIn for positions for good Scrum Masters. Their research shows that these positions are in high demand, so you can improve your skills with Scrum Master certifications. Your prospects are diverse as you can work in manufacturing, health, government, education, and many others.

    Scrum Masters can get a Certified Scrum Master (CSM) qualification. They can also be a Professional Scrum Master.

    How to become a certified Scrum Master

    Scrum.org offers various resources, including Scrum certifications and training. So, if you want to follow a career in agile methodologies and lead a Scrum team, you can become a CSM or a PSM. You can also opt to train through the Scrum Alliance, which has been operating since 2001.

    Hundreds of thousands of Scrum Masters have attained qualifications through these organizations. Both provide recognizable certifications at various Scrum Master levels, so perhaps it's time to boost your career.

    You can achieve a Professional Scrum Master (PSM) certificate from scrum.org. This is available at three different levels, including:

    • The PSM I certificate. This certificate shows that students understand Scrum and its applications as per the Scrum Guide.
    • The PSM II certificate is proof that you can apply the Scrum principles and practices in a complex real-work situation.
    • PSM III certificate. This certificate shows that students have an in-depth understanding of Scrum Values and can apply Scrum principles and practices in complex environments and situations.

    Anyone who wants to improve their career opportunities can sign up with Scrum Alliance to get their CSM certification. You can become a:

    • Certified ScrumMaster (SCM). This certificate focuses on servant leaders and how to help the Scrum team work together to enact the Scrum framework.
    • Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO). This certificate is for anyone involved in the business aspect of projects. If you want to know more about product development, productivity, and meeting stakeholder needs, this one is ideal.
    • Certified Scrum Developer (CSD). This certificate is good when you want to know how to apply techniques and tools to build great software products. You will learn how to apply iterative Scrum methods in this certification process.
    • The Certified Scrum Professional (CSP) learns how to improve Agile methodology implementation in each project they guide.

    Take your career up a notch.

    Easy Agile provides a range of resources to help Scrum Masters achieve their agile methodology goals. In addition, you can access resources such as our learning hub and webinars to improve your skills.

    Scrum Masters can also explore Easy Agile Programs for Jira to enhance the software development team’s experience. Another excellent resource is Easy Agile Scrum Workflow for Jira.

    Enhance your Scrum Master role with resources that make your work easier by overcoming resistance to new learning curves.

  • Jira

    How To Use Jira To Support Your User Segmentation Strategy

    It's common knowledge in the world of digital marketing and eCommerce that personalization results in higher conversion rates, more engaged users, and a better overall brand experience for your customers. What's less common is personalization strategies based on purchase history, user behavior, and psychographic patterns identified across your customer base — these are known as user segmentation.

    That's just a fancy way of saying that segmentation groups your customers by how they act, think, and feel. If you can identify these patterns, you can begin to anticipate your customers' needs and build personalized marketing campaigns and user flows.

    Let’s say you added a first name to an email. That’s a beginning, but there’s a lot more to personalization strategies than using proper names. Developing deeper insights through segmentation allows for a hyper-targeted marketing strategy and more engaged users.

    We'll dive into the weeds of user segmentation, give you some segmenting ideas, and show you how you can incorporate user segments into your Jira projects to help with your Sprint and release planning.

    Product managers use Jira to plan based on user segments

    User segmentation: Avatars of different nationality

    If you're in product management, you're responsible for creating an organized product roadmap that aligns with the business goals for that time period. Visualizing the target audience represented in each sprint helps ensure you stay focused on the right functionality to meet your goals.

    Often, user personas and customer journey maps are created before user segmenting gets underway. Rich personas and detailed journey maps not only provide valuable information to user experience teams, marketers, and product teams. They are the foundation for building different user segments.

    Apply user segments to each stage of your customers' lifecycle, starting with their first contact with your brand, through purchase, onboarding, product usage, and eventually to churn. When personalized through a customer journey stage, marketing campaigns and product user flows enrich your customers' experience, ultimately increasing your profits and impressing your boss.

    Lucky for you, Jira can help you do that. Here are some simple ways you can use Jira to organize work by user groups:

    • Use labels and corresponding card colors identifying specific user segments.
    • Add a custom field as a lifecycle or market segment(s) identifier.
    • Create separate Jira projects based on segments.

    Easy Agile User Story Maps and Personas are Jira add-ons. These Jira add-on apps are specifically designed to integrate Personas and Easy Agile User Story Maps into your Jira environment.

    These tools allow Product Owners to better visualize and plan Sprints and releases with the appropriate balance of user stories for each customer segment. Create a persona for each segment within Jira and you can filter your Story Map by Persona.

    User segmentation is as simple or complex as you make it

    User segmentation: Group of employees brainstorming

    If you're at the “first name” stage of personalization, you've taken the first step toward building a personalized brand. But now, let’s get started on some basic user segmentation.

    Before we get started, you need to understand two principles behind customer segmentation:

    1. There is an infinite number of ways to segment your customer population. You'll need to do a lot of testing to figure out which segments return the best results for you.
    2. A single customer can belong to multiple user segments. Nope, this isn't going to be a clean, one-to-one matching of customers and groups. But don't worry — we'll give you some tips on how to keep your segments organized.

    Let's start by getting on the same page with what we mean by a segment. A user segment is a collection of users who have something in common. That's it.

    Take a look at some typical methods of segmenting a user base:

    • Geographic segmentation
      • Country, region, state, city, or neighborhood
    • Demographic segmentation
      • Gender, age, race, religion, marital status, or family size
    • Behavioral segmentation
      • Past purchases, preferred device (phone, tablet, or desktop), responses to marketing campaigns, or in-app feedback contributions
    • Psychographic segmentation
      • Lifestyles, beliefs, value systems, interests, or opinions

    As you can tell from this list, customer segmentation requires a significant amount of customer data. You probably have a lot of geographic and behavioral data already in your CRM or analytics tool.

    Collecting demographic and psychographic data requires you to get more creative. While some customers readily offer this information, others are not so willing to disclose their personal details. Enticing those users through survey completion discounts, promising a more personalized experience, and analyzing social media interactions are a few ways to get a more complete demographic and psychographic disclosure from your user base.

    Advanced user segmentation strategies

    User segmentation: Group of employees smiling and looking at a laptop

    Basic segmentation is pretty straightforward. Once you've got that down, you'll want to move on to more advanced segmentation techniques to increase your targeting and results. This is where segmentation gets fun.

    With advanced user segments, you begin to combine customer attributes across segments. For example, you may create a segment of users from Brooklyn Heights who own a specific product and typically purchase from their phone.

    Let's take that example a step further. Suppose next, you create a segment of users from Brooklyn Heights who bought a specific product in the last 14 days, made their last two purchases from their phone, and have never responded to an email campaign. This segment seems like a prime candidate for an SMS campaign. Without segmentation, how would you know?

    Another more advanced segmentation strategy if you have multiple products is combining product ownership, purchase history, and affinity data to create segments predicting the next purchase behavior.

    An example of product affinity data would be customers who bought Product A also bought Product B 83% of the time.

    Then, have your analytics team figure out the typical time lapse between the purchase of Product A and Product B.

    Now, build your segments based on customers that bought Product A but have not yet purchased Product B. Your segments will include users that purchased A in the last 30 days, 31-60 days ago, and more than 60 days ago. (Your data will tell you the real numbers based on purchase history patterns within your customer base.)

    These segments are ready for everything from targeted campaigns to customers most likely to purchase Product B. Trust us, your boss is gonna love this stuff!

    We hope you're starting to see how to get more specific and include more attributes as your segmentation strategy gets more complex and more targeted. We recommend you start generally gradually add complexity to your user segments.

    Because your segments are basically filters through which you view your customers, the more you segment, the smaller your population becomes. Customizing a campaign or user experience flow for a population of 50 when you have 5 million customers just doesn't make sense. Gradually adding complexity will let you know when you've gone too far and your population is too small.

    Quick tip: Derived versus explicit data

    When it comes to specific data attributes for your user segments, don't forget to think about derived versus implicit data. Derived data is presumed based on other explicit data.

    Let us explain. Say you are building a music app and one of your user segments is jazz music fans. If a customer completes a form and tells you she loves jazz music, you explicitly know that she is a jazz music fan.

    However, if a customer hasn't given you that information, but her music purchase history includes repeated purchases of songs from jazz musicians, you can derive that she is probably a jazz fan.

    Think of derived data as a way to combine explicit data that allows you to make some actionable assumptions.

    Release the power of segmentation through Jira

    Woman smiling and looking straight ahead

    By now, you can probably see that user segmentation creates richer personalization experiences for your customers, which garners higher profits and better retention. And with Jira at the top of Gartner's list of agile planning tools, you might be able to use these tips on creating a user segmentation strategy with Jira.

    Remember the steps to maximizing your customer and market segmentation strategies:

    1. Create rich personas and detailed customer journey maps.
    2. Use personas, journey maps, and internal user data to build meaningful customer segments.
    3. Build personal marketing campaigns and user experiences for specific user segments.

    In Jira, you can visualize, organize, and plan your product work with your user segments in mind. Combined with a roadmap app, Jira is a great tool that allows you to measure and report on the value delivered by each of your user segments.

    At Easy Agile, we live by our name — making agile easy is our mission. Go ahead and check out our Jira apps: Easy Agile Personas, Easy Agile User Story Maps, and a flexible Easy Agile Roadmaps.

  • Workflow

    The guide to Agile Ceremonies for Scrum

    Ceremonies are regular events held by Scrum teams. ‘Agile’ is a broad word describing a different way of working with shorter, time-boxed cycles for releases.

    Under the broad umbrella of agile, Scrum is one of the most popular approaches that teams use to organise their work and releases.

    Each short iteration of work in Scrum is referred to as a sprint. A sprint is normally a 2 week period where the team focuses on a small slice of work.

    The idea is that everyone focuses on 1 slice of work. And that slice is to be completed and shipped to the customer within that same sprint.

    Scrum can be broken down into a few important elements:

    1. Roles
    2. Artifacts
    3. Ceremonies

    This post will focus on the Scrum Ceremonies.

    All of the 4 Scrum ceremonies help ensure the Scrum team stay focused on the slice of work they agreed to focus on in that sprint.

    It helps the team with transparency about progress on the work they committed to finish and to raise any issues early before they become blockers.

    Let’s have a look at each of the four agile ceremonies in Scrum:

    1. Stand up (or daily Scrum)

    Goal of the stand up: a brief check-in where the team can raise issues or communicate with the whole team face to face.

    Who joins the daily stand up: Developers, Scrum Master, Product Owner

    Outcome of daily stand up: the team raises any blockers, but doesn’t have to solve them. Ensure each team member is clear about what they are working on. Each team member should be able to answer these three questions:

    stand ups
    • What did I complete yesterday?
    • What will I work on today?
    • Am I blocked by anything?

    When to hold a stand up: daily

    Tip: stand ups can be done by business teams and don’t always have to be face-to-face. Here’s a photo of Australian bank ANZ’s executive stand up in action:

    exec stand up

    And another pic from InsideIT’s stand up:

    stand up

    2. Sprint Planning

    Goal of sprint planning: sprint planning helps the team prepare for what work is coming up next. The team discusses each item of work which has been prioritised by the Product Owner.

    Who does sprint planning: Developers, Product Owner, Scrum Master

    Outcome of sprint planning: that everyone knows what the sprint goal is and how they are going to achieve it. Make sure everyone understands what’s the overall vision or objective of the work.

    The team will be comfortable with what work is available to be picked up in the next sprint. The team will discuss any impediments or opportunities and how they can optimise the way the work will be completed.

    The team will also estimate the work and draw a line when it is estimated that the effort to complete the work exceeds the team’s capacity or historical velocity.

    When to hold sprint planning: at the end of a sprint or very beginning of a new sprint.

    Bonus: sometimes in sprint planning you will find things you won’t do, and that’s valuable too.

    tweet sprint planning

    3. Sprint review

    Goal of the sprint review: showcase the work completed and receive feedback from the Product Owner and relevant stakeholders.

    Who joins the sprint review: Executive Sponsors, Developers, Scrum Master, Product Owner

    Outcome of the sprint review: each team member feels empowered by showcasing their work to the team. The team can celebrate their achievements. Executive team can ask questions. Product owner can provide feedback and check the work is of high quality and satisfies the user story. Works best with drinks and cake.

    When to hold a sprint review: at the end of each sprint.

    sprint review

    4. Retrospective

    Goal of the retrospective: honest discussion about what worked well and didn’t work well. Encourage self-improvement and transparency.

    Who joins the retrospective: Developers, Scrum Master, Product Owner

    Outcome of a retrospective: receive feedback from the team and seek to improve in the following sprint. The beauty of agile and Scrum is the fast feedback loop.

    mario kart retro

    If something isn’t working well, it only hurts the team for a maximum of 2 weeks. It can then be addressed at the retrospective and action can be taken to address the issue before it gets out of hand.

    The outcome should be a commitment from the team to focus on addressing areas that need improvement or continuing behaviours that benefit team health and/or velocity.

    When to hold a retrospective: at the beginning of a new sprint, reflecting on a sprint that has just ended.


    The common theme across these Scrum ceremonies is that they encourage team collaboration, transparency and communication.

    In my experience, this is what truly makes agile a better way of working.

    It’s not the story points or even the way the backlog is prioritised that makes a difference. The true game-changer of agile is that it helps teams with open and honest communication.

    These agile/Scrum ceremonies won’t always work the same for every team.

    However, they are a great way to facilitate conversation and encourage continuous improvement.

  • Jira

    What Jira Roadmaps Can Do for Agile

    Just as you looking at a physical map before a road trip helps you understand the legs of each journey, roadmaps help agile teams understand their workloads for the upcoming months. Jira roadmaps offer further benefits, such as timeline visualization and the ability to share relevant information with external stakeholders.

    In this article, we'll unpack the purpose of product roadmaps and whether they’re all the same, as well as why Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira is the simplest roadmapping tool for Jira. You’ll discover how roadmaps help Product Owners, agile team members, customers, and stakeholders. You'll also understand the difference between roadmaps and Gantt charts.

    Let’s start with discussing the purpose of roadmaps for agile teams.

    Why does an agile team need a roadmap?

    Agile team roadmap

    Roadmaps help agile teams define their big chunks of work and when to complete them by. It’s an artifact to communicate with the team, customers, and other project stakeholders.

    With roadmaps, agile team members have a sense of their journey for the next 3-6 or even 12 months. By understanding this journey, teams can better understand their product’s evolution.

    If you’re a Product Owner, roadmaps are a great way for you to:

    • Demonstrate that you understand company goals
    • Show the C suite and the agile team that you're aware of customer needs
    • Show you know how to deliver a valuable product to your customers while meeting your company's goals

    Roadmaps are also a great way to remind you and your team how their work fits into the bigger picture. They give you an opportunity to motivate and help team members.

    Also, by breaking down epics into user stories in the product backlog, Product Owners and the development team can better prioritize, schedule, and assign resources to those work items.

    Now that we've covered the basics of Jira roadmaps, let's take a look at how to adapt them for different roles.

    Tailoring roadmaps to meet specific needs

    Different people on the team will need different views of roadmaps. Some roles focus on analyzing specific roadmap items of roadmaps, and other roles focus on different parts.

    The development team needs roadmaps with expected release dates, milestones, and a detailed customer value explanation.

    You may prioritize roadmap items by customer value, which makes sense when considering the customer-first agile methodology.

    Often, development teams have roadmaps organized by sprints and work items arranged on a timeline. A work item can be a user story, a task, or a bug.

    The C suite uses roadmaps to map the work of development teams onto company goals and metrics.

    Those roadmaps display work items organized by month or quarter. This organization helps track progress over time and draw conclusions on goal achievement.

    When roadmapping for the C suite, you don't need to worry about providing them with detailed work item descriptions.

    The sales staff relies on roadmaps to learn about new features and customer value. That kind of information can help improve sales conversion. Roadmaps are a great way for the sales staff to understand upcoming developments they can get customers excited about.

    You should also do your best to offer visually appealing and highly readable roadmaps to your customers. They'll look for a prioritized overview of new features.

    Jira roadmaps might help you deliver these different types of roadmaps.

    Jira roadmaps

    Atlassian included roadmaps in next-gen Jira software. Jira roadmaps allow you to define and organize items in a timeline and keep them up-to-date. You can even share the work status with stakeholders.

    But the coolest thing about roadmaps in Jira is that it syncs with the developers' work.

    As the scope of a project can change while agile teams are working, it can get tricky to maintain an up-to-date roadmap, especially if you’ve been using a static tool like Excel or Confluence. Thankfully, Jira roadmaps allow you to quickly and easily update the work status and item priorities.

    Agile teams can attach user stories to the Jira project on which they're working. As a result, Jira software updates the actual work in their roadmap.

    You can also use Jira software to break down roadmap items, or epics, which means dividing work into small chunks. And as if this wasn't enough fun, you can use Jira Software's drag-and-drop functionality to adjust item priorities in the timeline. Consequently, Jira Software automatically adjusts the dates in the epics.

    These are a few more reasons why Jira roadmaps are worth checking out. They offer:

    • Stakeholder collaboration in creating and maintaining the roadmap
    • The ability to share information with external stakeholders
    • Increased availability and visibility to team members
    • Tight links between a team's work and the roadmap
    • Seamless item update ability
    • Project status visualization
    • Both high-level and detailed item descriptions
    • Connections between Jira issue dates and dates on the roadmap

    Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira can help shape your roadmap as a timeline with swimlanes based on work themes or teams. Drag and drop items on the timeline to set when the team will begin and end working on them. You can also:

    • Define milestones
    • Filter the roadmap’s view
    • Track epic completion progress
    • Share a PDF version of the roadmap with stakeholders

    Before you go, we should get on the same page about Gantt charts vs. roadmaps.

    What are Gantt charts?

    Example of Gantt chart

    When we say “Gantt charts are useful for agile teams,” you might immediately think, “That can’t be right!” 😮 However, Gantt charts can be useful in the right context. They’re just not very agile.

    The Gantt chart, named for the chart’s creator, Henry Lawrence Gantt, provides a graphic schedule for planning and visualizing tasks organized by project stages.

    Project managers use Gantt charts to manage task dependencies and the critical path. This path is the sequence of tasks that team members must execute on time to not compromise the project’s end date.

    Simply put, if you’re building a data center, you have to define the order in which the team must execute tasks. Basically, the team can’t start some tasks before completing others.

    Now, let’s clarify why roadmaps are agile, whereas Gantt charts are not.

    Why Gantt charts and roadmaps are not interchangeable

    At first glance, Gantt charts seem similar to roadmaps. However, at their core, they serve different purposes and audiences.

    Gantt charts assume that team members will complete work in a linear fashion. This means that the execution of some tasks depends on the execution of other tasks. And any modification to the schedule can compromise the project’s end date, so you should avoid task rescheduling and frequently track the execution of tasks.

    This is why the linearity of Gantt charts goes against the very principles of agile. 🛑

    The agile methodology originated from the need to address the inefficiencies of traditional project management practices in software development. One of those methodologies is the waterfall methodology.

    Agile teams do adaptive planning and deliver outcomes on an ongoing basis. They also focus on continuous improvement. That’s why no Gantt chart would fit into an agile workflow.

    Gantt charts follow a linear delivery model with lots of task dependencies, which tends to be slow. 🐌

    On the other hand, the agile workflow has shorter development cycles — iterations — with frequent deliveries and the bare minimum task dependencies. That speeds up continuous improvement. Additionally, agile teams adapt their roadmaps very well to ever-changing priorities and requirements.

    Roadmaps are good, but Jira roadmaps are awesome

    Jira roadmaps like Easy Agile Roadmaps help order work items by priority and update their statuses. Stakeholders can make collaborative edits on roadmaps in Jira, which is very convenient.

    Perhaps the greatest feature of Jira roadmaps is that developers can both track work in Jira Software user stories and through the tasks on those roadmaps. From the Product Owner's perspective, the benefit is how they visualize the developers' work and communicate it with stakeholders.

    It’s really important to make sure that both the C suite and the agile team buy into the roadmap. If they don’t, you might not be aligning your team’s work with company goals and customer needs.

    Keep in mind that roadmaps’ benefits work two ways: Team members better realize how they contribute to achieving company goals, and you can monitor that process.

    Try our Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira. Whether you’re following the Scrum framework or the Kanban framework, it’ll help you organize your team’s work items in a timeline, define milestones, and track progress.

  • Jira

    Streamline Your Sprints With 9 Jira Automations

    Sprints are at the core of agile principles. And they’re how a Scrum team uses a predefined time period to work together towards an agreed-upon goal. A sprint focuses on interaction and collaboration to produce working software. A team has to do a lot of work to maintain their sprint workflows in Jira. Changing task statuses, notifying teammates to sprint changes, and keeping developers’ code changes in sync with Jira tasks can all add up to a lot of manual mouse clicks. 🖱

    Many of these manual steps can be automated to save your team effort.

    Help your Scrum team with Jira automations

    Scrum is a framework for getting agile work done. The Scrum events are:

    • Sprint: The time period in which the team works toward their sprint goal (e.g., completing a set amount of user stories from the product backlog). The next sprint starts when the previous one ends.
    • Sprint Planning Meeting: A meeting that scopes the amount of effort required for backlog items prioritized by the product owner. The software development team commits to completing that amount of work.
    • Daily Scrum: A brief meeting each workday when Scrum team members update each other on the progress of their work within the sprint. It's a time to lend support or unblock another team member who may be stuck on an issue.
    • ​Sprint Review: A time for the Scrum team and stakeholders to review the outcomes of the completed sprint and discuss what impacts they have on future sprints.
    • Sprint Retrospective: A meeting to find opportunities to improve on the team's agile processes and its interactions with each other.

    Which Scrum roles are involved:

    • Software Developers: They get the work done but don't want any sprint surprises.
    • Product Owner: This person prioritizes the work and sometimes has to make unplanned mid-sprint changes.

    Every player on the software development team, from startups to established companies, has repetitive tasks they need to perform throughout its sprint events. Because we're all human, when we're sprinting, we sometimes forget to transition the status of issues or do the little things in Jira that keep everyone on the team aware of what's happening in our sprint in real-time.

    Automate your sprint workflows with Jira

    Have no fear. Jira can help automate typical sprint workflows like task transitions and team notifications. 🤯 Agile project management within software development is a methodology that is conducive to automation. You can link behaviors in your Jira issues to trigger actions from tools like Slack and MS Teams, email, GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab.

    You can use Jira automations to do things such as:

    • Notify team members and stakeholders of any changes to a sprint
    • Trigger actions based on task transitions within a sprint iteration
    • Keep Jira task and sub-task statuses and story points in sync
    • Connect code commits and build statues to Jira issues

    Oh my!

    If you didn't know these tools existed, here's your chance to learn them.

    Automate your way to connectivity

    Keep agile teammates in the know

    When a sprint begins, it's important the product owner notifies team members if something changes. That way, you can make sure it won't negatively impact your ability to complete your sprint goal.

    Communication within agile teams is paramount, and Jira provides ways to automatically notify your scrum team based on rules you set about your sprint. For example, you can send emails or Slack notifications when the status of a task changes.

    Task and sub-task coordination

    Sub-tasks are a handy feature in Jira. They help you break tasks into smaller steps and track their progress as they're being worked on. Scrum masters encourage this universally in agile, but it can be easy for sub-tasks to get out of sync with their parent tasks. We’ll soon learn a Jira automation to prevent this.

    Connect developer code work to Jira issues

    Your development team has a lot on its plate during a sprint. Not only does it have to complete all of its user stories — but there's also the mechanics of keeping code commits by developers synced with their associated Jira tickets. And, always remembering to keep these in tune with Jira tickets is burdensome. As you’ll see, there are ways to connect actions taken in GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab and update Jira tickets.

    Jira automations FTW

    Here are our nine favorite Jira automations that streamline our sprint workflow.

    1. Notify teammates when a story is added to a sprint

    Scope creep (adding new points to a sprint after it starts) is nobody's friend. However, there are times when a product owner needs to pull an item from the product backlog and add it to the current sprint. When this happens, it's best practice to inform the whole team that a change has been made. Use this handy automation template to send an email to your team when backlog items are added to a sprint.

    2. Automatically assign a task when its status changes

    Some team members need to be made aware when an issue transitions to being on their plate. When an issue’s status switches to In Review, for example, you can auto-assign it to a QA teammate.

    3. Celebrate when your sprint is over by sending a Slack message

    A lot of work happens during a sprint. Because your next sprint always begins immediately when the current one ends, it's often difficult to find time to celebrate wins. Use this celebration to send a fun Slack message to your team when the final issue in the sprint is completed. You can make sprints fun with automation!

    4. Automatically put In Progress issues into the current sprint

    There are lots of moving parts when trying to ensure that In Progress Jira issues are visible in the current sprint. Nobody wants hidden work. When a developer moves a task into In Progress, you can automatically assign it to the current sprint.

    5. Sum the story points of sub-tasks and update the value of the parent task

    Be sure that your story point totals are accurate by automatically summing the points of your sub-tasks and updating the parent task with the value. They'll never be out of sync with each other with this nifty automation rule.

    6. Close an issue when all of its sub-tasks are complete

    Some people like to work with sub-tasks, which is great. But it's easy to overlook closing a parent task after you've finished your work and closed all of its sub-tasks. Well … you can automatically close a parent task when all of its sub-tasks are complete so this doesn't happen. 🤖

    7. Move a task to In Progress when a commit is made

    Save your developers time by cutting down on redundant tasks. When a code commit is made, it means a task is being worked on. Connect Jira to your commit repository (GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab) so that when a code commit is made, the associated Jira issue moves to In Progress.

    8. Add a comment to a ticket when a pull request is made

    Adding details to a Jira ticket from a pull request can be a copy-and-paste job — but it doesn't have to be. Use a trigger to add the details from the request into a Jira comment.

    9. Notify the development team when a Jenkins build fails

    Certain issues can't wait to be realized by the whole team on the next daily stand-up. If your Jenkins build fails, this is an awesome way to let the whole team know by Slack, MS Teams, or email ... right away.

    Make agile sprints easy

    Automations in Jira make a sprint team’s life easier by cutting down on the manual work needed to keep the mechanics of a sprint running.

    You can use modified versions of these automations with Easy Agile to make agile even easier! For example, celebrate roadmap wins by notifying your team when issues are completed in your Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira, or sync your Jira data fields with your roadmap. There are many ways to mix-and-match rules and triggers to make Jira automations work for you.

  • Workflow

    The State of Atlassian Report by Adaptivist (a summary)

    A couple of weeks ago, our partner Adaptavist released their State of the Atlassian Ecosystem Report which surveyed approximately 1,000 users of Atlassian tools and services. After reading the 50+ page document, I decided that the reports' insights were extremely valuable and worth sharing.

    You can also download the full report here. It is a fantastic read and incredibly interesting for anyone working within the Atlassian ecosystem.

    Key take-aways from Chief Information Officer at Adaptavist

    • Despite a turbulent year, Atlassian ecosystem continues to grow and evolve. This year the company surpassed $US500 million in quarterly revenue for the first time
    • For those who rely on Atlassian Server, the company’s decision to sunset its Server products has forced some soul searching and tough decision-making
    • Atlassian continues to focus on driving improvements around security, customisation, and feature parity
    • Let's open up collaboration across the ecosystem and find new ways to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.

    Key findings

    • Usage Up: Atlassian usage up despite decrease in IT spend overall. Including Jira, Access, Trello, Align and Advanced Roadmaps
    • Non Tech User Up: Increase in non-technical teams using Atlassian tools including Operations and Marketing.
    • Challenge: The biggest integration challenge organisations face is connecting Atlassian with other third-party apps such as Zoom, MS Office, Slack, Gitlab, Github, Salesforce.
    • Cloud: Atlassian Cloud adoption is increasing slowly but surely, 28% 2020 to 34% 2021. Server represents the majority of deployment followed by DC
    • Challenge: Customisation (57% concerned), app integration (48% concerned), cost, and feature functionality (43% concerned) are the main concerns about migrating to Atlassian Cloud
    • Changing deployment: 65% of respondents are expecting to change how they deploy Atlassian products in the next three years. Sunset of Server spurring this.
    • What people want more Automation - drives business processes, reduce operational costs and improve integration with tools
    • DevOps is Up: 27% of respondents developing a DevOps strategy in next 3 years. Adoption across verticals. Why? Automates workflows, faster development cycles, better coordination across teams, improved time to market. Why not? Lack of capability, inadequate training, budget (Same as the benefits that org’s can expect from DevOps!)
    • Agile Adoption Up, barriers to scaling efforts though: 67% of large enterprises (>5,000 employees) have high agile adoption intentions. Agile at scale adoption has increased from 10% in 2020 to 49% in 2021. Biggest barriers to agile at scale adoption: other priorities, current method working fine, unclear ROI. Why do org’s want to adopt agile at scale? Better team coordination, align strategy with delivery, increased visibility.
  • Product

    Story Maps: A visual tool for customer focus

    This past May John Walpole of Twitter presented Story Maps: A visual tool for customer focused development at the Facebook Technical Program Manager event in Silicon Valley. And our product, Easy Agile User Story Maps for JIRA, got a shoutout — thanks John!

    Watch John’s lightning talk now:

    John Walpole is a Technical Program Manager at Twitter in San Francisco. Prior to joining Twitter he was an engineer, product and program manager involved in the Xbox, Azure and Windows projects at Microsoft.

    In this lightning talk, recorded at Facebook, John explores story maps as a way to figure out what your agile software development team should focus on (in order to satisfy customer needs). Story maps keep the customer journey front and centre during development and make it clear what should be included in a team’s sprint. For more on story mapping see Understand what your customers want with agile user story maps.